
This IDE is so much better than Eclipse or Netbeans, why isn't it more poplular for Java dev outside of Android Studio?

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it is the most popular as far as I can tell

That is good then.
I haven't done any java for a while, when I last did it was still all about Eclipse and maybe Netbeans.
Recently had to do some Android stuff and this IDE is almost on par with Visual Studio.

it is more popular, please browse Sup Forums after you've understood that 95% of people here are neets with no programming skills nor job

Also ,intellij ultimate allows you to install plugins so you can basically have webstorm + pycharm + rubymine + java ide in 1 - it's not used only for Java development, actually I've mostly seen it used for groovy or the above languages

>please browse Sup Forums after you've understood that 95% of people here are neets with no programming skills nor job
Nah I know that, I've just been out of the java loop for a while.

its popular as fuck
everyone on geee with a job uses it

pretty much everyone prefers IntelliJ over Eclipse or Netbeans. I don't know why anyone wouldn't though it's just better at everything.

wow, for once I agree with popular Sup Forums opinion

is this still the same board that used to tell people to read SICP and only use Emacs for coding?

Great for Scala developing. Literally no point in using Eclipse.

Compile from CLI like a real man. As for a text editor, I use atom with plugins. Basically an IDE but you get to control how full of bloat it gets.

DONT make me post that chart.
About the bloat depends on the features you need to use. I write a lots of tests, and Intellij is really comfy for that.

Atom with plugins is the same, some people at work use it and have a shit ton of useless plugins.

IntelliJ is top tier, however Emacs is ascended tier and Vi + ed is god tier.

Emacs is carpal tunnel bloatware.
A very sophisticated piece of technology for its time, but brought down by Stallman's autism/aspergers.
Like so many other great GNU ideas.

Vi is just perfect for what it is and so much easier to use.


The method I'm simplifying was generated by the IDE in the first place.
By the way, I just realized this webm 100% reveals my identity, but whatever.

because java is used in big corporations where changing the standard IDE for 10000 developers takes 15 years of planning, training and ultimate surrender

>but whatever.
And those were his last words ;_;

yea have fun maintaining that one.

Strange, then, that I still don't have carpal tunnel after using it for 15 years.

Call me back when there's an IDE that actually has a good text editor.

Emacs doesn't have a text editor.

In the end I ended up not overriding equals() or hashCode() at all, because I won't be doing any comparisons with this. I also ended up not extending, so my linter shut up about overriding equals().
I only filmed this to show how you can get the IDE to ruin its own code.

>Sheering for closed source russian spyware

Go away Jetbrains, only redditors fall for your dirty tricks

Wait a second. So some faggots on Sup Forums prefer a cut down open source version of some proprietary software (or maybe the proprietary software itself?) over a completely free and open source solution like eclipse that works just fine?

Im gonna assume that most of you brainlets like IntelliJ that much because it comes with a dark default theme, while in eclipse you'd have to change theme which ultimately would surpasses your abilities by quite a bit.

The state of neo Sup Forums is far worse than i could have ever imagined.

>almost on par with Visual Studio
I wouldn't say that, but it isn't bad by any measure. You can't really compete with the insane amount of functionality that VS has built in. And its plug-in and extension library can't be beat, either.

Nobody gives a shit about a brainlet using gnome. It is not even worth the time to fuck him up.

No, eclipse is complete shit and takes a shitload of setup to use for actual work, not to mention it has a completely different environment for each lang. You can just open a repo directory and do some minimal setup and IntelliJ works. It's also quite good at auto-detecting the usual stuff like a virtualenv in your working directory or git submodules.
I guess Eclipse works if you hate being productive.

Eclipse is an awesome IDE, it is open source and I'm very productive with, IntelliJ is too bloated, too slow and with an abusive license designed to milk you for eternity, I'd choose Eclipse over IntelliBload any day.

That's not even gnome you retard

What pills are you taking? That's the default look of Ubuntu using gnome. I could reinstall Ubuntu 16.04 right now and would have the exact same design and layout (well fewer icons).

It's not shit and it does not take a shitload of setup. I can open a repo directory without any problems so I'm wondering what you are doing. And even though i used git in eclipse i prefer git in a separate command line/terminal to have a maximum of control.

I won't say it's better to use than IntelliJ but frankly i have never heard of this software before. Guess I'm busy doing actual work and don't waste my time trying to improve something that already works just fine, especially if it's either non free or a cut down version of a non free software.

Default desktop for Ubuntu 16.04 is Unity not Gnome

Even if is GNOME, it is a good choice, GNOME is awesome.

> is a "developer"
> does not know jetbrain suite
how's weather in india?

>Promoting propietary closed source russian spyware

How is the whather in Moscow comrade?

Because Eclipse actually has more functionality than IntelliJ, and doesn't cost $500 for a license.

I don't mind IntelliJ, but Eclipse is better for debugging, and completely free.

Truth be told, I do most of my work in Atom, and only step to Eclipse if I need to debug something out In in library management purgatory and/or hell

What a bunch of bullshit. People said the same thing about Eclipse because Netbeans was the first thing they used and Eclipse was new and different. This is no different.

Do any of you guys actually do any serious projects that necessitate the use of a full-fledged IDE? Or is it all just hello world programs and employee payroll simulators

Same. Don't listen to the Sup Forums memes. It's fine if you're not a RAMlet.

I have a job and use it. I wouldnt use anything else for java

Because you have to pay for the dumbass thing.

Id rather use a FOSS alternative than that glossed up bloatware

Prior to Atom I was using a heavily modded notepad++ with Nppexec to compile and run on a hot key as it was the only way to easily sync a Dev environment across my three machines.

Atom makes it so much easier to work with.

It is €649 an year for everything, €389.00 after the third year.
Bought it after the fifth day of using it and still loving it

anyone who has a job as java dev uses it

I do have a job as a Java Senior Dev, and me and my colleagues use Eclipse.

loading maven dependencies is extremely slow for bigger projects on eclipse. I aint saying its a bad IDE, just that I was never in a position to use it, other than uni projects back in the days

Greatly improved now

It is popular outside of Android Studio. Have you worked Java dev jobs?

Poorfags can't afford it.
Their work is so worthless, they can't afford it.

Imagine being this much of a failure as a developer.

>He is proud cuase he can afford russian spyware

Give me open source any day over closed propietary russian spyware.

The standalone IDEs still have some pluses, last time I tested it the Ruby plugin didn't support RVM but RubyMine did(granted it has been 3 years since I touched Ruby)

>what is piracy