I'm genuinely confused, why did they drop windows 8.1 support?

I'm genuinely confused, why did they drop windows 8.1 support?

But the newest drivers have Windows 7? What? I have to either downgrade or """"upgrade"""" to Windows 10, which I honestly only know negative things about.

I'm big into gaming, this is trash. I'm late, I know. Did anyone upgrade / downgrade?

It is weird, but they kept Windows 7 because a crazy large amount of users still exist, Windows 8.1 not do much.
Though I would have kept support for 8.1, I understand dropping 8.0.

I've heard Windows 10 runs literally everything worse across the board.

At least this gives me an excuse to reformat, asi t's been on my mind - But I'm very scared to.

Bump - Hoping to hear from someone on W10

Why are you on windows 8 on the first place? 7>10>8. 8 is an abomination, you should really upgrade or downgrade. If you're upgrading you should do a clean install by the way.

With a clean install, will I be able to grab a few old files before deleting my windows.old?

Or is that another method of installation?

Who uses 8.1? It's literally shit, there is no reason to use it.

I was told it was better than 7 at the time.

Just gonna go to 10.

8.1 is just fine.

8, 8.1, vista, and 10 are for plebs

friends want to play sea of thieves when it comes out, using win7 now. no big problems. will i have win10?


Windows 10 is literally a botnet with ads and extremely shitty updates you can't avoid.

8.1 doesn't have this

7 is slow and completely out of date. Updates really killed it and most hardware doesn't support it.

Nobody supports 8.

>t. Wondoze 7 peasant

10 isn't that bad. There's tons of stuff you have to disable at first but honestly after you configure those tiles in your start menu it starts being quite convenient. Some stuff is painful tho - getting rid of shit like candy crush or ads on mine was kinda tricky at least as far as I remember.

Still it's a botnet.

t. used 7(now open suse) on desktop and bought notebook with w10

Time for Linux user.

i dont have anything more in the whole multimedia technology than ads. so i will not upgrade. thanks for the infos. maybe win 11 will be adless? i know it wont. why does people buy a product with advertising?

LOL nice 1

Because it comes preinstalled. Same reason why people even used vista

8 sucked but 8.1 is GOAT. Put in Classic Start Menu and you've got almost all the good parts of 10 with almost none of the bad parts.

The market share of Vista and 8 show that people had no problem ditching them for XP, 7, and 10.

right the meme os that has sucked since I tried it at 18yo and now 44. Neighbor installed it two weeks ago. Still sucks.

>win 8 became win 10
just upgrade faggot, you already have cancerous 8, upgrade to less canceours 10