Windows 7 Relapse

I still can`t stop using windows 7, its just so comfy and reliable, it never gives me any problems or hassle. I never get viruses either.

I`ve tried to wean myself off it and got quite used to various security orientated Linux distributions, but I always come back to windows 7 again.

How fucked am I ? I always get the feeling I`m using something that`s compromised and easy to hack and monitor. Should I be worried ? even with all the updates how fucked am I ?

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dude... more than half the people who post here look like pic related
what do you have on your pc that's so precious? do you think somebody's going to watch over your webcam 24/7 to get a snap of your orgasm face? well then don't do it you stupid fuck
the solution to being paranoid is not having anything on your devices you would be ashamed of coming out publicly
that and having backups and you shouldn't have to worry about being hacked ever again

Welcome to the club. My next computer will be linux, but I'm gonna use Win7 till this computer dies.

Win7 support will be extended without a doubt, because more people are realizing that Win7 is better than Win8 and 10

Windows 7 without runtime antivirus will make you perfect for some minecraft hacker botnet

aero is ugly as shit and the title bar is vomit inducing. Especially when you can see all the desktop icons and programs open in the background through the glass shit. it's fucking disgusting

Same here, after jumping distros for a while I landed on debian, used it for nearly a year but I eventually went back to win 7. Sure, gnu/linux might just werk for a while but you'll inevitably run into problems and minor annoyances that eventually make you realize that gnu/linux is an operating system for servers and not for desktop use. No matter how much bloat canonical adds to ubuntu, windows' ease of use, software library and painless install wizards and self-fixing options will outmatch any gnu/linux distro (at least for desktop use). I eventually came tot he conclusion that all that terminal mental-masturbation no-gui shit is a waste of time. Maybe I'm just a brainlet but installing windows and have everything JUST WERK for once really made me think

Have win10 on desktop but I downgraded laptop to win7.

Need laptop for work and it would start to fuck around with updates at most inconvenient times, almost caught fire while updating in zipped backpack.

Shit just works, I don't miss anything.

Never liked it but it beats the flat shit.

>enabling desktop icons in windows
well thats your problem there

i have been using debian for almost a decade on my machines and went back to a windows 7 disk image i saved in 2009. Its un-updated and has no antivirus. Its totally usuable in 2018 and is my daily driver.

All i do as run as user and NOT AS ADMIN....., this fixes 95% of shit. That and a modern browser, script blocking and html 5 taking over from that adobe flash zombie turd stopped things breaking like they used to IMHO

>Not using Windows 7 with a classic theme that fits your background.

I'm trying to like Linux, used Arch, Manjaro, Ubuntu, and Mint, but I have problems with putting my Surface Pro 3 to sleep and issues with bluetooth.

Nothing wrong with traps. There are strong communities out there, such as /traps/ on EIGHT`chin` and or Discord*TM.

Ikr, it's the best OS ^^

You are retarded

it will be abandonware in 2020

It's currently supported until October 2021.

Just use Linux with awesomewm, tmux and zsh.

I know the feeling. I'm still stuck on XP for most of my tasks because of how freaking fast it is and how I have a complete set of programs. 7 and 10 can run the programs, but they're slow as fuck on my old hardware. And linux, while secure, doesn't have all my progs (or versions that just don't work the same way).

on my dual boot system, I am using Linux to get on the net mostly

oh, and XP won't patched for spectre or meltdown. and neither 7 nor XP will be working on next-gen spectre- and meltdown-proof CPUs.

What stops you from installing 7 on "next-gen spectre- and meltdown-proof CPUs"?

aesthetics is in the eyes of the beholder

Microsoft tried to make Windows look good, but didn't do a very good job. It looks meh to me.

from a utilitarian perspective, aero is pretty useless though, and wastes resources and energy (but that's always been a Microsoft "feature", like 100% CPU windows updates for hours - imagine the amount of energy wasted on a global scale)

I thought Microsoft would disable it like for Windows 8 on older PC's.

Use WSUS offline or Simplix Update Pack. Both offer curated updates lists and don't include that garbage.

It's not compromised though - If you run spybot anti-telemetry and essential AutoPatcher security patches you're all set

Why anyone would use anything else is beyond me, it's seriously the most beautiful and efficient OS ever made to this point which is why it's so high up in the steam hardware charts aswell

You can try to ""emulate"" it with loonix distros but it won't even get close to the same efficiency and reliability in terms of pure workflow.

I'm a bit melancholic using my new machine because i realize that Ryzen + Win7 is probably the absolute pinnacle of classic desktop usage in our lifetime which will gradually be replaced more and more by centralized cloud/mobile gen Zoy shit which takes all the freedoms away from the end user coming hooked into the botnet at stock condition

no, you get that message when you boot from the CD or USB stick.

