OwO what's this o_O
OwO what's this o_O
Is this Windows?
It looks like GNOME, kek
it appears to be a wind carved crevice in sandstone
I do love arpeggios
It's literally just windows 10 with a transparent task bar moved to the top of the screen
>Project Arpeggio
wtf is this it's so pretty.
>ddr ddr
It's just a notification for getting new email, nothing to be concerned about.
Looks like a shitpost to me. kys
your live is worthless and your parents should be ashamed of you.
>wind carved
Air can't carve stone, you fucking retard.
>your live
t. brainlet
OMG u are my people!
this is a comfy place
That looks even worse than Gnome.
the inside of a gaping vagina?
Looks like 2007
so what the fuck is it?
ur mum's pussy
*Blocks your path*
>flesh fangs
It looks like someone set the taskbar transparency to 100% and location to top.
Yeah and I bet you think water can't carve canyons either.
Did you fail primary school?
Over like a billion years it does.
Looks nice, what is it?
It's the view of you slipping in your hole, backwards.
DRR... DRR... DRR...