Do you think he would be a great programmer if he was alive today or if he was born in this generation, Sup Forums?
Do you think he would be a great programmer if he was alive today or if he was born in this generation, Sup Forums?
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first for hiren's boot
why program when you can make free energy
literally who
Absolutely, he would become a billionaire. Even better than that mediocre Elon Musk
literally filename you blind nigger
he made relativity
serbian einstein
go away, edison
Some slav nigger who stole everything from Edison
he'd probably end up masturbating to hentai
No. Timing is a huge factor to any success.
>implying I can see filenames
kys angry retard
nah that would be Edison. Tesla is probably more akin to Terry
Doubtful Tesla didn't give a shit about money. He would have just got fucked over by a ruthless businessman like musk or Bill gates.
Eh, Tesla was a great inventor but is wildly overhyped at the moment. A lot of his inventions didn't work and he employed Apple-like tactics by over promising absurdity to investors and never delivering. He was an autistic weirdo and freetard though, so he might be a programmer, but he might have also spent all his time watching animu
I too, love chilling at the beach with my girl (male)
I think he was more into birds than dudes.
Would he sue musk for using his name to sell cars?
shh, I just want to post that picture.
he died a virgin, didn't he? definitely Sup Forumsentooman material.
depends in his parents , school teachers and friends (or lack thereof)
He would be an engineer no doubt. Probably still an electrical engineer though.
why would you not
he believed in NoFap as well
how do we know
Lol someone posted it before me thanks
everytime i read stuff like this i get super modivated to stop masturbating for good but each time i give in after about 2 weeks. can you please help me Sup Forums
Distract yourself everytime you get the urge
change your schedule drastically so you have so much stuff to do, come bedtime you will be so sleepy you will prefer a rewarding sleep than fap to some random thot leaving you energyless. Its difficult because you have to force yourself to this schedule. I have experience with 30+ days of nofap and you just have to force the snowball effect for a bit, meaning force yourself to do stuff that MATTERS. More coding/studying/lifting/listening to good shit than eating shit/watching stupid shit/fapping. In time, sleeping and appetite for eating healthy foods will improve, slowly giving you more energy and a better mood and higher focus to achieve things faster and with less energy.
Don't tell people to kill themselves
he had the wisdom of the falcon
unfortunatly when i'm in bed no matter what time it is an orgasm is better than sleeping but this time i will do it .
i know that if i fight the urge for long enough it will go away and this time i will do it ! even if i said the exact same thing in the past this is the day i will succeed !
or at least i hope so ..
>swimming instructor
kek, dis nigga know whats up
kys has no meaning in Sup Forums newfriend
Get raped twice and kill yourself, you retarded fucking faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.
Why would you not?
um bitch excuse me, nikola tesla's eyes are up here
You need to absolutely stop allowing yourself to even become aroused in the first place.
The longer you wait to quit, the harder it becomes because the habit only grows stronger as you get older.
You need to not allow yourself to become sexually aroused in the first place.
This would entail mindfulness training. You need to dismiss any sexual thoughts the moment they pop into your head and do something else immediately.
Of course, you also need to avoid sexually arousing materials. Even if it isn't pornography, if you are getting aroused by it, you cannot entertain these thoughts for even a second.
Next, you need to alter your daily routine. Do not use the computer unless you have purposeful intent. Get new hobbies.
Use this adblock filter on this site:
You can still view the images if you control click them and they will open in a new tab but.
Treat this more gravely than you would a heroin addiction because it's worse. You reinforce an primal area that you have little to no agency over, until "muh dick" pathways erode your brain to nothing and you are forever in a conflicted state of heteronomy.
People around me also think I no fap.
The guy who invented wireless electricity far superior to current wireless chargers, a death ray, an earthquake device, and a way to draw power from space itself to make practically free energy. Banks didn't want to fund his projects because they didn't want to lose profit by giving people free electricity. When he died all of his research was taken by (((Americans))) because he was a Slav and they promoted (((Edison))) and (((Einstein))) instead.
you just need to focus on more things that you can squeeze into your day. I had the same problem as you, now I just choose to watch shit on youtube from my phone until im so sleepy i fall asleep while listening to a podcast or something.
Also Edison was a motherfucker who wanted to screw Tesla in every possible way during their "current war", even by killing elephants with alternate current and by inventing the electric chair to prove that "Tesla's electricity" was dangerous.
