Hey guys, I just found this show, Mr. Robot, what do you think of it?

Hey guys, I just found this show, Mr. Robot, what do you think of it?

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I like it. The premise is cool and I like the hackery computery stuff, but I hate the psychological drama shit. It’s really well made,

he looks gei, how much cock does he suck on average?

I see you're running GNOME.

I'm a gnome man myself

It's like Hackers on steroids.

Was it written by a Sup Forums user? Or at least someone familiar with it? Is it another normie show with the veneer of geek bullshit?

Well, there's a Sup Forums reference in like episode 1 and Elliot BTFO out of a pedo so I think whoever is behind the writing is pretty familiar with us.

His name is Sam Esmail.

Is this what you consider bait or are you just stupid?

everything in this is accurate except for episode one. youtube.com/watch?v=_bBrj6QBPW0&t=52s

he was pointing out the name of who's behind the writing you overly aggressive retard


Dunno, but he's on par with your mom.
Its actually a pretty good show, some of the psycho-drama is a bit much at times, but there is a lot of reasonably realistic hackery fuckery displayed to make up for this.

gay show, watch person of interest

Fake and gay. Everyone knows you need at least 7 monitors to hack stuff.

Get's boring as shit during the psychological stuff.

First season was pretty good, second season not quite as much. Haven't caught up woth the third season yet. It seems like they take lengths to try to make it more accurate than most shows/ movies about hacker shit, they got a decent team of cyber security people/hackers making sure it's fairly accurate

I'm actually a KDE man myself

You would be

Most episode have Elliot impersonating a police or FBI agent meanwhile still wearing a T-shirt with the "Mr. Robot" picture, how this work?

very underrated

>main character uses Linux Mint
>gnome is better than KDE
fake show guise

Daily reminder whats happen when keyboard warriors try and dismantle the established global world order: shit you would not make it through

t. trilateralist

Season 1 was good
Season 2 was shit
Season 3 was actually good, the idea of turning the situation around the foreign threat

Though some of the cheesy drama is lame but that's tv.
Also Portia Doubleday cute. C-cute!

Basically this the 4d chess psychological nonsense gets better in season 3 desu

It's not actually Elliot impersonating the police or FBI agent.


oh, damn that fits really well

Weapons grade cringe for sec admins, psych majors or really anyone that's antisocial.

>Bonsoir, user.

i love him

I dropped it after the last two episodes of season 1 because the reveal/twist was a b8g cliché.

Show was made by a left wing liberal. It's not Sup Forums at all. It's more like what reddit thinks of Sup Forums. But still a good show.


Hacks and corporations.

Hacks, corporations and china.


>what do you think of it?

Probably one of the best shows ever for making normies REEEEEEEEEE about spoilers when you can ruin the entire season, plot twists and all, before the end of the first episode. For everything else it's absolute shit that feels like a desperate cry of "notice me, senpai!" being screamed by the writers from the top of their lungs to Sup Forums. At least to the oldfags that were here through Chanology.


It was written by some nameless hack and purposefully tried to pander to Sup Forums in the most "HELLO FELLOW KIDS" way possible.
It was also relentlessly shilled on Sup Forums and Sup Forums for a few months before it came out, and I don't mean that as "I don't like it and anybody who does is a shill," I mean the same threads with the same pictures were posted multiple times a day.

This kinda hits the nail on the head, just add unexplainable psychological problems.

English please? Couldn't make it through all the layers of nonsense meme-speak. Or do you think you are special for disliking one of currently well known TV shows about technology just because?

Mr. Reddit

Epic and totally original

kys faggot. 100% soy

Sup Forums doesn't have a political alignment dumbass

>His name is Robert Paulson
Actually, a reference to the homage they pay to fight club. Just relax.

It's not that bad actually
Of course hacking in films will never be accurate, but it's pretty close and actually shows things like Linux instead of the constant matrix screen in most other shows

it's garbage 3d people are ugly they should hide in a hole

DAE le soy? xDDDDD

>they got a decent team of cyber security people/hackers making sure it's fairly accurate.
And this is exactly what i love about this show.

The main guy painfully overacts but the rest of the show is okay.

>no kicking this time
>kicks him anyway
Also, I love his subtle trump reference in Season 3.

>call a show "mr. robot"
>literally 0 robots in 3 seasons

Stop projecting your self-loathing here, thats what is for

Why would a leet hacker not be running i3?

..using gnome. I know it's supposed to be better...

Elliot was using GNOME 2

>gnome 2
>not gnome 1
fucking bloat

first 3 episodes were good
once it became some stupid drug thriller and they had to turn it into conspiracy theory central it got too fucking stupid


Did you know Angela was being followed throughout season 2.


First episode triggered me too much as an /r9k/ user.

>social anxiety
>watch as I put my life in danger to build up confidence
>playing the anti-pedo makes you admirable card

Dropped it like it's lava.


>anonymous has never targeted pedos

>assuming what people mean when they don't like a show
>robots from the r9k are the FBI honeypot that was the anonymoose

Go be a faggot somewhere else. Actual anonymous was just a mob that fucked shit up, and your shit is an individual and cherry picking human nature.


>strawmanning fallacy
Just die.

Season 1 is good, albeit a little predictable.
Season 2 is also good, but faggots dislike it because it's slower and less stuff seems to be going on (in reality everything from S2 is relevant to the plot.)
Season 3 is a fucking masterpiece. It's a huge "fuck you" to edgelords and completely changes everything.

