If everybody says that Java sucks so hard

If everybody says that Java sucks so hard.
Why is it still used?
C++ couldn't replace Java?

>C++ couldn't replace Java?

C++ came out before java, retard. javaids should never have existed.


>Why is it still used?
I couldn't be bothered to read the first chapter of my Java textbook: the post.

So creative.

Java is popular because it's easy enough for ooga booga retards to use and that means big companies can hire cheap.

>Why is it still used?
>C++ couldn't replace Java?

>hey let's rewrite our codebase in C++ instead of Java
>okay just give me a few months to implement a full memory management system and ensure all of the code is free of memory leaks and prevents buffer overflows, no problem
>sure we won't be able to add any new features during then but it'll be so fast m8
Different tools for different situations.
2/10 bait made me post.

He said sucks hard, not that it's hard.

i have never encountered a valid reason for java to be used

Baits aside. Your average CS graduate will never even grasp the concept of enterprise design patterns and problem solving. People hate what they cannot understand and thus we end up with a lot of unemployed angry C++ fags in Sup Forums.

Java is good, that's why its still used. There are few c++ jobs where i live and a lot of java jobs

Alot of the corporate and mainstream world is just about sucking peoples souls and wills to live out of them. See Java, Microsoft, C# etc

The JVM and its portability is one obvious reason. Imo, Java and C++ are both great languages, but if you want your program to be available in multiple systems easily, Java is a better option than C++.

C++ and Java can mostly accomplish the same results but there is also a clear distinction where the languages should be used. If your designing a system where GC pauses can cause issues, C++ is fine but C++ has many issues aswell. No matter how good the programmers are, there will be hard to detect and solve memory leaks. Generally its better to use Java cause most of the time its just as fast in longer running services and causes less issues. At the company i work for, we have some services that are implemented in C++ by experienced developers, and they still cause a lot more issues then similar Java services.

And btw, when you say "Everybody says Java suck", you are refering to unemployed neets on Sup Forums that have never accomplished anything past writing fizzbuzz in "hard" languages while having 0 understanding of developing scalable distributed systems with high availability.

> If everybody says that Java sucks so hard.
Not quite the case.

> Why is it still used?
Turns out it's a fast, easy to maintain language. Also turns out that the JVM is actually what .NET wanted to be: A runtime that plays really well with other languages even implemented atop of it, or running besides it. And it has enabled very strong non-Java languages (Kotlin, Scala, Clojure, ...).

And of course it was nice to have a compatible enough thing on Android - it caused very little issues with the huge number of ARM variants, x86 and so on and runs quickly and safely.

Basically, Java offers a way to do complex software pretty well.

> C++ couldn't replace Java?
No chance. Doesn't even feature the JVM, much less all the new and old libs that are running on the JVM.

I like Java but I prefer Scala.

I used to hate Java. Then I used python with its meme Monty python syntax and spacing. At least Java, c/c++, c# Javascript you can feel around and get it right. Python is like learning a completely different paradigm

Only Sup Forums autists have a problem with java. Just check out /dpg/, it's pure trash managed by unemployed angry c++ "programmers".

> mfw they are not deploying dockerized Spring Boot applications to AWS with a fully automated CI/CD pipeline
Java is alive and well, Java is used for greenfield development in fortune 500 companies. If you learn Java now you will have a job for the next 20 years.

What would be some business cases where one would use C# over java?

Honestly everything. The only time Java shines currently is pure performance and it's very slight difference. However things change when frameworks come into play. All Java/Scala back end frameworks are multiple times slower than .NET Core. Also C# in itself is slowly taking over Java, because it addresses a lot of issues Java currently has. .NET Core being multiplatform is a huge blow.

If you don't mind MS products on the whole stack

this is my experience as well, working for AWS