Will GIMP ever be able to compete against Photoshop?

Will GIMP ever be able to compete against Photoshop?

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duckduckgo.com/?q=draw a circle in gimp


ganu+leenox fags just succumb to the botnet and install windows


Compete? Yes. Win? Absolutely never.

You know you're broke so you can't be afraid of people taking your money? What are you afraid to share about your oc user?.

>last update >6 months ago
Dead as fuck.

In the same category? Probably if Photoshop's code gets released as free software. Until then GIMP is a clear winner for most common use cases.

I just get fucking pissed that GIMP doesnt have a proper deform tool like Photoshop

Well then stop wasting time here and write it.

idk how

That retard garbage can't even compete against Paint.net.

Go drink some bleach and shoot yourself in the mouth, you dumb fucking shit stain.

If only there was a place you could go and read about stuff like that. Oh wait, what if there was a way to read books and articles about various topics from everywhere simply by staying home, sitting on a chair!

I love your strong arguments, great addition to this colourful discussion.


Daily reminder that GIMP is the only FOSS actively fighting against SJWs:

GIMP is not a "competitor" to any proprietary programs. It is free software written by a handful of volunteers. Photoshop is made by a multi-billion dollar corporation that has 17000 employees. Those of us who want freedom will not get tangled in Adobe's corporate bs.

Stable software that works doesn't need constant updates you fucking retard.

>T. The guy that wrote G.I.M.P.

The big advantage of floss is to beat crappy proprietary software. So Gimp may not beat an ever progressing Photoshop but may eliminate others low end ones if they can't get good enough to desserve being bought, it will force others to improve

Hey, speaking of GIMP, what do I have to do to get the blacked theme?

Obviously not. Krita is the future tho.

Haha, no, but according to they might be alright. Too bad it's not written in Qt, I'm not a fan of GTK.
Maybe we can do a GIMP Qt rewrite and call it Qt Image Knockoff Editor.
The name is open for suggestions, of course.

Install the unstable version.

Stable software that gets updated regularly > shitty dead FOSSturd


Krita exists so gimp is pretty irrelevant at this point

It will once we exterminate all the retards. We all agree that gcc and llvm are better than (((visual studio))) because we're programmers and our IQ is higher. But normies are low IQ so they prefer proprietary garbage. So, we need to exterminate them.

Open source software will never be able to compete against proprietary software in the first place.

Oh, ok. Will do.

No. Free shit will never be able to compete with industry standard software. It's actually hard to do what Photoshop does and nobody is willing to do it for free.
This is the same reason why there is literally no good free video editing software.

Keep telling yourself that, soy goy

>for free
Free as in freedom, not free as in price. If you want freedom, stop paying proprietary companies for their trash and start figuring out ways we can allocate more funds to free software. Without this happening, the industry will continue to be stuck in adobe's proprietary jail.

>no decent FOSS video editor
>no decent FOSS audio editor
>no decent FOSS image editor
free software is an utter trash, the only thing open source autists can achive are thousands of text editors and crappy linux distros

It already does, and cab do everything that PS does in 99% of the use cases.

Just use Photoshop

>It already does, and cab do everything that PS does
Except drawing a circle

kdenlive, audacity, gimp

>thousands of text editors and crappy linux distros
this is literally what the entire internet is built on top of

That's wrong, but that's beside the point because GIMP isn't "stable software that works" - it's unstable and doesn't work.

>recommending gimp when less but still shitty krita exists

duckduckgo.com/?q=draw a circle in gimp
are you retarded?

better than photoshop which is also unstable and doesn't work, but additionally is an attack on your freedom

if proprietary software is your bar for decency then you will never be happy
>comparing gimp to krita
krita is a drawing program, not an image editor, if you were actually an artist and not a troll/shill you would know the difference

>While there is no "Draw Circle" tool in GIMP

no. normie mindshare is too strong.

people would rather drink the kool-aid than come to terms with the fact that the free application works just as fine as the bloated, slow, awful, ulta-expensive one.

>stop reading instructions not even halfway into the first sentence
>wonder why you can't figure out how to do anything

why are proprietaryfags so braindead?

If gimp is so shitty, why is Adobe so scared of it that they send paid shills to a chinese cartoon website every day?

>Qt Image Knockoff Editor
>Le happy merchant meme
haha benis :-DDD

>works just as fine
foss autist denial at it's best
say it to all companies that spend shitload of money for proprietary software

When you suggest paint.net as a suitable replacement for anything, you're shilling too hard.

krita is a paint program.
Gimp is a photo editor.

>it's expensive therefore it's good and worth buying and we didn't get scammed
this is why american corporate culture is so fucked

Commies BTFO by capitalism once again.

Open source development model needs constant update of software to keep improving
Floss will always compete with proprietary software and giving invectives to progress. It's makes a more dynamic concurrence which will avoid Adobe to fire developers to maximize profit

no, adobe is the communists in this situation, they think they can scam people with shit software just because they have a monopoly

I doubt there’s anyone who uses Gimp PROFESSIONALLY.

No, krita is a much more powerful photo editor than gimp is.

I mean shit, gimp doesn't even have non-destructive editing. That makes it useless unless you're an absolute amateur.

That's not how communism works, sweetie.

actually it is, enjoy your proprietary communist trash, the rest of us will be living in true capitalist freedom

Lol it still doesn't support 16 or 32-bit colour so no.

