>"Nvm fixed it"
>Last post was 3 years ago
"Nvm fixed it"
Other urls found in this thread:
based friendposter
>literally the only fix is to disable PhysX in the settings and in driver settings, devs never bothered with a real patch
>AMD GPU has no fix
>"Locked, use Google"
>Found the thread on Google and it's the only relevant result when you search for the problem
You really have to be a special kind of fucktard to want to become a forum moderator
Make a thread requesting to unlock that thread
ITT Linux community
this feels like my entire life
how did you know im a linux sysadmin?
>Google only findss solution to the outdated software version, which don't work on the newer releases.
>have you tried defragging your HDD?
this has never solved anything ever
We've all had the experience of trying to install wireless drivers on Linux at one point in our lives.
Then we grew up and went back to Windows and got on with our lives.
Is doing that even remotely useful nowadays?
>Forum "admin" recommends error scanning your HDD
Defragmentation is a meme unless you are still using any Windows 9x or 2000 in [current year].
>are you sure your graphics driver is installed
of course it is
>double check and I had forgotten to install it but couldn't tell because shitty laptop with shit resolution anyway
>"If you can't use the search function to find threads on this topic then you have no purpose being here"
>"thread locked"
The cycle repeats itself with these oblivious forum moderators, user.
>you must register to use search function
>you must wait for an admin to approve your registration
>you need 50 forum posts and 5 rep points to use the search function
fixed my windows install after copying a massive file between drives corrupted the file system. i was surprised as anyone that it worked
>Answer lies on the 156th page of a 500 page forum thread dealing with an issue really only identifiable with two characters and a common word.
>You must be registered to view links
>You must be registered to download files
>You must be registered to view images
>An administrator or moderator must confirm your registration
>Please use the search function
>Don't necro threads
this is why I stopped using lunux as a desktop OS. I now have windows 10 as my main OS without whole disk encryption or anything fancy. I do all my development in ubuntu VMs whose state is archived and mirrored to redundant SSD drives and SATAs for longer-term storage. If I ever fuck up the lunux install I just revert to an old copy. It saves having to read shitty piss poor documentation and adds years back to my life span
>It saves having to read shitty piss poor documentation and adds years back to my life span
>Nvm, I restart and everything works fine now
>[software] doesn't work
>have you tried executing it as administrator?
>link to the patch/fix
>only registered users can see the link
>link dead
>Cant create thread until you get X forum points
>Post shit until get points
>Create thread
>lol use the search function
>use the search function
>lol don't necropost
fuck forum mods
Why was necroing considered a bad thing to begin with anyway?
>Never receives confirmation email
>must stalk mods and pm one of them on irc to get your account activated
>"here's a link to the solution"
>dipshit forum board software truncated the link to have ellipsis in the middle of the URL and cut out the middle, rendering it broken and useless
>"Thank you for contacting Microsoft Help Center. I looked into the issue you are having. Have you tried *something not even remotely related to the issue*?"
>Rajesh Kumar
>Microsoft Team
Seriously, I have never in my life for d useful information on those Microsoft forums.
>have you:
>updated drivers
>defrag/error check
No that doesn't work for me
>The only solution now is to reinstall your computer
>reinstall you computer
Why are forum admins such morons?
most of the time it's literally some dumb fuck who never realized the thread died years ago and they are tacking on a long dead discussion with a reply that added literally nothing of value.
of course if it was something important or relevant then no one would mind a necro bump
>Have you tried rebooting your computer? Yes? Next step is to reformat and reinstall your PC, go fuck yourself
>only download link on Google is broken
>find a forum linking to a mirror
>"you must register to view links"
>jump through 70,000 hoops and finally click on the link
>takes you straight to the broken link on Google
I don't know why I even bother anymore
uploaded the fix for you
>uploaded that fix for you
>please wait 60 seconds to begin your download
>12 kb/s
>please wait 60 seconds
>takes 10 second to load the page before the counter starts counting
>1 "second" is slower than IRL seconds
>if you click bring forward another window/tab, the counter stops
>finally download it after wasting ten minutes of your life
>it tries to connect to some server the guy who wrote it was maintaining but is now defunct
>doesn't work without it
>You have to register to read threads
>Moderator have to approve your registration
>Forum has been dead since 2012
stupid spardo rip off poster
>Please use the search function
>Write that I have similar issue, but minor difference, fix did not work for me
>Don't necro threads, you have been warned
>using slogans with gay quotes on forums
try rebooting lol
"You make more out of life by trying harder!" - random guy
>trying to run a game on a shitty mid range 2011 hp laptop
>BSOD's almost immediately
>critical structure corruption error
>google it and click on first article
>3 out of 5 solutions given involve installing freeware
>4th solution the article gives is to install a bunch of programs that are totally unrelated to the problem
How many retards do you think actually fall for this shit and end up installing dvd burning software and android emulators in an attempt to fix their BSOD?
wrong pic
Is there a forum more useless than this?
>Have a program / thing not working
>Find some completely stupid idea someone posts on forum
>Its something unbelievable like turning mouse pointer speed up one
>it actually fixes it
I remember once I had a problem and some guy on a forum said he also had it and fixed it by disabling the DVD drive in the BIOS. Off course I thought that was bullshit but was so desperate that I gave it a try. It fucking worked.
you're on it right now
Nvm fixed it. PM`ed you the answer. 6 years ago. Consider hacking the forum to see the PM.
