Hoe do I change my IP? I have tried turning off the router for als few minutes, but it didn't work

Hoe do I change my IP? I have tried turning off the router for als few minutes, but it didn't work.

Your ISP sets your external IP address. Most ISPs do this dynamically so it can change once in a while. There are things you can do to try and force a change but none of them are guaranteed to work.

From what I've read it seems like if you go into your network settings and manually set an external IP that's close to your current external IP you should be able to connect.


You need to upgrade your router to something that can be flashed by openwrt atleast or lede.

Are you using wangblows?

>Are you using wangblows?

I heard somewhere that cloning your MAC adress can change your external IP, is this true?

Change your router mac address

Hm... Have you tried exposing your router to small amounts of X Ray? This usually works.
And if you wonder where the fuck you can get X Ray!? Microwave, just put it in microwave for 2-5 seconds.


>a few minutes
Try 2 days. If it didn't change, you'll have to use Windscribe.

There's you problem right there. Install gentoo.


dumb frogposter

Call your ISP, tell them you're being hacked and they'll give you a new IP

>Try 2 days
I can't.

dumb frogposter

This guy is a dumbass.
Youve got to put the router in a body of water

Stoker's shift, microwave is an actual frequency band,

stoker's shift is about taking a lower frequency/energy state and shifting it higher.

Immersing it in a pool of water forces the energy wave to "shift" to a higher frequency (in this case, xray)

I figure about 2 minutes in the microwave submerged in water should be sufficient.

Just make sure to dry it out afterwords for obvious reasons.

Not very funny guys

Try overnight or change your router mac address.

You can change your ip by going to your routers admin interface (typically at and hitting the "release address" button.

You need to dhcp release and renew.

There is a chance they will assign you the same IP over and over, if that's the case changing the MAC address of your WAN interface may help.