
>win bid for 4770k
>pic related was seller's pic
>cannot see model number
>it arrives with crusty old thermal paste
>wipe off paste
>look at model number
>its a 4770 (non k)
>seller fucked me
>contact seller
>seller does not cooperate and acts completely retarded
>seller opens a case
>ebay favors the seller
>bitch to ebay on twitter
>they overturn the case, refund me and let me keep the cpu
So I'm wondering, in these situations where ebay lets you keep an expensive item, do they refund it out of their own pocket, or the seller's pocket? If they refund it out of the seller's pocket wouldn't the seller want it back?

Fuck the seller, who cares what they want.

They make the seller pay on threat of not letting the sell again.

But he has my address, what he sends a swat team to my house?
Can you repeat that in English?

I think you should have lost your money anyways. If that was the seller's only pic you are retarded for not asking for a better picture without thermal grease or finding another auction.
Nah. OP screwed up on this one.

But it's protected under eBay's money back guarantee so I shouldn't have to worry about shit like that. It was the cheapest auction too. It was the seller's fault for not removing the thermal paste.

>But it's protected under eBay's money back guarantee
I don't care. You still had the option to ask for a more clear picture, but you didn't. If the seller refused, let the seller be out the money from losing a sell and reputation not by having ebay act as some kind of arbitration between you and the seller.

The seller could have just let me return the cpu instead of getting eBay involved. I know I should have watched out but the seller is in the bigger wrong here. I could still return the cpu if the seller wants to.

You're both in the wrong..
>not asking for more pics
>seller having a slightly different product

You should pay half of the refund back to the seller and call it a day.

>ebay favors the seller
100% bullshit unless it was listed as a non-K and you just assumed. It's either a K or it isn't. And it was listed as either a K or it wasn't.

Or the seller could have paid seven(7) fucking dollars for shipping to let me return the CPU. But he didn't.

fucking companies man, they ALL do this.
they fuck you over until you publicly complain to them through (((social networks)))
and then the Sup Forumsoyim chime in with their fucking autism telling me kikebook and twatter are useless botnet and I should get rid of them. when will you retards learn how the real world works?

I checked many times and the listing said [email protected]. The seller opened the case before me and claimed I was trying to send him back a shittier CPU to fuck him over. A complete lie. That is probably why eBay sided with the seller at first.

Fair enough then...

in the future for anyone in this situation. never bitch to ebay directly. bitch to PAYPAL(whom is owned by ebay). Paypal will immediately ass rape the seller in even the most ridiculous circumstances. Your money back within 30 minutes.

ebay/paypal will always side with the buyer. they fuck the seller directly by taking the funds out of their account and or freezing it. they do not take a loss, they just burn the seller even if its the most bogus claim by the buyer.

no small business should ever rely on paypal.

Fuck that, if seller is too stupid to clarify themselves, or dumb enough to try and rip people off under the eye of a company like ebay, they deserve to get screwed.

Some retard fag just tried to scam you on ebay of all places. You just got a free cpu ontop of flagging his account so feel good. Make sure you give him a negative review on the site after all of this because that shit crushes more than paypal having stolen your money back.

You will always win a dispute with ebay or paypal as the buyer. Doesn't matter if these retards fill it out first as long as you dispute. They give absolutely zero shits about the seller.

I know it a bit late for this advice but I always take a screenshot of something I intend to purchase off eBay *before I buy the item. (a day before if possible)
This way the seller can't change the description afterwards to something like "as is, no returns/refunds"
The file creation date on the image would be enough proof to eBay that the seller deceived you.
hindsight 20/20 i guess

I was also thinking of recording my self unboxing every expensive item I buy in the future in case I need to prove what I was actually sent.

That's perfectly normal English you retard.

I can't tell if you're being sarcastic but many people document their possessions for insurance purposes, home video photos, etc
particularly for expensive items

did he mean them*?

Ebay sold out their piece of PayPal ages ago. They're not even going to let you use PayPal for eBay sales soon. Moving to another company

You bought a CPU like that? it could be literally ANYTHING. The seller is a scammer but you're still a huge retard.

>father builds me a computer with a 4770k

> I am happy with it , but I fall on hard times when he gets very sick and I need to pull in more Money for medication

>Decide to sell my CPU on eBay

>List it as a 4770k , and sell it

>Buyer gets angry saying I sold him a 4770 , but I know it's a 4770k because my dad bought it and he doesn't lie

>Apparently he couldn't afford it and bought the 4770 but never told me

>Pay seller out of pocket because eBay is forcing me

>Can't pay rent , end up on the streets

>Father died

And that's the story of the soybean

The moral of the story is Dad shouldn't have cheaped out and got the non-K version.


stop bashing

enter after

every fucking line

you dumbfuck redditor

Nah, that's it, he lost his CPU and ebay favors the buyer most of the times
Enjoy your free CPU for having to deal with this bullshit


No, fuck you retard you have no clue how this shit works
If the seller said he was selling A and the buyer received B, the seller fucked up

Keep the CPU, don't give it back unless ebay support is involved, which won't happen because he already wasted his chance by trying to scam you and opening the ticket first (you can only open a ticket once)

He still got sold product A and delivered product B, the pictures are irrelevant.

>buy a used cpu off ebay
>it arrives with crusty old thermal paste
first of all why would you buy it if you cant see if its a nonk cpu thats stupid.
2nd off your a fucking idiot and you kind of deserve it, with all the shit coin miners flying around selling shit for a quick buck, you cant expect to get anything good related to pcs on ebay anymore.
>inb4 noone uses a cpu for mining
shit coin miners either use gpus or make a mining rig.

>thermal paste covering up critical information on the cpu
>not asking for more pics

It could have ended up to be some Pentium

He tried to scam you and lost his cpu. Good for you, keep it.


And they refund you directly, then reclaim the money from the seller's account. Or alternatively freeze their Paypal account and presumably eventually involve debt collectors if they can't reclaim the money directly.

>>pic related was seller's pic
>>cannot see model number
What is wrong with you?

>he thinks the jew ever loses
It comes from the sellers pocket, he fucked up by fucking up the listing that badly

Ayy amigo

fucking jews

ebay always side with buyer.

non k is the superior version though.
k is crippled with no vtd.

I have a 4770K. Let's trade. I want VT_D support


>So I'm wondering, in these situations where ebay lets you keep an expensive item, do they refund it out of their own pocket, or the seller's pocket? If they refund it out of the seller's pocket wouldn't the seller want it back?
They probably pay you out of their pocket and ban the seller. Alternatively they might sue the seller if the value is high enough.

>do they refund it out of their own pocket, or the seller's pocket?
The sellers. Specifically they yank it from the sellers paypal account.

>If they refund it out of the seller's pocket wouldn't the seller want it back?
If the seller refuses to deal with the issue, eBay lets the buyer keep the item as punishment to the seller, though I don't think that applies to items like cars.

Protip: NEVER use eBay. If you do, you are just as retarded as everyone else on there.

The same just happened to me OPie

Only difference is that my seller is replacing the CPU for the K model.

Protip. Fuck ebay, and PayPal. They never go for you, and make you jump through hoops to get your money back.

I was being forced to pay $55 to return a $30 item to fucking Luxembourg for some fake company, and they would refund me $30 of the shipping. So I would only get $15 back.

Anyway, I have my PayPal linked to Chase and all I do is open an appeal, and so far I've had 6 all in my favor.