Why are 3 out of 4 threads shitposts?

Why are 3 out of 4 threads shitposts?

Like this one?
Sup Forums, I wonder.

>Sup Forums, I wonder

haha nice one :)

reddit and phoneposters

>Sup Forums, I wonder
I shouldn't be laughing at this but fucking hell

I completely forgot about the retardation that was gamergate. The real key to the downfall of the chans was the scientology protests though. We thought we could take over the real world but the real world took us over instead.

just Sup Forumsitics in general

Just looked into a current graph. Oh shit. No wonder quality keeps declining.

How depressing.

>Why are 3 out of 4 threads shitposts?
Because we're having a Golden Period.
Usually the rate is 9/10.

Basically the only remaining rule on Sup Forums is SFW.

floens made g default on clover because he's a gay ass hole. this board is easily the most redditlike one there is now.

The fuck happened in 2015?

your life is a shitpost

Net Neutrality passed and ISPs weren't able to block access to Sup Forums anymore

I don't care about shitposting since it's part of what makes 4chin interesting but it's the complete lack of originality and reposting of old, stale material that makes it annoying. I know this place is invested with underage Sup Forumsirgins but I still expect better from Sup Forums.

probably because 3 out of 4 posters are shit

Gamer gate.

Did you forget Sup Forums?

Wew, that's some deep rooted indoctrination you got there, kiddo.

The Fappening and GamerGate happened almost simultaniously at that time. Fappening lured in tons of people with nudes of celebrities while GamerGate gave them something to do and directed them to Sup Forums.

Good one

b is soc except with more dickgirls

i routinely hide ~35 threads, all of with are "generals" filled with shills, trolling, and unbearable autism.
of the remaining threads, 10 or so are tech support, another 10 stupid questions, another 10 bait, another 10 boring crap than doesnt get more than 1 or 2 replies, and theres always about 3-4 thot/gook bait threads

sure, its crap, but there are 150 thread on the catalog at all times, so your ratio of 3/4 is wrong

fake news, the traffic increase was due to the fappening.
phoeposters is another boogeyman. as thee graph clearly demonstates prior to the fappening ruining everything forever, the userbase remained the same size, but people migrated from desktops to mobile steadily since the 2012 redesign

NN confirmed for absolute shit.

Before your thread it was 2 out of 3, now it's 3 out of 4.

Quick rundown on gamer gate, why is it linked with reddit flood?

Marketing and narrative building.

>Quick rundown on gamer gate
>the absolute state of newfags

The Jew raid is steady but I'm the only poster who applauds mods deleting slide threads and calls for deletion of slide threads.

Why is only one (1) person on Sup Forums opposing the Jew invasion by advocating the only effective Jewniggershill blocking method? The reason is Sup Forums isn't really an image board. Sup Forums is a honeypot where nation state actors using primitive AI simulates an image board. I'm the only one here, and I don't exist.