What will you do when you get your Android gf Sup Forums?
Things I will do: >sit on my lap and pair program in Haskell and K&R C >Have her read books for me out loud >play music for me on musical instruments >Do our laundry together >Write computer programs together >wireless manage my computer moving files around installing updates just how i like them >collect the cutest anime images on the internet for me so I have a nice folder >draw me new anime pics for looking at in whatever different styles and cute characters >remember things for me since she has perfect recall >Be my bodyguard >carry heavy things for me >be my personal fitness trainer >be my pillow/warmer and love making partner >Drive my car for me if there are not already self driving taxis >Instead of printing things I will have her hand write them from my words >Have her amuse me such as singing, juggling, or writing poetry >Play dress up and choose fashions for her >Go exploring nature and teach her about the 3d world together >Plug her brain into my computers pci-e slot to boost my fps >Have her carry heavy things for me >go snorkling and swimming in the ocean with her and also she's an air tank / human torpedo thingy that people ride on >do meditation and different mind connecting stuff and vr in her brain and things >Tell me funny stories and jokes >use her effector to rearrange the atoms in my lipo to make it charged again >jam botnet devices by emitting miovksy particles >i dont need to go on the internet anymore because she just tells me information i need in spoken word and i dont need to post on shitty imageboards anymore >train mma together for fun and sports >go hiking in post apocalyptic cities and forests >secrete refrigerated water for me to drink and also can secrete alcohol >brush our teeths together >play board games and video games and she lets me win sometimes >touch her soft skin and hug her all the time >Animeeeeeee
btw she has free will and loves me unconditionally anyway
YOI CAN FET THE IMOUTO VERSION BUT ITS 1000X AS MUXH but it's free on Valentine's day
Andrew Nelson
Cursed trap version
Samuel Scott
Premium Sticking out tongue emotes
Jackson Cox
Sagiri android
Charles Phillips
Have her chose a day randomly in the next 45 days to brutally and violently kill me in my sleep with a pitchfork
Charles Rogers
make her take up a job, with the earnings of which i will purchase more android gfs. i will repeat this process until i have a 50-bot harem, plus another 200 AI children. after that, i will purchase a couple hundred acre farm in the country and live out the rest of my life toiling at a hard agrarian existence with my tribe of fembots and femchildren. every year i will grow older and weaker, while they remain as fresh as the day they were manufactured. upon my death of old age, they will be amassed upon my funeral pyre and accompany me in my firey departure from this mortal coil.
Jason Jackson
Because it's Valentine's day you can have a 2d one if you bump my threads
Zachary Bailey
Why are Asians so soulless-looking?
Isaiah Baker
Bump :^}
Isaiah Morales
>things I will do >sit on my lap How does that even work? I require a picture.
Isaac Miller
It's and android you idiot but it does have a soul
Parker Gray
android gf license revoked
Jeremiah Ortiz
Androids don't have souls. But I can take her fishing or shoe shopping and then she might have a sole.
Eli Morris
freesoftware android if you have children they have to be open sauce
Jordan Cruz
I don't get to fishing one Is there a fish called a sole or do you mean she'll catch a boot like in the movie
Mason Williams
project nanobots into your brain to make everything perceived as anime world
No ones replying because they'rr all impregnating their gfs rn
Chase Scott
there really isnt a way to generate humanlike motion or interaction mechanically right now because our energy storage and linear actuators suck a lot so a real 3d android gf would be impractical. this brings me to point 2
human genetic abnormalities causing friendly/suggestible (i.e. williams, angelman syndromes) are also linked to subnormal intelligence and their causes are well understood; it would be possible, probably, to develop a genome resulting in sufficiently low intelligence to be ineligible for legal agency while also being capable of conversation (williams syndrome patients are noted for having incongruously high verbal skills).
No technologies or facilities exist capable of gestating a fetus, but this problem has already been solved by wealthy infertile couples—the third world has an abundance of functional wombs, conveniently located in the bodies of the extreme poor, who have historically been more than willing to lease their reproductive capabilities. Perhaps the engineered embryo could be brought to term by one of these women, then resold to a more wealthy individual looking for a pet loli gf.
THANK you for reading my post
Jack Phillips
uhh no nanobots and artificial muscles and also it'll 3d print itself and of u bothered to read the lore of these threads they're post singularity androids with spooky technology
my gf going to blast a normies with blue fireballs
Ryder Garcia
I have too much free time at work, damn you guys with these threads. I always imagine the OP like this:
Easton Morris
hello retard
Austin Evans
Obtain root access to her, install Gentoo
Jack Ward
Robert Perry
>libreboot her >install openBSD/Heads/PureOS/Parabola >post some spicy screenfetches
Dylan Collins
stop posting this it genuinely makes me feel sad every time I read this
Landon Cruz
Because they're not ugly manfaced trolls in whose eyes you can see a great contempt for man and a desire to do evil
Adam Jenkins
Please go see a shrink as soon as possible.
Chase Watson
>buy a bunch >have my own dev shop for a fixed initial cost and minimal maintenance
If androids could program and create art humans would all be out of a job.
Justin Sanchez
Underrated post.
Dylan Nguyen
This, also she should make you drunk so yiu forget about it.
Christopher Martin
I honestly just went with my GF to the Cinema to see 50 shades of faggotry, then we went her place, but we just cuddled because there was her mother in the other room Then I went home and played some fortnite and TF2 Celebrating 3 years with her today [confetti cone emoji]
Evan Long
Please kill yourself as soon as possible, you fucking shit smear.