I agree with this guy, but also I think its important to give you some clear alternatives like I did here Always have "thinking fodder" material ready. For example in my case I have several interesting youtube channels in my sub box simply because I love watching youtube when I eat or in bed as I'm falling asleep. I'll watch shit like a science video, or a video that explains something interesting (for example many channels make little clips of Joe Rogan or Jordan Peterson, they are just interesting enough so they keep my mind off anything useless for a while). Have stuff prepared , like a backlog of sorts, that you can take a little bit from when you are feeling bored. For example I made it a point to not browse Sup Forums or Sup Forums, but Sup Forums. Browsing Sup Forums long enough I will eventually stumble on some kind of article/book/video related to tech/programming (as I am a dev that wants to learn more). Or just refreshing /r/Android or checking Stackoverflow jobs. They are just things that I do on the toilet or on my commute to kill some time while not being entirely useless.
Dude invents electricity
Yeah, I think he can program
you are absolutely right
this time i will succeed
at first he was a pretty good engineer sure, but then he became mostly a scammer, while edison's company was building bulb factories and lying down electric wires tesla was (over)promising death ray guns and wireless energy. he's more like stallman without the communism or maybe musk without the good business sense, than anyone who's actually a good engineer.
you forgot /shitposting
I agree with you on the snowball effect
but the essential thing is persistence and to keep going after setbacks/relapses/feeling down/depressed etc. (those moments will come)
that's probably a reddit meme, nobody has been given any evidence of that yet
I mostly believe in nofap, but I believe it's more of a psychological effect than anything else. if it was chemicals being drained then the sedating effect of orgasm wouldn't be so instantaneous, it could be compensated with supplements or prevented with non-ejaculatory-orgasms, and besides how many micro-nutrients are actually in semen? most of it is protein
maybe there's something to it, but it's probably much more complex than that.
what about the fact that sexual arousal releases testosterone? what about the fact that chads check out females all the time?
also what is worse, playing videogaymes to pass the time when being aroused or fapping and be done with it?
>what about the fact that sexual arousal releases testosterone? what about the fact that chads check out females all the time?
are chads clever though ?
>that's probably a reddit meme, nobody has been given any evidence of that yet
this was something he wrote, lol
the point is to do something useful whith the extra time and brain you gain
Do you believe in everything people write about themselves?
Damn, this thread reeks reddit.
>i need to be clever to release the power of muh benis n balls
mate, every man is capable
that's what i'm saying
no but I've read this somewhere else about him
>trying to save it
You need to prevent being aroused in the first place.
It's acceptable to play video games to prevent being aroused or as a means to more quickly dismiss sexual thoughts.
Such ignorance. Sexual arousal is distinct from any other function performed in the body and the genesis of it stems from a primal part of the center of the brain that you have little control over. The mere activation of it, shuts off activity in other parts of your brain.
The nutrient content of semen, and the neurochemical changes that occur in the body and brain are profound. Menstruation affects women substantially and this is admitted by all but the losses incurred through ejaculation in men nobody wants to comment on, even though they are far worse. endorphins released, prolacktin goes up, oxytocin goes up, that makes t undergo transformation to dihydrotestosterone. the sex act causes more changes in the body than any other activity someone can engage in.
>what about the fact that sexual arousal releases testosterone? what about the fact that chads check out females all the time?
It also decreases activity in the prefrontal cortex.
If you need more T, take anabolic steroids as needed.
Checking out females isn't helping them at all, it's doing nothing but interrupting their thought process
It's from
"Science Discovers the Physiological Value of Continence"
He also invented radio, some asshole just stole the patents so tesla never got the credit. Also, he would have been a fucking kajillionaire if he made them give him money for all the alternating current they used, but he struck a bad deal so he had to beg off of random rich people for the rest of his life to fund his crazy inventions. (Tesla: Master of Lightning is a pretty good documentary if you wanna know more)
he knew of kundalini ...... and was all free source .never married ... a mystery really would love for him to have expanded ideas..
And then get your tower burned down by jew mofos bc it would hurt their biz
He would get fucked by biz fucks
he believed that if he lost his virginity he would lose his focus
I think he has some point if you wasting time trying to get girls and money and whatever you can't truly focus on your work
>people taking nofap seriously
It's a fun challenge to yourself to resist temptation but if you're a loser now you will still be one even if you stop masturbating. Just a very horny one. Unless of course you spend literal hours every day fapping in which case you should consider getting a job or some hobbies.
He invented the atomic bomb.
You become less horny upon serious abstinence because your subconscious will cease always having sex at the forefront.
Sex drive is a product of conditioning, the more you do it, the more you want to do it. It's obvious you never went without for long.
It was harder for me to quit masturbation and recreational sex than it was cigarettes or opioids. This is a major problem and it is ruining the potential of everyone it plagues.
he created bitcoin
>wireless electricity
>a way to draw power from space
Why fucking coders think they have a say on every topic? You're embarrassing yourself man.
