/glmg/ - GNU/Linux Minimalism General

This is a general for discussing software minimalism and minimal software for GNU/Linux.

>What is software minimalism?
en.wikipedia .org/wiki/Minimalism_(computing)

>Why software minimalism?
- Fewer bugs
- Better performance
- Lower memory footprint
- Better maintainability
- Higher scalability
- Longer software lifetime
- Prompt delivery
- Smaller attack surface

Acceptable GNU/Linux distributions that aren't bloat

>Alpine Linux (Not GNU)

>Void Linux




>CRUX Linux
crux .nu/
crux .nu/Main/Handbook3-3

>Devuan (Stable is horribly outdated, so be sure to switch to a newer branch. There's also Debian if you want Poetteringd)

>Useful links


Protip: If you aren't comfortable with the terminal or aren't proficient with GNU/Linux, this thread isn't for you.

Other urls found in this thread:


WM memory usage comparison

Explanation of "Why no Arch or Debian?":

Arch has never been a minimalist distribution.
Splitting packages is rare compared to other distributions, and dependencies aren't made optional whenever possible.
Arch has *never* been minimalist... it has nearly all optional features enabled across all the packages.
It also uses systemd, which is incredibly bloat.
Despite its "minimal" install state, Arch is far from being as minimal as the other distros here.

Previously, Debian was included in the list due to it being one of the most /minimal/ systemd options.
After discussions in a few older threads, we decided it would be a good idea to take out Debian, replacing it with Devuan. This means that there are no systemd distros in the list now.

Repost of autistic minimalism rant:

The thing for me when it come to this is that I'm kinda disgusted by the amount of bloat in popular applications and environments.

Let's take the picture viewer as an example. What does it do? That's right! It views pictures! We have also seen picture viewers that can run with very tiny amounts of ram, and do their job pretty well. Why then should we be using a picture viewer that does the exact same practical thing as this minimal picture viewer, but is 10+ times heavier?

I've heard this a lot, the whole "lel just get a newer computer grandpa!"
I'd like to let you know that I use minimal setups both on a 2012 Fagbook Pro, and a Xeon workstation being used as a desktop. Both of these have 16+ GB of memory.
What you have to understand is that just because we have the resources, doesn't mean it's right to use them to the limit. Why should we artificially use more resources for the same tasks just because we have the capability to do it. That's retarded. At that point we should just rewrite the kernel in electron because clearly anyone who has a problem with that just needs to download more wam.

Another key component for me is that achieving a high level of minimalism often involves switching to a vey terminal-heavy lifestyle. This is good as it provides a universal interface. The interface used to shitpost, consume content, and whatnot, is the same interface that would be used when administering a server, when configuring my NAS, when working with Amazon EC2 installations, etc.

Why do you hate keeping things simple? Why do you want things to use more resources than they have to to complete their function?

TL;DR: /minimalism/ is a very logical way of doing things, and provides a universal interface.

we also have ircs!
#Sup Forumsminimal at rizon
#glmg at efnet

being cute isnt very minimal, time to get get fat and gross kid

no it is very minimal! >_

For the nth time, this thread is bloat and was deprecated before it was even born.

Use /fglt/

I’ve realized that outside of rice pics, top and htop are an ineffective judge of mem usage. Use the free command instead.


what is that picture though??


How are any of those things feminine? I don't really get this soyboy meme.

Don't get me wrong. I have reason to dislike all these things myself.
No GNU/Linux support
Electron bloat
Windows shit
No good opensource driver

>windows av
>chrome background tasks
>media server
>intel software RAID
>evga shit
>steelseries shit


Good OP

A 8GB RAM stick is like $20, get a job nerds.

it's not about not having the resources. It's about not wanting to use more unnecessarily.
Also autism.

Happy valentines day my Devuan fellows devuan.org/os/documentation/dev1fanboy/upgrade-to-ascii

>desktop environment

Right. WMs are preferred. I use dwm, but have used bspwm, i3, and frankenwm in the past.

How's devuan working out for you?

Working great since a year, upgrading to ascii in one hour.

Why dwm over i3?

I dunno, that's just what I ended up on. It's comfy.

Threadly reminder decimal kilobytes and bibibytes instead of proper binary kilobytes are bloat

>still falling into WM/DE dichotomy
WM is a subset of DE.
With DE you have a set of basic applications which are tailored to work together and have something similar.

best lightweight japanese IME?

Because window trees are gay.

The only reasonable thing left to do is kill this general for good and make a /vag/ general (void, alpine, gentoo) for people who actually know what they are talking about and care to speak of minimal systemdless linux based os. This is a bullshit fanboy placebo-tier thread, and here is why:

This is the most inaccurate and stupid pasta on Sup Forums. just say it has systemd, cause that is the only non-bullshit statement.

