Bullying at work

>Coworkers asked me if I was a virgin
>Told them I was not but had no girlfriend currently
>They started joking about "finding me a gf"

The bullying I posted about from last week is only getting worse. This is reaching critical mass, ive tried my hardest to keep calm and act normal but it's all falling apart now. Any second now im going to flip out at work and end up in the local news. you've helped me before Sup Forums, help me now please.

we can't help you with this one bud.

i saw this exact thread not long ago


it’s only bullying if you think it is
just change the way you think

> he didn't use "I am gay" cheat
Pathetic. Go complain to hr.

That doesn't really sound like bullying, but I hope it gets better for you anyway.

You know what you need to do.

Just go along with it. At worst they joke around a bit, at best they find you someone.

learn the definition of disdain. dont respond, you dont have to justify or give a response. plead the 5th essentially. being sexual gives stds, id avoid if I were you

>haha yeah make sure she's got big cans and is loaded with money. also make sure she goes by "she, her" and no other pronouns
done and done. your pals get a laugh and they know you don't suck cock

That's what pushes you to the edge? No wonder you are single, lmao

>socializing with people at work

You might be autistic op

We need more chads in STEM. Fucking faggot bringing anime shirts to a workplace.

>tfw always viewed in two years
Scary guy that will rape and murder you
Silent autistic virgin.

i'll only switch to STEM if you do all the fucking work for me

What is this from

You can't be a chad and be a lazy fuck sorry.

They're not bullies. You're just a bitch.

Use my line: I avoid women because (insert cancer or another disease here) runs in my family, and the men tend to die young. I don't want to pass on my genes/leave a family behind.

They'll probably leave you alone after that. Just be thankful it's not true. It is for me.

Also, stop being a bitch.

ITT: Things that never happened

its banter m8, you need to talk shit back to them

its only fair

I dont ser how thats bullying. Theyre shooting the shit with you. Youre an autistic low confidence sperg who is uncomfortablr with social interaction. Dude, lighten up and work out and dont worry so much about what they think. Just do your job or find another one. But socializing and knowing how to do it is essential.

Put laxatives in the coffee and clog the toilet

wait a minute this isnt technology

just tell them your gay


no, cum in their coffees. i used to do this to the girls on our office

Sup Forums - "technology"

Tell them sternly that you do not like their behaviour and they're not being remotely funny, that they sound like children.

Why is this the truth?

This kind of thing is one of the better suggestions.

But OP, it can get worse. When they give up trying to 'help' you is when the real hell starts, since you stop being human in their eyes. You become the person they'd throw under the bus to save a glove or hat from being run over.

I think it raises more questions if you feel the need to address that you want a woman that identifys as such

its a reminder to not take life too seriously

could they be trying to help
i know you will say no but do really think about it because i was in similar situations in the past and it ended up being people trying to help me

sorry for the ""

They're just being condescending pricks, if one wants help - he asks for it.