He said he found a way to draw power from what he called ether. This was covered up by inventing Einstein's false theories and killing off Tesla's work.
after 3 weeks my libido got to a manageable level, where I can get into flow when programming, instead of thinking constantly of porn and pussyjuice. so I have empirical evidence to the contrary of what you are saying.
Tesla work relationship with Westinghouse was pretty bro tier.
The latter gave money to Tesla so he could make his weird antics, and when Westinghouse was under the weather, Tesla helped him out giving him his patents.
look, tesla did some cool highly influential shit but he isn't the secret wizard everyone on the internet seems to think he is.
This is all that matters, the state of flow.
If you're grinding away just frustrated, everything is a pain. The only reprieve being that short-lived hit of ejaculatory pleasure. Pure hell.
Abstaining makes this 'flow' only possible but a daily occurrence. Rather miraculous things can be accomplished.
>he isn't a wizard
That's beside the point. The point is he could've made some amazing shit had the banks and Jews not fucked him over. Just proves how everything in US is and always will be corrupt beyond belief.
That's pseudo-science from the early 1900s...
So does anyone have medical sources from this century after doctors stopped caring about whether masturbating is a "sin"?
You dismiss it as pseudoscience without offering any evidence to the contrary.
All evidence against that, is nothing more than "haha, that must be from the dark ages" or "what are you, some sort of religious nut", neither make any case.
The real pseudoscience is the Freudian sexology movement which gained footing especially starting in the 1930s. It dismissed an entire body of research from the time of Tissot until the 1930s, physiological arguments, and what were the pinnacle of medical research for their day to, with the above logical fallacies and assumed . Although psychoanalytic schools of thought have long parted ways with psychology, their ideas still pervade anything related to sex.
It's somewhat laughable as they assume the sex function to be totally harmless and infallible as though it is perfectly designed, which is an, almost religious, a priori pseudoscientific assumption to hold. Anyone who understands the sum total of the neurological and physiological impacts of the sex act, should be able to entertain the possibility that it's overuse can exert debilitating effects.
>he invented radio
>but if you're a loser now you will still be one even if you stop masturbating
Apparently stupid people like you some brain disfunction in logic, so I'll try to explain as simple as I can. You can't stop being a loser just because you stop masturbate. NoFap is the starting point, a foundation of your new lifestyle if you will, upon which you start to construct new self. Becoming someone smart/funny/chad/whatever takes much more than simple NoFap.
>le current year
So no? Nothing posted so far has been anything more than heavily biased claims or base appeals to authority.
Unlike in social ""science"", current year actually applies to real science. The reason for that should be obvious given that this discussion takes place on the internet and not a dimly lit cave.
He did invent the radio user, therefore it is, in fact, YOU who should "kill yourself" good sir, or "stick your head in an oven until the pain goes away" or whatever the young lads are saying these days
>Marconi died in 1937.Tesladied in 1943 and six months after his death the US Supreme Court ruled that all of Marconi'sradiopatents were invalid and awarded the patents forradiotoTesla. So, for the past 64 years, for some reason, we still believe that Marconiinvented radio.
damn how am I going to stop masturbating all of a sudden
Sorry to hear he died.
He made cool cars.
Depends on the environment he would be raised in, desu.
Pyfagoras lol
t. virgin
Nah I think he'd be a shitposter on /r9k/ and /diy/
class String
def laugh! amount = 3
amount.times{self[rand(length),0] = "HA"}
"\n".laugh! 9000.succ
No, because the myth of Tesla is now larger than his actual life. He was gifted when it came to practical engineering but most of his inventions are either incorrect to the level of absurdity, or physically impossible. He was smart, but the shadow of the mystery man with Qi Lightbulbs is nothing more than that, someone who discovered spark gaps, and induction. Computer systems would be of no interest, and his inability to compute calculations or preform logical deductions (he's never noted any formulas for his theories.) leads most to assume he was just that, an engineer from the time when engineering was "lets throw a bunch of shit together and see what happens." so in that sense, he could probably make IoT devices.
I didn't know Tesla was Edison (Ship to Shore patent), Édouard Branly (The first Receiver), or Oliver Lodge (first practical transmitter and receiver)
Because Marconi invented the cordless telegraph. Moving a toy is not "inventing radio"
>>implying I can see filenames
retarded phoneposter, click on the filesize
he started an electric car company called tesla, /o/ hates him
Pythagoras was unarguably one of the most intelligent men in antiquity.
Do you know many electrical engineers that are great programmers?
>Edison (Ship to Shore patent)
Do people still think Edison did things?
The first valve based computers were mostly designed and programmed by electrical engineers. The first soviet computers were created by the Electrical Engineering Institute. That begs the question though if Tesla or Edison were bright why did neither build crude analogue or early digital computers? Would be easier to use to calculate grid sizes and control of systems