>"minimal" install

Devuan/debian install is bloated as fuck. apt is bloated as fuck e.g. Installing xorg with --no-install-recommends still pulls in a bullshit amount of stuff. In arch dependencies are more optional, and pacman allows you to be way more minimal and polished than memept.

>nearly all optional features enabled

specify, and argument on how is different from other pre-compiled distros because it smells bullshit from far away. Not to mention you can recompile the kernel how you want and compile each package from source, enabling all the features you want by writing your own PKGBUILD, bulding it with makepkg and installing with pacman -Q

>b-but you can do it in devuan...

not in such a polished way, arch was always meant to be customizable and minimal, the only mistake is systemd, which is spread all over the gnu/linux anyway. Debian is made to be the linux standard for stability and the best compromise beetween no hassle ease to use and customization. Two different things.

>Use devuan, it's like debian without sysyemd! Wait a second, it is actually outdated as fuck and cannot ever be maintaned as well as debian or arch, so please consider installing debian. Sorry I had to make this note so anons do not bother me anymore. I assume they are retards and will fall for this.

Nice way to put it to not include debian, but include it anyway.
If you weren't so biased you would have included Artix (meme systemdless arch fork, the same as devuan) but you didn't.

Pick one. Alpine or kys.

>pacman -U not -Q my bad.*

>(void, alpine, gentoo)
you're excluding others such as LFS, CRUX, Slackware, and whatever else. basically, whatever OP has is going to disappoint some people because "my obscure minimal distro wasn't included"; the thread should focus more on software overall instead of just distros, for that reason

not a distro.
pic related.
based distro, had to include it.

my point was that minimal and reliable distros are a handful (literally), we'd rather make a thread about those as starting points and talk about software optimization, setups and whatnot rather than following the rants of a debian fanboy/arch hater who assumes everyone in here is blind and retard. Hell, how can we even stand a guy using a Xeon as desktop as the OP of a minimalism thread? Lmao.

For the people maintaining the pastebins:

In the first one there's a typo, .asounrc -> .asoundrc

In the second one I'd like to suggest maim (github.com/naelstrof/maim) for the screenshots applications and runit (smarden.org/runit/) for service managers.

maim is neat, thanks
also neofetch > screenfetch. inxi looks like it serves a different purpose

I don't see enough wayland shilling, isn't sway the go-to minimal wm?

Wayland is bloat

sway is the only viable vm on wayland and it still quite unfinished.
it's too soon to use wayland. we are stuck with xorg at the moment.

Shit idea


Once it becomes more finished/I get the opportunity, I'm probably gonna switch to it.
How so? From what I can tell, it's getting rid of a lot of legacy bloat. It also sounds a lot more secure too.
Or are you one of those who keeps spreading the FUD that GNOME is the only compositor?

What makes GuixSD minimal?

no systemd, and allows you to make your install as minimal or as bloat as you desire, with presets for full desktop, ratpoison, or a barebones installation.

got no tripcode, yet again another example of the avg iq in this meme thread.

am I allowed to use udisks?

From bloated to minimal: udisks (+ udevil) -> pmount -> bashmount -> mount
but use whatever you need

Anyone here using 2bwm? I'm familiar with bspwm, openbox, and Xfce. Does 2bwm have anything worth looking at vs the ones I've mentioned?

Never used it myself, but it appears to be a floating wm (not tiling)
Here's some stuff it can do

>2bwm brings a whole set of features to the table. Here is the exhaustive list:
>Teleport windows in the corners
>Teleport windows in the {top,middle,bottom} center
>Teleport windows to cover a half of the monitor
>Add offsets around the monitor
>Multiply / Divide window's width or height by 2
>Grow / Shrink windows keeping aspect ratio
>Move / Resize windows by two user defined amount
>2 borders fully customizable that show the window status

Yeah I've read that and it seems pretty nice. I've read that you have to re-compile every time you change configuration?

2 borders also seems 2 bloated 2bh

I'm not sure whether it's one of those "recompile to reconfigure" ones.

As for bloat, it's surprisingly one of the lightest ones out there:

>GNU/Linux Minimalism
You realize GNU is a bloated pile of steaming garbage, right? The only way to have a truly minimalist Linux distro is to replace GNU.

The title is really a bit dumb, especially when the first recommended distro is not GNU/Linux...

>blaming GNU
>blaming the entire community rather than an specific program

You realize that guy is a BSD shill undercover, right? He comes in here talking shit then leave when the community is fragmented.

He *actually* has a point though, the GNU in the name of this general can be removed.

Is the only thing stopping the shitposters to have an excuse. I dont want to see license shitposting 24/7 on this thread.

>I dont want to see license shitposting 24/7 on this thread.
Yes, that would be bloat.

only cucks care about licenses.

See Is already here, they need to be dispatched on the spot

found another screenshot where tmux and a irc client is running too. might try doing this with a modern distro later.

