He uses anything other than Xfce

>he uses anything other than Xfce

How's that bloat addiction coming along, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


>he bases his self worth on an arbitrary decision that 99.9999999999% of people don't give a shit about

How’s that screen tearing addiction coming along, OP?


>uses a DE
>has the balls to accuse others of bloat

Although I'm using Xfce on my HTPC simply because other people also occasionally use it. Using compton instead of the default compositor, so don't know if is valid.

Screen tearing is gone now, and if you're using an older version of Xfce it can be fixed in like 40 seconds.

>meanwhile, on Windows

>77 processes

found your shit.

How's that multi-monitor support coming along OP

thats bloated af tho

What are you talking about?

Have your rightmost screen be the primary monitor, I dare you.

Protip: Checking "primary display" does fuck all. You have to physically move the panel to Monitor 2 and even then your desktop icons and launched programs will be on the left-most monitor which may or may not be directly in front of you.

iz awesome

b-but MATE isn't bloated, is it?

Suicide yourself my man.

>he doesn't even have a 1080p monitor

It's bloated too. But I don't care.

i use xfce but i'm thinking of changing to mate

We're not gonna steal your model or your cpu and gpu chill the fuck out

I've been using Fedora with Gnome for the past couple of months and despite the fuckload amount of bloat, I've honestly never had a problem. 8gb of ram, tho.

Am I doing something wrong? I thought my laptop was supposed to implode or something by now...

I don't believe you!

doesn't do multi-mon very well

OP we all know you just switched from cinnamon to xfce and we all know in the next 2 weeks you're going to switch to something else. Please stop making these threads about your manjaro setup and wait until a fetch thread is made. I told you this before OP!

desu bloat is a terrible argument unless you're actually affected by the bloat
minimalism is good but no DE, including xfce, is minimalistic. So its a moot point.

I think a lot of the contention came from the fact that gnome is needlessly bloated, like windows is.
KDE had a reputation for being a buggy/bloated mess but now Gnome is on the fas-track for earning that reputation themselves.

To be fair, most other DEs have shitty multi-monitor support, too. Most are generally better than XFCE (at least as far as window placement is concerned), but a lot of them still place your desktop icons on the leftmost monitor. KDE is probably the only fucking DE I've found that has 100% sensible multi-monitor support.

On XFCE, the best way to get around this problem is just to use another WM, like Openbox. It integrates pretty much seamlessly, and has much more sane window placement rules. Only a very small handful of programs tend to open on your leftmost monitor. This doesn't fix the desktop icon problem, but oh well.

>he uses anything other than i3

>Tiling WM


The problem is that Xfce treats your screens as a single screen by default, instead of separate screens. There isn't an option to change this. Some insane issues will occur:
>touches the middle of 1 screen
>the touch registers in between the screens
>tries to move the panel to the left side of the right screen
>panel moves all the way to the left screen

Don't. While Xfce isn't that great, Mate isn't any better. At least wait for Xfce 4.14.

Neither does Xfce.

lxqt > all others

>implying xcfe isn't bloated

>using a tiling window manager but not bspwm, stumpwm or dwm

>oh look i should install manjaro because its top in the charts of distrowatch

babies first gnu/linux thinking tier
use fucking debian,can't stress this enough. Hell, just use fucking xubuntu

is that vanilla st?
also what do you use to change the gtk theme?

no,it's either i3 or dwm. The ones you listed are gay/hipster

me while using cinnamon

>Shit talks Manjaro
>Suggests a *buntu

Oh God look at this fucking contrarian. Manjaro is a great distro.

Kill yourself my man.

>1.67gb ram for nothing but the system
Even my bloated cinnamon takes only 700mb

>Worried about bloat in the year 2016+2

What do you run off a 2GB Flash drive?

whats the best enviornment for ubuntu thats asthetic and light weight? Im currently using budgie

I liked xfce but couldn't use it because it was buggy as shit concerning my dual monitor setup. Meanwhile works perfectly on cinnamon, kde, mate, etc. Anyone else experience this?

It's not buggy for me, just lacks features and common sense. See

>crosses out hardware specs
>leaves hostname perfectly visible
Is this the magic of Arch?


