Why don't you use LaTex?

Why don't you use LaTex?

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my gf wants that Dva thong, where can you buy it?

Why waste money purchasing something almost non-existent. Get yourself a spool of dense cotton and design a hammock in her choice of color. You'll have enough considering you bought a spool. Invest wisely.


hi luke

Because it offers me nothing over what i currently use.

god I hate legamer scene so fucking much

Imagine the smell

I spent an hour yesterday trying to get the citations to match my university standard to no avail :(

Nah its not Luke I just like his videos

>no penis
Why even bother posting that image, user?

Stupid logo, stupid language, compiler hell, etc.

I'd use latex before I stuck it in that semen demon.


What are you currently using?


It's a good smell

Maybe you should use LaTex more often

Those thighs though

Subjective impressions

Yeah sure

>thigh fag
Thighs are for loosers who can't appreciate armpits

super sonico down

i want to see her eat all those doritos and dew until her tummy bulges out a bit. and then she could eat more and more

I want to drink her pee.


d.va isnt white


Yes but now she's improved

looks better if she is white

>he doesn't know how to save on instashit
I hope this is just bait

Go for it. She does non-sexual requests for money.
As long as you don't touch her twat or take your dick out, she will probably be okay pissing on your face.

>This is the type of whore that claims to like videogames and claim the entire industry should cater to their needs.

are you surprised? the gayming community is largely comprised of spineless pushovers who will bend over backwards for girls that won't ever fuck them. where you find soyboys, you will find THOTs with a patreon.

>AI and Computer Vision classes require us to turn in homeworks as pdfs
>both potentially require lots of drawing in solutions
>learn latex solely for this purpose because my autism said this would be easier than taking photos of handwritten solutions and converting to pdf
>TA instantly notices on first homework
>says it's pretty cool in the feedback
>TA thinks im cool
>im cool
confirmed, using latex makes you a cool guy

Because I have deadlines.

Because it's a shitty HTML rip off made by a dumb nigger who is to autistic to use a normal piece of software. The only real purpose is to be able to generate documents programmatically. If you do Latex manually, you are a tard fag who slipped on a banana peel and fell backwards through the stages of evolution.

>'shitty HTML ripoff'

Are you daltonic?

Everyone here does

Maybe you also like dicks

Then LaTex is perfect

Not an argument

>Everyone here does
>Maybe you also like dicks
Oh boy, do I have BAD news for you.

A paragraph in latex looks exactly like your comment.
A paragraph in html would usually have tags around it, the shortest form would be shitpost although the realistic result would be


I'm more interested in the semantics of documents than typesetting. Metadata and what is generally referred to as "separation of content and presentation". LaTeX has a little bit of that but it's a secondary goal if anything. The XML family of documentation systems focus more on that and that's what I use for authoring.

For the final rendering to PDF I might still use LaTeX, sometimes it's simpler than customizing an XSL-FO stylesheet.

If brevity of markup is what you're looking for, lightweight markup languages like Markdown, ReStructured Text or AsciiDoc are superior to LaTeX.

t. Dwight Shroot

I wish I still had my girl to wear that thing :(

The solution of your problems

Reminder to ascend to TeXmacs masterrace

>Are you daltonic?
Is your native language a romance language?

Is not daltonic but colorblind

Nice pic btw

Is there a way to export my org-mode documents to pdf without using the abomination that is latex?

mmm! Mt. Dew and Doritos!

Where I work eople prefer I give them a shit looking document they can edit instead of a good looking one they are too dumb to edit.

That is not my point at all. My point is the languages are different.
Markdown does use less syntax but that doesn't speak for or against latex.
Html is the worst language ever made as it cannot be used for the thing you want to use it for: Multi dimensional documents.
Latex does not have this problem as there are several multi dimensional environments that are optimized to the task you need.
I haven't used R-markdown, and the video which mentioned it here did not go into any relevant parts about the language,so I don't know what it is like to write.
I do know how to write latex and it is really easy.
The language specific syntax is not enough to make you want to switch language.
Stuff like inserting images can be set to a macro or snippet and then you barely need anything else.

Whats with the shill thread every day, pal?

>only girls can wear cute underwear

It's almost 2019, shitlord.

I don't have any problems, m80.

you can do it too but it will look disgusting

>shitposts on a site for little girls
>doesn't like dicks

>>doesn't like dicks
Bit gay m8.

>>troubles with citations because there is no standard

and here you say this
>Maybe you should use LaTex more often

MAYBE if there was a fucking standard, people would've agree to and not just fucking copying the first shit they find on google.

I do fucker.

>mobile link
end yourself


There's nothing gay about it. I recently started dating a middle aged gay couple and they both agree that me worshiping their cocks every time I come over doesn't make me gay at all

Just yesterday they bought me some cute skirts for me to wear when I come over

>Just yesterday they bought me some cute skirts for me to wear when I come over
Exactly this. If it was gay, they'd want you to wear -boys- clothes.

>I recently started dating a middle aged gay couple
Twink getting arse-pounded for gibs detected.
>Just yesterday they bought me some cute skirts for me to wear when I come over
If they're poofs how come they want to root a grill?

The most I've taken from them is gas money cause I live far away. I don't feel comfortable taking anything more than a meal cooked with love or cummies
But I'm a boy, user.