Apparently you can safely remove Polkit/ConsoleKit. They are requested for some automount applications like file managers or udisks, and for login managers, both which can be replaced. Also it is recommended to remove Avahi according security checklists, you wont miss much anyway superuser.com/questions/316715/removing-the-avahi-daemon-on-ubuntu#316767

Why does Alpine have all this GNU stuff in its repo? What cuckery did I fell for?

>broadcasting all SSH or PulseAudio servers in the network
>leaving an open port
Guess who is behind this program and it all makes sense

Why aren't you using sxiv for all your image viewing and management purposes?
This eliminates any possible excuse for using a bloated GUI file manager.
It's like Feh, but good.

I was wondering how could you use crunchbang if I heard they discontinue the project, I guess is an old picture


>two line prompt

>Guess who is behind this program and it all makes sense
Like pottery :^)

its not that old. the reason why i had it installed was because it was the only linux cd i could find and the laptop boots only from floppy or cd. i compiled the latest kernel dropbear and tmux and some libraries to it myself. i do have some floppies so i could try to make one that boots from usb.

Yeah it's a great viewer. I only keep feh around for wallpapers.

I know of xsetroot/hsetroot for changing wallpapers. I prefer imagemagick though.

imagemagick always uses 10-20MB more than the other options, at least for me.

using a name at all on a finnish dumpster diving journal is a meme

the way you have it set up looks nice; i haven't messed with sxiv enough to be comfortable with it. maybe i should try it out again

You can change the bg color and font and add more thumbnail sizes in config.def.h before you compile it.
It's neatly organized and commented, anyone can edit it.

> let's write a new image decoder
> in c
Fuck no. Suckless does not apply to anything that reads complex data structures from the Internet. Not unless you're a PhD and have proofs to go with your solution.

so what do you use?

i use cat to pipe images directly into my brain

How are DEs like xfce or lxde able to shutdown without root and what’s a minimalist program to do that?

What is the oldest Thinkpad I can more or less comfortably use with Gentoo? Just basic browsing and text editing, mostly going to use it as a linux learning tool.

the oldest one that's supported by the linux kernel i suppose

I setup a Alpine Dev box on a old pentium3 but im having problems with i3, it lags a lot. What could I use instead and how hard are they to get good at, compared to i3?

Post Alpine fetchs to see if im bloated or not

Forgot pic

feh and zathura, which to my knowledge don't try to homebrew any image decoders. Not that imlib is literal magick, but it's like 30 years old and runs about 80% of Internet backends. They've probably found all the security holes they're going to.

>How are DEs like xfce or lxde able to shutdown without root
>what’s a minimalist program to do that?

Whats the easiest way to make very simple GUI programs for terminal commands?

What about graphical?

honestly i just use SysRq+R/Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart and my desktop power button to shutdown. if i'm already at a root terminal i'll type poweroff or reboot

>absolute state of "le minimal hack".
>im so minimal bois look at me
>btw how do I shutdown my pc?
>I need a "program" right?
>pretending to be an expert and not understanding basic linux privilege rules

giving your logged user rights to shutdown suspend and reboot with sudo is too much for your brain to process, right? I bet you had it debloated long time ago.

Depends on how many and how big are the packages that you will compile, usually X60 and older should be fine

basically if you need graphical buttons for that stuff, just settle for a lightweight DE. i doubt there will be any decent standalone programs for that

The reason why you can't shutdown rootlessly from the command-line is because GNU, despite the acronym being "GNU's Not Unix", is very much a clone of AT&T Unix. (the acronym only exists to avoid lawsuits over the possibility of AT&T code being in GNU).
Unix was designed from the ground-up to be multi-user, with there being one server running and everyone in the entire workplace connecting to it remotely from terminals.
Because of this, it would be retarded for it to allow rootless shutdowns, as your asshole coworker could just run the shutdown command and mess up everyone's day.

Since GNU/Linux and other Unix-like operating systems now also target desktops, desktop environments have started to offer rootless shutdowns. I'm not entirely sure of how they do this, but I think it has to do with the DE or maybe the windowing system actually running as root. So when you shut down on a desktop, you're actually somehow communicating with the root user account which then initiates the shutdown command.

As for whether there's a tool you can install or a configuration you can set up to get a rootless shutdown from the shell, I really don't know.

This too:
Just give your user the right to run the commands with sudo.

just press the power button. its the most minimal way and works on any modern computer.

>The only way to shutdown linux similar to windows is from a DE

linux isn't windows. just use a DE if you want a DE, holy shit

Why isn’t there a dedicated program for linux to shutdown

>use one of many methods to set user permissions, or temporarily elevate privileges
>execute a shutdown command from any random GUI button tool

There is. It's called shutdown.

write one xd

woah where the fuck even are you? a shoe factory???