
show your uptime, no servers allowed you fucking wankers

Other urls found in this thread:


31 days

How did you get Linux to run on it?

4h and 26m


I'm up for past 2 hours. It's morning where I am. Longest I was awake were maybe 50 hours... Don't really want to damage my brain and/or have a depression, so I sleep regularly.


well i did just rebooted


thinking about changin to i3 someone who used it can give a feedback?

Is this ubuntu? nice colors, faggot

What is wrong with gnome?

If you like VIM bindings and you don't like using mouse then it's godsent.
You can make some bindings with mouse, but at this point why not just use a normal DE like KDE.
tiling wm only makes sense if you use keyboard a lot.



Is it cheating if I always hybernate?

>Red, Green and blue
Oh my god please go fuck yourself


I-I'm sorry desu ;_;

I just suck at ricing
I don't even konw how to change the font colors consistently senpai

get something from xcolors.net or try pywal


can I borrow that wp user ?

>Skeuomorphic icons in 2018


Tried 8 or 9 DEs before settling in into this one, quite fond of it actually

How do I change the transparency though ? I want the terminal and stuff to be more transparent ? The .css files for the themes ? Obviously a newfag

you need to edit the shell theme if you want the panel / dock to be transparent
you easily change the terminal transparency in its settings

Found it, I could've sworn it was nowhere to be seen but at least I got it now

Will look into that, thanks user

I want to devour Stania's vagoo and pooper.

Mostly a file server so there isn't much load on it. Should upgrade Debian at some point.





Not sure why the clock is broken.

here you go

>writing powershell in powershell

thx user

I mostly distrohop and I don't know shit about wincuck powershell so yeah I am quite retarded on this stuff

kys pedo

Not really a server...

Had to reboot :-(

>69 days

Detail your ricing?

Dude that looks amazing, would you mind telling me how you managed to get this bar?



not him but it's polybar i think


>came here expecting to see something impressive
>my shitty XP drone has more uptime than the rest of this thread combined


>no servers

>have a depression
That's not how depression works
>don't really want to damage my brain
You can't get brain damage from staying up for long

just installed it so not much yet.

how long did compiling took? I'm planning to install it next week on a t420 with the same specs

i have a life

How the fuck do you even work for a prolonged period of time with such low contrast?

about 92 hours.

what has uptime to do with your private life though?
It's just boils down to your routine regarding power cycles.
I rarely power off my machine, it's a low powered desktop and I have at least two P2P networks running at all the time.
With idle load all but one fan is powered off completely and the remaining one spins so slowly you can't really hear it.
So in my case the benefits of keeping my desktop powered on is greater than the benefits I'd get from turning it off (miniscule powersaving and miniscule difference in noise).

You don't poweroff your router, modem, NAS or a homeserver when you walk out of the house now do you?

>I have at least two P2P networks running at all the time
that's why

few hours but you should use the --quiet option on portage to make it faster.

Haha, are u a leet hacker?

thx I'll look into it


So according to your logic sharing files someone else was kind enough to share with you is asocial? Isn't it pretty much the most pro-social thing you could do with a computing device? Elaborate on your reasoning.



- I use bbLean for the top bar and my side launcher widget,
- Rainmeter for my desktop information and news box, specifically Moko2's nocturnal theme.
- I run Penumbra as my window theme
- I also have launchy to open applications
- My wallpaper was posted in a thread on /wg/ around a year ago but I had to remake it as the original post had things over the top.

Hope this helps.


>root logins over SSH enabled

>using root over ssh
>using windows
i bet he's allowing aes128 or lower

Config please?


Debian sid

>Config please?
terminal is terminator, system fetcher is farfetch github.com/Capuno/Farfetch

terminator config (~/.config/terminator/config): t.capuno.cat/raw/acz
+ this inside ~/.config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css for padding:
vte-terminal {
padding: 15px 15px 15px 15px;

+ the red border from the i3 config

farfetch config: t.capuno.cat/raw/ada
+ skeleton ascii: t.capuno.cat/raw/adb

Had to replace my hard drive a couple weeks ago.

Looks like thumb up

Work? Kek, ricers don't work