Mr Robot also has a God tier soundtrack, a good cast and some very impressive scene composition for a TV show. Oh, and the hacking scenes are very* accurate. They actually hired people that have worked with cybersecurity to consult and fix the script in order to make it as realistic as possible, though they do take some artistic liberties here and there.

Childish, internet arguments aside. How does anti-pedo sentiments bother you? Opening scenes are meant to tell you what the show is about, who the main character is, and make them relatable to you. Pedos have warrented hate against them. No one likes those disgusting faggots.


Cheap tactic to get me to relate and admire the shy man. Then afterwards, the hacker has a normal job, times two political correctness. He could steal pennies from the rich. Dropped it after the seeing of a two in a row unrealistic behavior and political correctness on top of it.

In other words you're a fucking edgelord. Gotcha.

10/10, although the original writers wanted that r9k crowd.

Hi, back again to add that in all cereal, he got a guy arrested that hosted videos, not a child slave ring.

It was overly suggesting in that the videos were being bought, a mind game of propaganda that implies that all videos lead to actual slave rings.

It was being mk ultra tier with it's practical subliminal messages over what is allowed to be shared or done over the Internet.

And I was rolling my eyes too often to watch at that point.

To add to my previous message.

And pedos, to be again Trix about this, are just the witch hunt to replace homosexuals, and the age of consent was raised by salty feminists that were afraid that their only value was their youthful good looks.

>strawmanning again

In other words you're a triggered plebian and have inconsistent logic.

>hi my name is elliot alderson
>I'm so loney
>I get so lonely sometimes that I cry in a dark corner constantly
>I need to do drugs to hide my loneliness, look how relatable I am
>oh look here comes my childhood best friend who is a girl that wants to spend time with me
>oh look here comes her idiot boyfriend who wants to spend time with me
>oh look here is my therapist who is genuinely concerned about me
>oh look here is my drug dealing friend with benefits who wants me to fuck her, what a chore
>I'm so lonely
>maybe I'll be less lonely in the second episode where I discover that I'm being sought out by a super secret society of elite hackers who all want to suck my balls because I'm the most special person on earth
>I'm so lonely

>hi my name is elliot alderson
>I'm so loney
>I get so lonely sometimes that I cry in a dark corner constantly
>I need to do drugs to hide my loneliness, look how relatable I am
That's not supposed to be relatable you fucking retard. He does "just enough" drugs to not get addicted because he's so fucking conceited he actually believes he can control that.
It's all a fucking lie and he almost kills himself and gets a bunch of people killed thanks to his drug addiction. You'd know that if you saw the episode, though.
>oh look here comes my childhood best friend who is a girl that wants to spend time with me
And he doesn't want to spend time with her because he's fucking sick.
>oh look here comes her idiot boyfriend who wants to spend time with me
Nobody spends time with that guy.
>oh look here is my therapist who is genuinely concerned about me
Is she? Elliot doesn't believe so.
>oh look here is my drug dealing friend with benefits who wants me to fuck her, what a chore
Does he want to fuck her though? It seems as if he just sees her as a way to get drugs and doesn't want to be involved with her personally.
>I'm so lonely
Wow. It's almost as if the point of all this is to show that Elliot is wrong.
Maybe you'd know this if you saw the show.
>maybe I'll be less lonely in the second episode where I discover that I'm being sought out by a super secret society of elite hackers who all want to suck my balls because I'm the most special person on earth
That's a lie. He's not being sought out by anyone except E-Corp, a company that he already works for indirectly.
>I'm so lonely
Wow. It's almost as if Elliot was not a trustable source. As if he was emotionally and psychologically deranged.
It's almost as if he was some sort of unreliable narrator. As if we were supposed to not trust what he says.
Watch the fucking show or shut up. Your complaints make no fucking sense.

first season is pretty good, some actual hacking
second season is the fucking worst, still some hacking
third season is anarchy, politics, cringy "computer talk monologues", but it's still a pretty damn good season

Lol, wasn't me.

This obviously a troll, but I'll respond why CP is vile, and harmful. It's changing your brain. Jerk off to whatever you want, but you can't escape the consequences of your actions. Don't practice what you don't want to become. If you're a psychopath, your brain is too fucked up for change. If you ever get caught, I suggest you kill yourself.

also claim your waifu thread
dibbs on grace gummer

Good until it's fake.

I'm still waiting for his stupid skank sister to get shot in the face. I hope this show delivers.

>oh my gawd elliot, were finally freeee
>people are finally waking up to what an awesome party this is going to be
>look at my heart shaped sunglasses and short shorts, can you tell that I'm a super serious hacker revolutionary?

The casting is perfect though, she really sells the dumb skank whore persona.

Justin Chinker?

wait whats wrong with Overwatch/Switch ?

Wtf was with Vera returning in the end? Where the fuck is that even going???

reddit likes them

proprietary, loot boxes, SJW shit
proprietary, walled garden, DLC/microtransactions shit

Is this a joke?

>normalfagging this hard
You missed the point. This is meant to be an abnormalfaggot show, hence it's name, as a robot I was put off by it. Now kindly fuck off idiot.

Claiming Doubleday

She looks a lot hotter with proper mascara instead of that pale shit she uses in the show.

nice sources you got there

I'll fuck off in your mother, but in this thread.

Stephanie Corneliussen for me.

Dibs on the qt prostitute/dealer from season one.

Like I said, do whatever you want.

>installs Plasma on the mainframe
Sadly this semen demen is ded.

If we're calling dibs then I coaim sandrine holt from season 2:

The one with AIDS from meth teeth? No, thank you.

Lol, everytime this show get mentioned. I love you, don't ever change.

>meth teeth