Gimp is a photo editor, and krita is a paint tool.
There's nothing stopping you from installing both and using the proper tool for the proper job.

>non-destructive editing
this was announced but won't make it in for a while, you should support the devs if you want this feature sooner

Try the 2.9 version

I just generally hate GIMP's interface and functionality so I'll just keep using Krita thanks.

Gimp competed hard with photoshop at my house for about a month.
Then I finally got used to gimp and quit using photoshop.
Baby Duck Syndrome is a bitch, but I'm living proof it can be beaten.

ps's liquify deformation tool it's on a class of its own. no other open or closed software can even compete

funny thing is, ps's liquify's been almost unchanged for a decade at this point

I prefer shovel's large flat surface, so I'll keep using shovel to drive in nails. Hammer sucks.

tinfoil hat

Still easier to make a circle with gimp than make a green pepper with photoshop.

I agree, but gimp is the shovel in that analogy.

What does gimp do that krita doesn't do better? Please tell me.

Outline text in Gimp takes too many steps.

edit photos.
Where is krita's resynth tool?

Krita have no scanner support on any platforms

You have absolutely zero clue about what you're talking about.

No, but that's also not important. GIMP is good enough for simple stuff and Photoshop and Windows are free. I run Windows VMs to use Windows soft and a Linux host. Perfect combination for piracy as you can revert to snapshots for clean slate to try until you get working soft.

Like free soft? Me too, so I haven't bought any since 2000.

layerfx I believe is part of gimp-plugin registry. Or as a stand alone gimp scm script or gimp python script.

actually i do, now go back to your cancerous proprietary shit you commie

I've used gimp for years, it's really well made, but no. Photoshop is better almost in everything, especially if you use it for professional photography

>Compete? Yes.
Not even that friendo

Something that doesn't allow for layer groups with stacked adjustment layers (each with a paintable alpha channel) is shit for editing photos. If the end result doesn't turn out right you can't even go back and tweak your tone maps, level adjustments or detail layers.

>resynth tool
You mean like the Smart Patch Tool?

>Doesn't know what the resynth tool is.
>Feels qualitfied to criticize gimp's photo editting capability.

Adjustment layers are a poor way to do what you're describing as they only work with a subset of operations and without them, you actually can go back and tweak all that stuff anyway as long as you make judicious use of your layers. GIMP has plans to add adjustment layers because people keep asking for it but I think they are ultimately not the right way to do what you're trying to do, they're just another bandaid feature for babby photoshop users.

The correct way to do it would be to have better manipulation (manual rearranging/tweaking) of the undo history and to be able to confine it to portions of the image, but this is a lot harder to implement.

Thank you!
You reminded me to check G'MIC, Resyntesizer and Texturizer plugins for GIMP

I think people are way too harsh on GIMP
It's not updated often, it doesn't offer CMYK color support (why do you want CMYK color? Photos are RGB, work on RGB then convert to CMYK) but it's offering so many features and all for free!
It's a really amazing photo manipulation program if you ask me

resynth is also a part of gimp-plugin-registry package.

I know, I was just checking it out, so many plugins!
Can your photoshop do that? I didn't think so, GIMP brings the fun back in image editing
Also in Debian there is gimp-gap, the gimp animation packaI know, that I was just checking out
In there is the Gimge, I always wanted to check it out, now it's a good time

>resynth is also a part of gimp-plugin-registry package.
Gmic plugins seems to have a similar algorithm, there is a bunch of advanced algorithms in this plugin

gimpscripts.com seems to be offline for at least 2 weeks now. Anybody know what's up? Did they move, or is it just kill?

>resynth is also a part of gimp-plugin-registry package.
Gmic plugins seems to have a similar algorithm, there is a bunch of advanced algorithms in this plugin.
I mainly use gimp for filters, crop and resize

there's a g'mic plugin for krita too, if anyone's interested.

Femanon wans blacked theme

Krita doesn't do even half the shit Gimp does.
Yeah, Krita is pretty far ahead of Gimp when it comes to painting, but it doesn't hold a candle to all the the photo-manipulation tools that Gimp has.

I use GIMP since years because muh freedoms and I couldn't make my job without it. Writing own filters, scripts and Python extensions is essential.
I think if I would start using Photoshop, I would feel lost just like someone coming from Photoshop trying outvGIMP.
It's just a bit learning, like with every new program.
For modeling I use Blender. Even higher learning curve, but rewarding in the same way.

Also for gimp.

The maintainer is ill, and most of the scripts will need to be updated for gimp 3, so no one stepped up to take it over.

I aint buying a sub to use a fucking meme maker program. Gimp wins

also gmic online and as a standalone application.

Have you ever tried to make a simple green pepper in photoshop?
>totally unacceptable.

At this point i think that blender will be the general purpose software for image editing, 3d, animation, video editor and so on... Blender development is much more healthy.

Nope, ive only ever used photoshop in highschool because it was free, Gimps good enough for my shit memes, if i was going to remove the zits off some rich bloaks kids i would SUB to photoshop. You cant buy it anymore lol

You can remove zits with gimp too.
That's a trivial task.

Used to be able to googel something like index of/ photoshop fileype:iso inurl:edu, then scroll through page after page of legit photoshop isos with activation codes sitting on university file servers. I used to have latest photoshop, corel, paint shop pro, as well as dreamweaver etc.
Good times.
The statute of limitations has long since run out. :^)

just made this beauty in gimp. so its already better than photoshit

It was never supposed to.