>oh hey bro you mind if we sit... OOHHHHHhhhh FUCK DUDE! Is that a fucking ThinkPad T470?! No way, brah! That's fucking scandatious bombatious, my man. I just got 32 gigs in my little beast, absolutely no stalls working on any projects, brah. BRO! what GNU slash Linux distro do I see there? Hang on let me look, bro. Oh okay, bro, okay bro, ubuntu is pretty gnarly but, ya know, I'm more of a gentoo kind of guy. Anyway, dude, my squad and I need to fly so catch ya on the flip sigh, bro.
Oh hey bro you mind if we sit... OOHHHHHhhhh FUCK DUDE! Is that a fucking ThinkPad T470?! No way...
>TFW no chad friends to talk about free software while eating icecream with.
>TFW they will never comment on your dress, hair or nails that you got done just to go meet them.
Holy fuck that bicep
Yeah I was gonna say it looks really awkward. But looking at the other arm it's probably just a lighting thing.
sounds like something i would say lmao. too bad my chad friends are more into coke than tech.
holy shit, all it's missing is a tatoo of an animated steam machine
/fit/ here, that's fucking synthol oil injections not real muscle. Eventually they look like pic related.
T470s is sexy
I bet you he swears he's natty.
the perfect organism
Oh did I mention synthol has been known to cause arms to literally explode and require amputation?
>/fit/ here, that's fucking synthol oil injections not real muscle.
I'm pretty sure OP's pic is Sage Northcutt, and I'm pretty sure he's not using synthol.
>tfw boxed t470 at my desk first day
Shit is pretty nice desu famalam
The dude on the left looks incredibly unhappy. What's he thinking Sup Forums?
He just realised Linus will die one day
He knows.
No bugs, bro.
He's having an anxiety attack after an existential crisis triggered by the realisation that JIT logistics means the modern world and everything he enjoys is at most only a few weeks short of complete collapse in the face of a US-Chinese trade war going hot. He's also concerned that his chosen career path of personal trainer will have basically zero currency after a potential collapse.
My firefox doesn't seem to play webms?
Does yours?
Mine says 404
The youtuber that made Linux
>he clicked the link
that's what I'm saying, it looks cartoonish and fake
ayy lmao that nigga got a plastic bicep
> flip sigh
That expression gets worse every time. It was the "flip side" last time.
i thought it was supposed to be flip side
That's frozen yogurt
>"that's not cold curdled milk, it's cold curdled milk"
Ice cream and frozen yogurt are both frozen treats made from dairy, but there is a significant difference that sets them apart. In order for a frozen treat to be legally labeled as ice cream, it must contain at least 10 percent milkfat. This requirement is usually met through the addition of cream, and premium ice cream can contain as much as 16 percent milkfat. Frozen yogurt is not made with cream and does not have a fat requirement. Instead it is made with cultured milk such as yogurt though probiotics do not survive the freezing temperatures.
He's an undercover robot.
Not bad, that would be a good encounter for my self esteem
explain this shit Sup Forums
silicone, you can even get fake abs
sadly no, I just remembered about synthol. its been awhile since ive browse Sup Forums or /fit/
>any gains I don't have are synthol
but yeah his arm looks fucking weird
Could a fat Sup Forumsuy get fake abs?
I've literally beat my frustrations out of not having a gf out on my ThinkPad and it still works. My t420 lost a screen and keyboard but I had so much fun repairing it.
Now years later I've cracked the frame and completely dented the keyboard in on my new x230t and it still works like a dream! No shorts at all, even though the magnesium frame is broken and the keyboard is pressing on the mobo.
Also the ram port cover on bottom broke so my ram has literally been pressed against carpet and zero static problems.
Literally the perfect laptops. I love it
>I've literally beat my frustrations out of not having a gf out on my ThinkPad
the absolute state of thinkfags
Applefag vs Linux
This remains my favorite meme
And it still works for me like day one
if you went with apple you could be beating your gf instead faggot
Jeezus, what have you done to your laptop ..
Woooah that's far out my duuude.
Im totally catching your waves and sending riffs back but if you really can hang with the big canhoonas check out GuixSD it's gnarly as a sawfish braah.
Catch you on the flipside I'm off crash some tides.
>two scoops
>side of pie (two slices)
That life...
He is so attractive. I like women but I just want to snuggle with this guy.
What are these feels?
It's "sigh" because it rhymes with fly
Don't worry. Lots of Mac users have these feelings when they grow up
Tfw ascended fit and see how stupid everyone is now after years of lifting and knowledge. Is this how being Linus on/g/ would be like?
It's obviously not symbol. You can see his vein and insertions from such a low body fat. He's super cut no ballooning synthol
>tfw to intelligent for /Fit
> comment on your dress, hair or nails that you got done just to go meet them.
Do the needful and show vagene and bobs.
Rahjeesh, no vegene! NO vegene! Abrort!
He's got a pretty cool tech youtube channel and he made the Linux kernel.(Just a side project/hobby OS since he insists he only uses Windows)
He also has a hot asian wife.
you're probably a fat fuck that doesn't even lift, or worse, you browse /PLG/. If you think Sage has synthol in his biceps, you've been lifting less than a year
visible vascularization is on the lower layers of the skin you brainlet
you can be shredded and also use synthol, which goes under all the skin layers
high bicep insertions/attachments so it gives a "ball" shape when you curl your arm upward.
not him but your understanding of muscle insertions and attachments is laughable if you think that's synthol. Literally 0% impact on athletic performance when injecting that shit anyway.
dem synthol biceps