Rep: 17,038
Forum Wizard
Works on my machine. Moving to lock this thread due to irreproducible results.
Current rig:
Pentium 4
Nvidia GeForce 6600GT
500 GB HDD
Windows XP Professional
Please do NOT PM me with questions. I am too busy to answer individuals one-on-one.
>me: i have a problem with this software, i already tried the recommended stuff
>some dumb asshole: did you try the recommended stuff?
>me: i already said i tried that
>moderator: first warning for user. be more polite next time. locked
Oh god, this. This sort of shit always instantly reminds me why I never use traditional forums these days.
i've literally not had a problem with linux i couldn't solve with manpages/arch wiki
>researching fix for laptop turning off while in use.
>someone post about fixing the issue
>wrap laptop in blanket, and place in oven for 1 min
>mfw it fixed the problem. wtf
People used to use the same trick for fixing an RROD'd Xbox 360. You are melting a small amount of solder and causing it to resolder whatever connection has come loose. It doesn't always work, but sometimes it does.
>of course if it was something important or relevant then no one would mind a necro bump
I don't actually care since forums are disposable to me.
>literally every problem with internet
>besides opening ports which works 1 in a million always only one answer
>"check your cables"
tfw it really was the cables
>any forum software that allows users to upload photos that if you aren't registered or signed in you cannot see
>detailed post explaining the fix point by point
>megaupload link
>anon1: I have problem with software
>anon2: Me too
>anon3: Have you tried [simple solution]?
>anon1: Yes, and it doesn't help
>anon2: Hey, it worked for me
>mid: LOCKED!
>anon1: I have problem with software
>anon2: Me too
>anon3: Have you tried [simple solution]?
>anon1: Yes, and it doesn't help
>anon2: Hey, it worked for me
>mod: LOCKED!
>have a problem with something
>forum post about solution is upvoted as best
>post has link to another thread, which has a link to another thread which has link....... everytime
Hybridiz. Google it up. Do it, faggot.
>when the solution is more complex than the problem
I hate to say this, usually reddit has the best responses for problems.
I am in physical pain and having flashbacks reading this thread
I've never had any problems with wireless drivers.
linux in a nutshell
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Oh, wow! Thank you so much for this, Anon19983. This actually did solve my problem. Again, thank you!
PMed you the solution.
>tfw discovering /sqt/
You have peoples on the internet who get zero(0) recognition, fun points or other bullshit who just want to call you a faggot and help you with your problem, try using that general if you care about your blood pressure.
>All Google results are the same thread automatically copy-paste by different crawlers
Absolutely SheekyForums
>I'll PM you the solution
its a gondola you negroid
>actually PMs me the solution shortly after AND it works
Usually only for anything post 2010. Anything before then is doing dung diving in hopes of finding a diamond.
Fortunately, as I get better as computers, my need to search for obscure stuff has decreased drastically. Most of the time, the only reason you want to do stuff like this is for old games/programs that were broken to hell. Sometimes, hex editing helps out for idiotic start issues and weird requirements, but yeah, good luck finding old patches.
>gets pmed solution
>"thanks fixed my problem"
thread locked no solution posted, user offline 5 years
Congrats, you MacGyvered a Hot Air Rework station
>google issue
>only one thread
>entire thread is just a bunch of faggots arguing about something unrelated
>>entire thread is just a bunch of faggots arguing about something unrelated
Really makes you think.
Why is this a thing forum users do? Why would anyone bother pming someone a solution when they already have the thread open?
It's scary how often this works.
PM'd you the answer ;)
>want to replace freedom unfriendly wifi card in my laptop with a modern Atheros one
>BIOS rejects it
>check if there are whitelist removed BIOS-es, there is one
>forum thread made in 2009
>long dead sendspace and rapidshit links
>Just patch the BIOS yourself.
Because they don't care about you enough to put effort in
It's so they can feel superior to the lesser forum members who don't know the solution, and ensuring others will keep asking them for the solution because without the attention they might realise just how patethic their existence really is.
>plug flash drive (which I have used many times before for exactly what I was using it for this time) into pc
>immediately keyboard and mouse LED lighting turns off
>they no longer respond
>try unplugging then plugging back into same port
>try unplugging and plugging into different ports
>try unplugging mouse from back of keyboard (corsair k70) and into pc independently
>nothing works
>restart computer, problem persists
>mouse and keyboard work in BIOS no problem, but turn off when windows 10 finishes booting
>can't boot into safe mode from BIOS to see if it works there, can't enter safe mode from windows 10 because my fucking keyboard/mouse don't work
>don't have a backup handy at 4am
>all google searches on shitty laptop lead to previous versions of windows (where you can enter safe mode from BIOS) or are from 2014 with no answers
What the fuck. Do I seriously need to go out and find a backup keyboard and mouse just to MAYBE see if that's the actual problem?
>"Oh lol I fixed it, just had to reboot my PC :)"
>Have already done that 5 times
>Try it again and it works
>click search result
>loads the shitty text only version with no formatting and have to click the "take me to the actual thread"
>it's a fucking newsgroup email chain with the replies in random order
you must really enjoy mailing lists
>Closed by SUCKMUHCORK on Fri, 16/05/20
>"As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question."