I recall trying to install windows 2000 on a series 5 CPU (core i3 and up) and got a BSOD on CD boot. it would only work on older architectures (series 4 and older, last core 2's). I felt Microsoft colluded with Intel to phase out Windows 2000 support and make sure people couldn't use it anymore. I know last supported CPUs for XP was series 7 (ivy bridge). most tweaks for installing it on haswell and skylake CPUs involve extensive work (and lots of missing drivers).

all those colors look like shit

No, not with 7, at least not from my experience. You can also use the boot image of 10 with the install.wim from 7 iso. It will install 7 and will work on USB3 devices too.

You have sliders.
You can also write your colour in hex #aaRRGGBB

It's ugly and unproductive shit, like all windowses.

Take the Macpill, hackintoshing is easy if you have intel.

I work with a lot of stubborn people and for these situations for clients
There's three options if you plan to use Windows 7 after 2020 EOL.

1. Linux + WINE. Try and replace alternatives with foss.
This allows the least overhead and will even surpass native W7 once DX11 DX3D DXVK matures.
Might require tinkering and learning curve.
2. Linux with a virtualized W7 desktop. (hardware passthrough allows 99% GPU utilization but not all mobos or GPUs support IOMMU)
This "just werks" because its literally windows 7 inside a VM.
Keep kernel updated and the linux firewall blocking windows botnets.

3. airgapped w7 with a DMZ with a scanner before it gets inside or else ransomware

4. (kys edition) windows 10 or mac

I personally have option 2 setup for my family with a minimal install w7.
I use firejail and nftables to cage the beast and the linux core is headless + automated so they never interact with it.
auto-updates so i never need to mess with it.

They only see it as the windows 7 they know and they can install what ever they need.

Only reason I use win7

Option 3 will not work after 2020. Windows 7 won't run on newer hardware at all.

Just FYI.





DAZ Loader (MBR only, Home/Pro/Ultimate)

Microsoft Toolkit (MBR and GPT, ProVL/Enterprise) KMS activation, must be redone every 180 days, can be automated


I don't understand vms I flat out don't get it. Every time I try to do a vms it wants me to install something? I usually quite there.

Also vm performance for games sucks

To clarify what I wrote in : Windows 7 will be unbootable on Intel, and likely AMD, chipsets released after 2020.

This is because it does not support pure class 3 UEFI, requiring a BIOS component (CSM). Currently most PCs still ship with it only for Windows 7 compatibility, the Surface laptops being the most obvious exceptions.

You think I trust that ? On this site?

>support pure class 3 UEFI
It does. The SP1 x64 iso supports UEFI.

>use kms
>just as bad a position as using w10

just how new are you? go back to whatever shithole you came from cunt

Then don't.

This is the only site I go on
Just help me

At this time of year, in this part of the country, localized ENTIRELY in your kitchen?

I already did. You refused.

zhe gave you legitimate links that you could have found by one simple search. use them

I can't trust it. It's probably a virus. I'm sorry I just need confirmation

anyway i can get an aero theme, or transparency on 10? i dont like this flat color shit

I'm still using Win XP. I'm thinking eventually I'll get a chromebook for web browsing and continue using the Win XP machine for everything else. For me "everything else" is primarily note taking with WordPad.

No version of Windows 7 has full support for UEFI, only partial. Class 3 UEFI is pure in that it drops all legacy BIOS components, rendering Windows 7 unbootable on such machines.

when is "eventually" you've posted this 40-50 times now

The x64 SP1 has proper UEFI support.

that's because you're a pleb and can't pick nice colors. aero is disgusting

Read this, you dumb "femanon":
And then read this:


A Windows 7 relapse is nothing. Wait until you have a Win7 prolapse.

the border color is the worst, dont know how to get rid of that shit

wait what do you mean by border

the border of life and death

drilldo 70126 you're and ass cunt


you will install win7 on your current computer "again"? why reinstall it if you're already running it?

suck on a doodle, retard

Out of curiosity, is the only reason 7 won't boot on Class 3 UEFI that it drops CSM?
How is it different from Class 2 with CSM disabled?

the md5 and sha signatures are extremely difficult to fake

just google other sites that have them listed (they're all over the net) from when the same DVD images were still available from Microsoft
check you're getting the right build, language, license to get the right checksums

Why are you being so mean?

Windows 7 can boot in UEFI mode. You can't use Daz Loader, but it can boot.

Windows 7 cannot boot on class 2 with CSM disabled, either. It's mentioned in the link I posted.
If you still don't get it, you should leave Sup Forums forever.

How does wine work?
What usually work on it and which kind of programs don't?

>Windows 7 cannot boot on class 2 with CSM disabled
So what am I missing here?

