They usually think I'm some sort of conspiracy nut. Well?
How do I redpill normies about this botnet?
Other urls found in this thread:
You don't.
You show them how awesome Linux is.
Casually make reference to "back when Snowden exposed PRISM". See if it gets a "huhhhhh?"
Try not having autism that might help
Don't make that the main talking point. Tell them why Linux is cool and add that as an extra. Don't be autistic.
What is this? The Microsft APPs on Samsung Galaxy?
Don't. They simply don't care. Even if you give them undeniable proof they still won't give a fuck. They use this shit because it's convenient and everyone they know uses it.
Same goes for you.
I care, but it doesn't matter.
Why not just show them how to turn the botnet off instead of trying to shill an OS that requires more work than normies care to bother with? There are a ton of programs that stops win10's botnet.
convince them it's more fashionable to download this
You mean the Android botnet?
>meme article written by a tech illiterate
Nice bait. Got me to reply.
>linux is slow
literally dont use a bloated distro and you will get >100 mib base ram unlike windows using 2gb base ram
Why would you cause even more family and friend tech support for yourself?
im braindead
You clearly don't understand how Linux works, but don't be sad, this guy doesn't too.
Actually makes a lot of decent points for desktop users. Linux desktop really isn't great. But point #9 is complete bullshit. (tldr is that FOSS sucks because there's little or no financial incentive to maintain it.) Companies like Red Hat are making loads of money and they're only growing. Not only that, but fucking microsoft is a contributor to the kernel and they have a massive financial incentive to get linux users to pick Azure. Azure is probably the fastest growing part of MS. A ton of other companies have a big financial interest in keeping linux fast, secure, and up to date. How many companies depend on LAMP applications? The idea that there isn't any money behind linux is absurd, there's tons of it for better or worse.
Is LTSB a meme? Or it is botnet-free as some anons proclaim?
please spare them from our autism that has spun out of control
>i don't trust microsoft not to do nefarious things
>as long as i turn off all the secret botnet features it will be safe
>even though i'm still letting microsoft run unaudited code on my system and they can literally keylog me without my knowledge or do anything else they want with my data either by complete accident or deliberately
>surely this evil botnet that wants to spy on me will let me out of the botnet because i switch off a few features and services
If you find things like windows update forcing restarts annoying then by all means, go for enterprise and set the update policy however you like it. But if you don't trust microsoft not to do evil shit to you, then no, it's just a meme. You still can't review their code, you still can't know what they're doing with your data either through incompetence or deliberately.
Red Hat makes money by providing a service, not by producing a desktop OS.
Yes, but the point is they have a financial incentive to keep the OS running for their clients.
>Implying your os spying on you matters when the NSA can decrypt all your traffic anyways
it's still a botnet, but less so than the other versions.
font rendering, windows update forcing reboots (which is fixable, but they don't know), malwares (which exists on linux too, again they don't know), distros like mint which are super user friendly, free software, no cracks which bring malwares more times than not. Pretend vidya never existed (they care a lot about those) and you have a good chance of taking them away from the botnet. More importantly this .