>prefering android over iphone
Prefering android over iphone
>preferring a phone that can't render fonts without shutting down
wow sure got me there
>this meme again
Begone pajeet!
>prefering iphone over android
t. overweight redditor
How will Soydriods ever recover?
>I also watch rick and morty :)
t. shit for brains
>prefering to shallow
Yeah, okay, faggot.
>Work provides me with a phone
>Can pick any phone from Verizon
>Pick Galaxy S8 instead of IPhone X
Using Chinese and Korean plastic shit over American made quality.
When will Soydriods ever learn?
I trust Samsung to make a quality product over any brand. I was worried that the Pixel 2 XL would be too much Google software.
>show-stopping software bugs have never happened on Android
Konqi thinks you're a faggot!
No faggarton.... I'm not a Soydroid homo who larps over plastic Asian shit.
>android isn't google
The company that made phones that literally exploded into flames so often they got banned from flying and remotely bricked by carriers? The company that loads every phone with TouchJizz?
You'll forgive me for not taking (you)r opinion seriously.
>Designed in a backwater village in Shenzhen
>Designed in California
rly makes u think
Yes, you are a iSoy who loves his little chinesium toy
What else is new? LMAO
The only notable thing about California is the vast population of fags, niggers and spics.
Is that really the crowd that you want producting your iShit?
>calling something TouchJizz
>thinking this would have a bad connotation
It certainly is, but I think Google hardware, and then Google OS, and then Google userland is a bit much.
Your slurs are pointless noise and proclaim your stupidity to everyone outside of your little containment board.
>pic unrelated
Shit you got me, better buy an iphone
No one is perfect.
>muh niggers m-m-muh spics!
Sup Forums subhumans are really the worst, back to your basement cracka before this BBC tears that ass up
How much soy does one have to consume before they fall for the Ching Chang Chong phone meme?
Apple is literally the world's top predator while Soydriods are fapping to 2D cartoons
This thread is Sup Forums tier
really shows how underage this board is when you can get a rise out of these virgins by mentioning a fruit
This is not a real person. It is an ad bot built by Apple's marketing department.
kys nigger
can you change your battery yet?
can you use microSDs?
can you make apps without a license?
can you flash your own OS?
android doesn't slow down the OS deliberately over time to make you buy a new handset
Yeah a bot with an AI and create and post a meme... go have some more soy cubes.
Apple uses Samsung parts for their phones
Apple DESIGNED the part. Samsung just builds it. A monkey can run an assembly line. The genius is behind the design.
ima get the squad and we finna run a train on that ass
So Apple quality products = Samsung quality products since samsung is building apple parts.
then why are samsung phones vastly superior?
and they cost less too
I like my emulators (well i did also heard that iphone has some too lately)
Technically they're not. A phone is a combination of OS, ecosystem, and hardware. It's not just muh hardware. Apple has the best complete product out there.
ummmmm try again sweetie
>California is less of a backwards shithole than Shenzhen
>prefering absolutely proprietary boynet over more freedom-respecting botnet
>anime posting
>chink praising
go back to fapping to hentai, soy
>no underpants
what a fucking slut
Go back to choking on apple's cuck soyboy
Having to pay for a different keyboard that you can't even use in anything other than notes.
you cant even use microSD
has iphone gotten nfc yet?
has apple added the headphone jack back yet?
cali user here. can confirm.
>using a phone with locked bootloader and closed source OS
its still a $1000 chinkphone
I use both platforms but my biggest gripe with android is I can't buy one that'll give me 5 years of OS updates, I'd pay a big premium for it
>caring about people's phone choices
>phones now have performance that rivals or beats top of the line laptops
where did tech go so wrong? Why is it so fucking hard to build a old thinkpad quality laptop thats looks nice and has desktop tier specs?
>using a cellphone at all
Enjoy your servitude, goy.
>not being a self absorbed selfie whore who needs 600 terabytes of space.
>Apple pay works just fine.
>Living in 2018 where Bluetooth headphones sell for as little as $20 a pair.
Anything else?
singlecore matters more for simple apps like browser or social media which is what 90% of the people use their phones for
Buy one of the Android One phones like the Xiaomi Mi A1. That way you bypass the retarded makers and get updates from Google.
Shenzhen is the best place on the planet to design electronics. You can order your schematics manufactured in the morning and receive a working piece of hardware in the evening. They can cycle through hundreds of prototypes and see what works and what doesn't. Meanwhile, iphones are designed purely by the marketing team and then the hardware department is desperately trying to fulfill their requirements. You better fucking pray that they can keep up with them, but they are already slipping - every version after 3GS had some kind of bullshit hardware issue.
>iphone always performs best at artificial benchmarks attempting to simulate real world performance
>always gets destroyed in actual real world performance
Why is this?
Any of you fags know how to unlock a Galaxy A5's bootloader without having access to the settings?
>inb4 give it back tyrone
My mate found it and it's looked to a google account. Call me a nigger all you want.
Because Applel tunes their trash to the benchmark since they can't compete in real usage. Applel is a fucking joke, always have been, always will be.
On the same note, Applel users are fucking brain dead troglodytes, always have been, always will be.
Holy shit you don't have a clue to what you're talking about. Where the hell did you come up with that utter drivel?
>buying $20 shitphones
if you're deaf, maybe
The company that made phones that literally exploded into flames and brought down an airplane killing 66 people? The company that denies responsibility and keeps telling people it's their own fault?
You'll forgive me for not taking (you)r opinion seriously.
Do I have to remind you that people in Cupertino keep smashing their fucking heads in the glass doors so much that it made in the news? That's the kind of people who design iphones.
fucking kek'd
wasnt the bootloader source released a while ago? that should make installing other os on it easier.
>paying hundreds of dollars for extra internal memory rather than a microsd you can swap out
can you spoof amiibos with an iphone?
enjoying your brain cancer from your bluetooth earphones?
custom roms from xda
im using oreo on a phone that ended support on lolipop
also I never got 5 years of OS updates for my iphone, they deemed my model obsolete after 2-3 years
Android and iOS both suck
do iphones let you copy files directly to the internal memory in a file manager, or do you still have to do everything through fuckin shitty itunes
go to xda-devs to find phone wizards
>go to xda-devs to find phone wizards
Pajeets can't do shit and those moralfags will just accuse me of having stolen it.
iToddlers will damage control this.
>Pajeets can't do shit
Even pajeets know their shit better than Sup Forums, the advice is still valid.
only very specific models allow installing custom roms. most phones are locked so that you cant do it and even just rooting requires an exploit.
thats why you do your research first
>only very specific models
It mostly depends on whether you're in America or not. Phones sold in America are indeed mostly locked down, but the very same(or similar) models are often unlockable when sold elsewhere.
Why do you need to copy files directly to your storage? Phones are supplementary devices not PC replacements.
What did he mean by this
What's there to control? I can find ten other videos that show the opposite.
Soydriod shilling is real.
How will iToddlers EVER recover?