What are Sup Forums's thoughts on apple users?

What are Sup Forums's thoughts on apple users?


>apple users


They tell me that it's good for me, but I don't even care
I know that it's crazy
I know that it's nowhere
But there is no denying that
It's hip to be square

Soyboys will defend this.

Track pad isn't nearly enormous enough. Try again OP

only reason i use iphone is cause i got it for very cheap. like very very very cheap.

>all natural ultra soy

I am an Apple user and always do the opposite of whatever Sup Forums says. Enjoy your Chinkpad garbage, poorfag.


>t. soyboy


t. Poojeet Singh Vajalmatagu

Could this get anymore soy?

was the link between soy consumption and reduced testosterone ever actually proven?

Is that your uncle or father, OR both? ;^)

Partially but soy products are prominent amongst feminine men in general. They truly are sick people, even the LGBT community looks down on them.

This cant be real

t. Pookeet McJeet

Poor faggots who always lose to me in computer related competitions because their shitty hardware without airflow always starts to heat up immensely and throttle at the most basic power user tasks.

He's your brother as well too?

soy has oestrogen in it


>He's your brother as well too?
>that grammer


lel u cringe, what do you think this is reddit? Want some gold? Why don't you take it and shove it so far up your ass your teeth shine?



wish i could see the replies to that one

Soyboys have defended this.

>t. Soyim

You young people come up with funny shit. Back in my day we just called people pussies.

why buy one though? you can install the os in any machine and the hardware is overpriced, meaning you can get better hardware for the same price and if you wish you install the os in it

t. Poopoo "Pookeet" Rajesh

BASED arbitrager of judgement


the memes about apple fanboys being gay are extremely true. i've got a macbook & an iphone (w/ linux on desktop, cuz i can't afford a performant mac) and i'm extremely desperate for a cute bf to cuddle me

and also every year or so i try setting up windows for development. it's gotten better now that electron based editors are popular & windows long path support is fixed, but WSL is genuinely impracticably slow for anything IO heavy. plus, tons of weird errors like stack randomly failing to compile a package, but then working right after you retry

The one funny thing in this whole try-hard force it soy meme humor.

I actually like Snazzy's videos

I am apple user. And I regret it... And this fucking MacBook Air doesn't want to die, after all I've done to it.
GNU/Linux is better because it is stable. Even fucking M$/Windows is better, because it has software, unlike OS X. (PS, gamez, chinks porn games, CAD... Not all shit will work under Wine)

No, it's just one of those us vs. them narratives
fags use to push their agendas.

The definition of rabid fanboys who have to invest their ego into a brand just to gain something which resembles an identity, as frail as it is. Tech illiterate but largely obvious to that fact. Will make up the silliest excuses to justify Apple's rampant anti-customer practices.

You have to be severely brain-damaged to use Apple products in your private life. There are a few professional fields where you can't escape them, though.


You could always Hackintosh it and move a small step away from pic related

No, I prefer a reverse hackintosh.



>apple users

They're the most annoying people who think everyone cares about their opinions or why they bought x Apple product.

>The mental illness is strong with this one

Are you saying Linus Torvalds is technologically illiterate?

who taught them to make this face?

Your mom. It's the face she makes when I tell her I'm going to cum.


Get raped and kill yourself, you retarded fucking faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.

Nature itself.

Look up fear grimace.

Youtube. They're going to use it as thumbnails for their shitty low level nerd channels.

but who taught those youtubers to make this face?
no its not a natural reaction to make a retarded face if you play a new game or whatever these chucklefucks do with their lives

>was the link between soy consumption and reduced testosterone ever actually proven?
No. The reason this belief is so widespread is literally brainwashing. Anyone who does a little research knows that soy contains phytoestrogens which have a much weaker estrogen-like effect when compared to the mammalian estrogen in dairy or the phytoestrogens in beer.
In fact, if you add soy (or it's phytoestrogens) to a diet which already contains a moderate amount of dairy/beer/other estrogen containing substances, it will overall lower your body's estrogen levels. The reason this works is because the phytoestrogens in soy bind to the same receptors as regular estrogen and act as a blocker.

Anyways, don't let this stop you from spewing out the same preprogrammed nonsense the rest of the board has been brainwashed with.

>that spelling

>but who taught those youtubers to make this face?

Some fucktard started it and the rest saw it generates views.

demonizing a legume is down there with flat earthers in terms of stupidity.

The original retard needs to be tracked down and shot



I bet he can suck a dick real nice



Agreed. It's the male duckface and clearly shows attention whoreness




That image is something a ducking faggot would do. Fuck that queer.

No, it's just a meme

What did he mean by this?

got an ancient ipad that still updates to latest ios possibly because the chip being 64bit
after uninstalling bloat disabled gui features and adding an ablocker it's pretty comfy to use for media consumption
got no clue of battery life because I charge it daily
don't play games on it
not a shill because with current prices won't buy a new one even after it stops working
call me an ifag I dare you faggots

>t. ifag



Why do apple users consume so much soy?


there's something really unsettling about that picture


What's the deal with soy?


I hate this fucking soy meme. At least cuck wasn't spammed as much.

It was tho, and still is.

I use apple products and I’m pretty sure I’m more jacked than most of you fags. And i don’t touch any soy

>t. soiiboii~