Why does this trigger the BSD user?

Why does this trigger the BSD user?

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reported for not getting consent
enjoy your vacation, creep.

>proprietary hugs

i'm going to accuse you of sexual misconduct in 20 years

>not 'vay-cay'
Reported for impersonating a hipster SJW.

I think it's funny you think something as basic as "*hug*" would trigger me. I get death threats and "kill yourself"'s on this site on a pretty much weekly basis, and I don't even post in political subreddits. I made the mistake of mentioning I was trans just once in a thread a few months ago and people search for that shit just to try to send me a threatening message.

I laugh in their faces.

You don't seem to get - or want to get - that some people seem "hypersensitive" to things like this because it's like death by a thousand papercuts. I'm sympathetic to those people because I can imagine how the shit I go through even being low-key out online could be maddening to anyone who isn't an invisible as I am.

I get that you're trolling, but you can't troll forever. Try to have some basic human decency. The CoC won't destroy FreeBSD, just like it hasn't destroyed corporations like Apple, Google, Facebook, etc. Life will go on and I guarantee that most of the people who could exercise this CoC won't, because they're too afraid to speak up because of the shit they see in threads like this one.

I don't like infantile images

Three months in the iso-cubes.

>but you can't troll forever

The utter state of FreeBSD. Do you have to insert a butt plug and wear programmer socks before installing it, too?

>but you can't troll forever
That’s where you’re wrong, kiddo.

>Do you have to insert a butt plug and wear programmer socks before installing it, too?
Most major freebsd devs use macs because they cannot use their own OS for le daily driver so take a guess :^)

well my attempt to start a copypasta has backfired, spectacularly

Reported. Have fun in the pokey, rapist.

Fucking faggot tranny, kill yourself


Well, Sup Forums people are stupid anyway. I made a lengthy post about the CoC three days ago (I reformated my post to not exceed 2000 characters) and I believe I managed to be as pedagogic as I could without betraying minorities and I got 3 answers fitting in one line.

What they figure out as online bullying is a mere fuckton of French bulldogs shitting on the beach. You don't need emotional support, but I admire how strong you are.

Why should I care about how you feel?

i hope theo makes this the subject of the next release song

>it's like death by a thousand papercuts
Yeah, it sure must be awful to receive gifs representing the mild affection of other people who share a community with you. You poor thing.

Get back to work on trannyboot, retard.

A mental illness is a mental illness.

Any freebsd users here who can explain why they need this in their coc?


CoC is tool to harassment and doxxing, these people will get your personal info just to be "safe".

Call me a faggot but how does FreeBSD enforce this? Like, what's the punishment if I rub someone's back virtually?

Hey, this is one part of a COC I can agree with. I don't want any creepy neckbeards and trannys touching me IRL or virtually.Are you assuming this is to protect women? There's plenty of rapey fags out there, too.

so? tell them to go away

I wonder who was behind this post

It's a form of harrassment. It's like testing the waters to see how much you can get away with. All sexes do it, and it is rarely welcomed.

I would tell you to kill yourself, but seeing as 50% of trannies do it on their own maybe there's no need to
enjoy being a disgusting, miserable sack of shit

>implying a male can reject sexual advances from a trannie without being sued for hate speech
this is only for the benefit of women, user

>>implying a male can reject sexual advances from a trannie without being sued for hate speech
This rule puts an end to that. Buncha faggots. Why you wanna hug men anyways? You can get your fill of that on Reddit.

So what happened exactly?

get this shitty copypasta off neffew

*touches bulge*
OwO what's this?

>receiving virtual hugs is like death by a thousand papercuts
You need to be sent to a mental institution m8. I'm serious, you need mental health.
It's not society which needs to regress into your lower mental and emotional operating standard, it's you who needs to be sent to a facility for repairing damaged people who waste the time and energy of society that should be spent on families and work instead of some random mentally unstable children who need babysitting like yourself.

FreeBSD adopted the Code of Conduct from the geekfeminism wiki, word for word, with minimal changes. The CoC has such comedy gold as stating how everyone going into FreeBSD is now automatically ambassador for the CoC with a responsibility to spread the word of the church; akin to a Church breaking into a car production facility and proclaiming how every engineer is now forcibly converted and has an obligation to spread the bible.
Some people made fun of the aspie feminist shit and one important person sent a sarcastic animated hug GIF which triggerd one of the mentally deficient CoC staffers who think sending virtual hugs is equal to rape. Now virtual hugs without consent are banned in FreeBSD.

You sound like you need a hug.

I wouldn't care if some trans hugged me so long as it doesn't go beyond that, it's the sex negative retards who need hugs so their PTSD gets fixed.

They don't. It is just a developer-side kind of thing, probably some strong wommyn joined the dev team and thought "it's time to kick some patriarchy ass!" and the wite knights obviously couldn't complain and then the new CoC happened.

It seems like FreeBSD is trying to win them over to work on the OS then because current things aren’t working out. Does this affect trueos too?

Free software projects are becoming worthless tools for political propaganda, this is so sad.

>it's the sex negative retards who need hugs so their PTSD gets fixed.
Nah, actually, politics need to stay the hell out of these areas. It's just a distraction. The laws that govern our nations are enough. These COC's are fucking pointless. It's like thinking putting one those official sounding warning banners on your server is going to stop anyone from hacking your shit. No, you know what? Someone should write up a COC that simply states "Fuck off with your politics. This isn't the appropriate arena for this."

Have a (You) Lunduke. Does this concern you because you were too soy to install Gentoo, and had to settle for FreeBSD?

>These COC's are fucking pointless.
They aren't.
Basically the people who push these CoC's are either uneducated about the law already covering them rationally after thousands of more educated and intelligent and wise people discussed them than the idiots who made the CoC,
or they don't agree with the laws putting objectivity in front of bias and these tribalist idiots want to replace the government as both judge, jurry, and executioner.
"The laws aren't extremist enough" is the religious mantra of Femnazism.

They can't.
It's a tool for killing off people they don't like for any arbitrary reason.

Wow, that's pretty bad

>deliberately using a dead name is an act of hostility


Notice that these can only be used against white people (mostly white men) because it has to "reinforce systemic oppression". So you can be Randi Harper and spend ALL your time being racist (against whites) and sexist (against men) you're still ok. So this is simply a tool to oppress of white men (in the fine old human tradition of becoming a huge hypocrite as soon as YOU are in power)