I'm guessing he hacked it together with parts from a later Windows version (and third-party components), just like this guy seems to have done:

Obviously, you're not actually running Windows 7 at that point. (And if you read the comments on that video, the uploader mentions graphics output instability caused by this method.)

windows 7 prolapse

not getting viruses isn't exactly a feature either, any OS can be used well enough or lucky enough to avoid them

>windows 7

nice to know you still work for mom and pop, no enterprise is going to let that 10 year old garbage stay on their network much longer

Yet many of them won't touch 10 because of data security concerns, so many large companies do still use Windows 7.

lol, ok keep using the windows vista kernel, mature is secure right? even without sec updates

>Yet many of them won't touch 10 because of data security concerns
Citations fucking needed. All of the actual "won't touch 10" cases I've read are from individuals.

It still gets security updates, and yeah it's more secure than sending unspecified telemetry or sending all local searches to Bing as they're typed.

Companies won't upgrade to Windows 10 because it's an unnecessary expense and because a lot of the software they use isn't compatible with Windows 10.

Companies don't like to spend unless they have to. Until Microsoft drops extended support for Windows 7, they will continue to use it.


yeah because ad terms and system usage stats are much worse than a worm from isreal that sits there downloading your blueprints

enjoy your computer user

I recorded that myself.
Removing the default VGA driver (hence why you don't see a boot screen) and making a handful of changes to the boot configuration is all it takes to make it boot with CSM disabled.
I'm not using anything from later versions of Windows and there are no issues whatsoever as far as I can tell.

What virus is fully patched 7 vulnerable to that 10 isn't? Or are you just blowing smoke out your ass?

windows 10 has a much better realtime threat detection and mitigation paradigm

>I recorded that myself.
Want to know how I can tell you're lying, even before getting to the factual contradictions?

I'm not going to get drawn into a pointless argument with you.
Either try it yourself or neck yourself, I don't care which.
ren %windir%\system32\drivers\vga.sys vga.sys.bak
ren %windir%\system32\drivers\vgapnp.sys vga.syspnp.bak
bcdedit /set {default} bootlog yes
bcdedit /set {default} bootstatuspolicy IgnoreAllFailures
bcdedit /set {default} novesa on
bcdedit /set {default} quietboot on

How bad is win10 lately? Surely people have figured out by now how to stop all the privacy leaks. I'm still using 7, but I'm getting a new PC later this year and need windows for my job.

A few actual improvements for enterprise, but mostly cloud shit they don't want.

Wine creates a virtual C: drive to install programs in. You can literally look on their website and search by programs to get an idea of what works and what doesn't

what a god-ugly desktop and rice

>This "just werks"
Not really.
Tried it for a few months, looked OK but then I noticed there are huge dpc latency spikes causing stuttering. It "just werks" only if you're lucky.

Win 10 gives Microsoft as much info as Google gets from your Android phone. I really don't care. Hell, MSFT sanitizes their data better since they're not an ad company. Privacy and security are two different concepts. Given the vast ease of use and functionality improvements Win 10 has been great so far. Then again I've never tried it on ancient hardware or whatever it is that causes some people issues. I use Ubuntu on my older machines.

The biggest problem is Microsoft constantly adding more and more domains that connect to your PC and collect data. With every major update most of your tweaks and settings are reset and Microsoft adds a dozen more domains to spy on you so you regularly have to deal with this stuff if it bothers you so much. But then again if privacy is your biggest concern you would have switched to Linux a long time ago.

im him. rice ? i dont see any rice thats as stock as it gets. if you are talking about gadgets that was part of the fun of the 2009 image. i like keeping an eye on my temps when doing media encodes. also its a 60 inch tv and hi end hifi its a media centre not a desktop

>unironic blatant lies from a MS shill on this board

disgusting. also disgusting that so few call it out.

this is how actual businesses think about Windows [any version]. change only if you have to. and they're right.

holy shit how fucking stupid can one person be? what does it feel like lowering the collective IQ of every thread you post in? genuinely curious.

>downloads iso from piratebay
I have no idea
>cracks it with a closed source tool made by a russian
Why anyone would use
>installs more cracked software from piratebay
Linux in our day and age
>disables windows updates and all security tools

Man you've kept your female act for like a year now, keep it up, proud of you

purple is the color of faggots now, unfortunately. Meryl Streep said that in an interview. Yeah, I know, why would I read an interview of hers. I was bored.

Win10 LTSB is a decent OS if you are not a paranoid weeb scared of the FBI finding all of his anime / borderline childporn

I guess nobody on this website should be using it then.

I still don't know if you're trolling with "Femanon" or not-

don't talk like that about my wife

Windows 7 is so comfy.

I'm worried because I'm getting a new pc soon and I want to stay on 7. I just can't find a copy of it any more and I'm too scared to pirate it.