How do I put max load on my RAM? I can't memtest so I have to see if this is causing blue screens. Adding browser tabs just increases my CPU usage
How do I put max load on my RAM? I can't memtest so I have to see if this is causing blue screens...
Use windbg or bluescreenview to read the minidump files bsods leave, might indicate an problem with drivers.
Why can you not run memtest?
*a problem
I think prime95 is quite heavy on RAM with some settings
Why can't you memtest?
GNU/Linux distributions have a user-space memtester that covers at least all free RAM.
apt-get install memtester
>Click the Start and type "memory" in the run line. Select Windows Memory Diagnostic.
No flash drive. The only one I have has my windows on it, and I can't find the online installation any more.
I've been reading minidumps, but they're always the two general "could be anything" blue screens, I had so many culprits that I just don't know any more.
driver irql_less_or_not_equal
ntoskrnl.exe and hal.exe
I've reinstalled Windows, I've cleaned everything several times, reset and updated BIOS, everything to do with drivers that could be done is done.
I noticed that the blue screens only came when I was using more than 8.2GB RAM, and the temps for everything and usage was nominal. I installed 8 more gigs a few months ago, so now with 4x4 I expect one stick at least might be faulty.
I've lost all belief that it could be a software problem
That sucks, go with then.
What exactly does this program do? I've never even considered that Windows has a thing like this. Does it stress to max? How long does it test for?
Backup the flash drive
Install memtest86 on flash drive
Reboots now or schedules memtest on next reboot.
What about burn in test?
while(new(std::nothrow) char[512]);
Compile for x64 and run
Make iso from flash drive
Download Yumi multiboot
Install memtest with Yumi
Install Windows installer with yumi
How can I back up a bootable Windows with it still working later?
Does this need a flash drive or can it be run on a running OS?
No idea what this is. I'm not as knowledgeable as you guys
It's just a one line program that asks for 512 bytes of RAM again and again and again and again until even your virtual memory is flooded. Then windows just freezes and that's that.
Linux kills the application rather hastily, though.
You can use Prime95 in Windows to stress cpu/ram and generate heat.
Be sure to monitor temperatures with something like HWMonitor portable.
Maybe the problem is that you're running windows off a stick. Or that you're apparently using an ancient shitbox with a single usb port.
Also this, why run an OS that writes so much to disk on a USB drive? USB drive will wear out quickly.
>How can I back up a bootable Windows with it still working later?
You create a raw image of the drive.
dd if=/dev/usb/... of=backup.img bs=1M
Windows programs that do the same exist.
But if windows freezes how does that help me? I need to replicate blue screens which only happen after 1-3 hours of heavy CPU/RAM/GPU load
No, I built the PC in 2015, was failry high end then
I think you guys misunderstood, I have a flash drive with a Windows installation on it. Windows is installed on the SSD, if I wipe the drive for memtest I lose my Windows copy
Does this back up the boot record?
>does that help me?
You wanted to fill your RAM nigger and you got it now fuck off.
Switch off your PSU, take out your motherboard battery and put it back in after 5 seconds. Use your PC normally, if it crashes, you got shit hardware.
>if I wipe the drive for memtest
What in the fuck are you even doing?
Just note the key down and use this to get a legit ISO or USB prep tool:
Also why can't you simply run the Windows Memory Diagnostic?
>I need to quickly fill up my RAM
>Quickly installs Chrome and Firefox
The absolute state of the webbrowsing gentleman.
are you that nephew that every boomer tells me about that "knows compootor" when they dont want to pay for repair service and then come back a month later with a pc in a worse state?
How much RAM you got? if you're on windows with 8GB or less then play VRChat for half a hour in worlds with 30+ people, it will definitely use 90% of RAM.
If you got more than 8GB, remove a stick and play, then replace sticks till you find which stick is the faulty one.
>come back a month later with a pc in a worse state?
Not him mate, but this happened to me once.
Worst feeling ever, when you fuck up something even harder than it was and then have to give it back.
What is wrong with sharex
Huh, I am literally running this tool right now. Just got a BSOD on my new laptop. Not sure if its windows 10 being a shit or a hardware issue. Only have a few days to figure it out to return it.. Hopefully the memory test comes back clear and I can install windows 8.1 on it.. Concerned about drivers since the only windows supported is 10 but I think I should be able to get most of them from the manufacturer of the components website since the laptop OEM (msi) is no help..
>Sup Forums doesn't even know how to test ram properly anymore
Jesus Christ the absolute state of Sup Forums.
Open like 3 Chrome tabs