Thought Sup Forums was full of shit about pajeet

>thought Sup Forums was full of shit about pajeet
>do phone interview for a well known company in a major city
>talked to HR everything seems normal
>keep asking if I'm a US citizen
>for he fifth time yes
>next day talk to lead
>can hardly make out a single fucking thing he is saying
>asking scrub tier shit but have to ask him to repeat himself because of his accent
>doesn't ask me shit I applied for
>at the end ask me any questions
>ask if additional spots are open because this is not what I applied for but I feel competent enough to do it
>wait you applied for what again?
>mfw this fucker didn't even read my resume
>mfw not sure if this is real

Other urls found in this thread:

I got asked by my mother to help make a website for some group she was in. I refused because fuck web development but later on she calls me hopeless and desperate. Apparently she put it up as a university project, at a respectable university of course, and got a group of students to do it. They took months and did absolutely nothing and the stuff they did do was disgusting to me as a programmer. For example they hard coded the years in a DOB selector. I can't prove the retard wrote out 100 years of select tags but I would believe it. These were postgraduates by the way, this is something you see a lot with indians. They go for higher tiers of university study and university is dumb when it comes to telling if something is competent or not.

indians are to Sup Forums as jews are to Sup Forums

why didn't she just use something like squarespace?

>interview at Amazon as a Canadian
>Literally everyone in the chain is an incompetent pajeet
>They turn me down even though I pass all the questions and meet the criteria
>My other friend (also a Canadian, but a pajeet) says they hired a pajeet instead
It's not because of cost they hire them anymore, a Canadian costs even more than an American to bring in and they choose pajeets over well trained white programmers.

>Tfw you realize this pajeet is making 200k starting

that's actually a brilliant analogy

Except indians actually infest this industry in a tangible manner whereas jewish influence is hearsay and conspiracy.


i actually quit a job over pajeets once. they are literal retards who still believe in their caste system. if a company ever hires an upper caste pajeet into management that company is fucked for at least 5 years. they will hire their whole extended family regardless of qualifications and they will all shit on every other employee, because castes or some bullshit. when (not if) a pajeet sexually assaults a female employee they will be convinced the problem wasn't them being a rapist, but not enough of pajeet's family working in HR to bail him out. once the company realizes the mistake they've made it will take at least 2 years to clear out the infestation. they're literal cockroaches and impossible to work with. you dodged a bullet, user.

>t. Jew

>mfw this fucker didn't even read my resume
from my experience, this happens at least half of the time

Who cares you are getting a job to get paid faggot

I tried my best to word it to not sound like a jew denying jew but I guess Sup Forums users will take any opportunity to shitpost. One of you didn't even post a jew in a tangible manner, proving my point.

>Hi! I am applying for a job as an engineer!
>Yes, we will interview you for the engineer job!
>Ok! Ask me stuff!
>Can you clean toilets? How much exp do you have as a janitor?
False advertising is false advertising.

Is this a pol meme? Stop posting it on gee u fag

There's also the fact that dealing with retards isn't usually covered in the pay check. If they don't pay enough then the job isn't worth it.

>jewish influence is hearsay and conspiracy.

>If they don't pay enough then the job isn't worth it.
I would not go that far. If you are jobless and in a non-nanny-state country, a job is a job. You cannot eat morality and ethics for dinner.

Strangely, you can eat indians for dinner.


The thing is this company is a top tier one and has a huge presence
Like if I was applying to some random ass financial shit I would expect this.
Not only that the HR person called me prior and actually talked to me about my relevant skills.
Like how the fuck can this guy even sit in a meeting room when he can't even string together a fucking sentence

Ah, bollywood. It's just so bad it's good.

oh ser tank you you are giveing bollywood a shot we have culture movie and hero movie and girl movie like BIG HOLLYVOOD, but bollywood better and i tink you will not regret


Studying in postgraduate CS generally means doing research in big topics like AI or big data. Being competent in webshit is not a requirement for that.

The reports weren't good either. This is from a second group that I forgot they got to do another aspect of the site, which of course fell to me to finish.

What made them decide to do this project?

Who, the indians? University forces them to do an actual practical application of their "skills" in order to graduate by taking on real world projects. They don't have any skills though and got through by memorisation only. Maybe every member of both 5 person teams were just skilled in other areas aside from programming and I'm just being overly critical because they misspelled database table names that were written out for them.

Why do pajeets look like they smell? Maybe I'm biased because every pajeet I've met has smelled like curry or shit.

Because they do.

Name the company. This board is anonymous.

Normal people see an anti-discrimination section, but woke kids see it as the anti-white section.

If your not white, enjoy my hardearned job!

Yeah. They hire their own and promote their own.

they bath in feces

This has nothing to do with pajeets you retard, the tech industry is just like this. Its full of assholes, and people who interview are usually powertripping pieces of shit. Unless you get in on a nice comfy team that is somewhat small and work well together you are boned.

What company? This is an user board

why would they even ask you for your race or gender if they claim to not discriminate based on that?

>t. pajeet

Affirmative Action

He's right, though. You're lying if you say whites don't engage in the same "only hire & promote muh people" policy as well.

I can smell you through my screen. Fuck off, jo.

>promote a group of people who know how to do their job well and are passionate about it
>promote fellow streetshitters into management positions while they only care about acquiring bobs and vagene on botnetbook
I'll take whites.

>acquiring bobs and vagene on botnetnook

statistical analysis

>For example they hard coded the years in a DOB selector.
>I can't prove the retard wrote out 100 years of select tags but I would believe it
You do know that generated and hardcoded HTML look the same, right?

They just want better life for themselves and their families. You must be grateful they even bothered to learn your shitty language to the point where you can call them retards, it's not an easy thing to do, but you probably don't know because ameridumbs don't know what "learning foreign languages" thing feels like.
Fucking retard who probably did absolutely nothing to make America great country feeling entitled to judge anyone for coming inside as if entire country is his own private property. Eat shit and die.

t. pajeet

>tfw op
>tfw not even white

I'll say it once I get my confirmation of If I can get an interview or not

Our old company hired some used car salesman pajeet for a director position. The office went from 80% white to 90% brown within two years. Indians only hire their own and don't give a single fuck. Also I was outcoding most of them as an intern.

Doesn't explain them being low talkers. Shit ruins youtube