>masochism that produces sexual pleasure every time a simple task is made harder
>self-delusion so ingrained that pressing four hundred keys to switch windows seems superior
>sexually assaulted by a computer mouse at the age of 3 and haven't been able to use one since
Those are the only three """reasons""" to use a tiling window manager

my computer isn't shitty

yes and gtk theme is set in .gtkrc-2.0 stored in ~ and contains gtk-theme-name = "Arc-Dark" and ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini and contains [Settings]
gtk-theme-name = Arc-Dark (theres a new line after [Settings] if this site removes it.

I'm not autistic.

>more bloated than Xfce

nice bloat fag

>using a DE in 2018

>nice bloat fag
nice autism bucko

Kindows 10 is pretty comfy


t.gnome devs

no thumbnails in the file picker

>318 MB used
Yikes you don't even have a web browser open or a music player or a fully riced desktop

Retard time: can somebody explain the layers of Linux please? You have the base (Ubuntu, Mint) and then DE's and WM's fit in how?



What web browser?

Enjoying the screen tearing?

Kernel-> X-Server -> WM -> DE

And what exactly does each of those beyond the kernel do?

Provides access for X-Server to GPU and mouse and keyboard
Draws stuff on screen, proceed keystrokes and mouse movement and clicks
Tells X-server to draw windows, bars, and how to draw them
DE is just a bunch of software, file managers, calculators, WM.

AMD and Intel have a tear free option built right into the graphics, all you have to do is enable it. Why do people not know about this?

It doesn't works on some hardware, xorg crashes and shits up the system

You fucking fag, my first distro was manjaro. Its a great clusterfuck beginner distro.

But you have to use a REAL distro
Real men use gentoo or debian

>not using budgie-wm

Amateur hour in this thread

>screen tearing is gone now
Also do it under these circumstances:
>no compton
>modern nvidia gpu (the compositionpipeline does not work)

>manages to look better than windows 10

Compton or xfwm4.13

i'm retard, how do i see screen tearing?


>he uses manjaro

How's that fixing broken system addiction coming along, OP?

it's not bloat if it's all going to making the programs load faster

compare manjaro gnome to fedora gnome. manjaro gnome uses less ram but it's a sluggish piece of shit unlike fedora gnome which runs smoothly despite using more ram

With your eyes

KDE is like 100MB more RAM usage but 10x the better DE.

>unstable is better
Xfce is the only perfectly stable DE. I like KDE too, but I wouldn't say it's better or user friendly even. Their UI and settings are unintuitive. Something as simple as managing the panel is a pain to do on KDE.

KDE has it's flaws, that's true, but developement/community is more alive. at least, XFCE should switch to QT since GNOME is going to fuck GTK up for good.


>always enjoy the look of linux desktops, console and ascii art
>too much of a brainlet to learn

Is that dwm?

Lxde is lighter. And mate is about the same. There is no reason to assume xfce is the one size fits all solution.
Also use i3 if you are sooo bloat-concious. Or openbox.

Install xfwm 4.13, try present and glx vblank modes.

will do, didn't know about the preview release.
I really like XFCE but never bothered to use linux on my main PC because of that. On a laptop it's perfect

>MATE is as light as LXDE
Have you not used MATE in the last 2 years? Mate is as heavy as Xfce and KDE combined.

I meant as "light" as xfce. Can't say I really checked MATE memory usage but benchmarks show that it's pretty much on par with xfce, maybe 10 MB more, but it doesn't feel like it compromises as much as xfce, IMO.

>Not using DE that looks like it came from this century

>he bases his self worth on an arbitrary decision that 99.9999999999% of people don't give a shit about
Sounds like Sup Forums

Xfce looks whatever you want. If you want modern look, you'll get it.

On AMD graphics there is tearing even without a compositor
But I still use Compton because it's the only way to get aesthetic window shadows in GNU/Linux
Also I like the real transparency that the use of a compositor enables

>tfw cannot xrandr
>tfw muh xfce's fault
>yfw win10 is the only option

>bloated packages

xfce is the only way to go...

I hope you losers don't waste your time with those __MEME__ window managers!