MusicBee w/ Threshold Flat Theme.
ITT: post your music player
Other urls found in this thread:
faboor3000 with some visualizations because I like that
might as well listen to the sound of your neighbors' bed hitting the wall repeatedly
>being an audiophile in the year of our lord 2003+15
>those youtube video ids at the end of the filenames
blame youtube-dl
>blame the developer for the user being too retarded to append an arg
is it stopping me from listening to music?
>transcoding mp3 from youtube source
ha ha ya let me torrent uncommon music ha ha ur so cool
you got me there user.
>listing things i don't do
good job
MusicBee Master Race
>"he caught me critiquing things he doesn't care about"
>"oh no let's act like we don't care"
you seem like a massive faggot
We're all massive faggots, you fucking faggot.
>post your music player
>not youtube-dl -f bestaudio
mpv in console
are you having a stroke?
Why not just get the real thing?
>Using bloatware
simple and cute
>Not ricing Foobar
No rice, I almost never see my player's window.
Why use bootleg iTunes over normal iTunes
does everything i want and does not have tons of useless features.
I don't need very much to play music.
Spotify since i dont download music anymore.
For what i have left MPC-BE will do.
We get it, you suck dick.
We get it,you're so cool and edgy you don't fall for the jews.
>not having a Spotify account
What are you, poor?
>not having an actual Amiga dedicated for just tracker music
>Having a spotify account and surrendering your rights at the proverbial door
What are you, a KEK?
Radiant Player for Google Music on MacOS
VOX for FLAC on MacOS
>Not having a spotify account and using an adblocker for free use without audio ads.
>surrendering your rights
I know what I am paying for. 95% of mainstream music is on spotify for 10$ a month.
The rest can be freely downloaded on the internet or trackers.
Spotify uses DRM and disrespects your privacy.
The fact that there a
Word filter'd
ayy lmao
MusicBee is cool but it assumes perfectly tagged files and there's no way to automatically add artists as playlists which sucks when you have hundreds of artists
I'd love to just use the Artist list but if your album has more than 1 artist is breaks, I have a few albums that are split up across 5 or more artists for example
music downloaded from youtube ?
musicbee a best
share faggot
Musicbee was so slow on my 4GB RAM laptop.
what rights are being given up? Just trying to stream music nigger, not buy a car.
>Spotify uses DRM
the fuck do I care? again, its STREAMING music. Im not trying to BUY anything.
>disrespects your privacy
dont care if the government or china knows I listen to T Swizzle.
bullshit RMS paranoia excuses
Hello newfriend!
Be more polite first
> 490MB
almost perfect
Saying "I don't care about privacy issues because I have nothing to hide" is like saying "I don't care about Free Speech issues because I have nothing to say".
DRM is defective by design. If you are unable to copy files on your own computer, there is something wrong with the equation. If you cannot read certain files without proprietary software, there is something wrong. If you cannot use your computer in any way that it would normally be able to because of software, you should not be installing that software. Software is supposed to empower users, not make users subject to the tyrannical whims of developers and megacorps.
cmus + cava masterrace reporting in
lol @ ur youtube ripped mp3s
Linuxfags btfo'd. Seriously? How is it that Lincucks VLC uses that much more RAM than Windows 10? I am getting 26MB on Windows 10 for VLC.
>the fuck do I care? again, its STREAMING music.
How does that make a lick of difference? If you are using the application, you are running software that utilizes DRM formats to reduce the rights of the user. If you are using in the web browser, the same is true. Regardless the service is doing you a disservice by interfering with your privacy.
>>Spotify uses DRM
>the fuck do I care? again, its STREAMING music. Im not trying to BUY anything.
But you're LISTENING to it.
show me your ways senpai
Enjoy your ads and not being able to play music offline (without paying) lmao.
Doesn't look pretty but i'm too lazy to rice
Lightweight, easy on the eyes, docks properly. It just works.
Google Play Music on Chromebook.
hello newfag
your soul soon will be consumed by this site
remember that you are here forever
how new are (you)
Thanks for the laugh, user
Good taste shoegaze-bro
looks pretty slick, what skin?
Aimp + Luminscence theme
nice taste
n7 player
>tfw there will never be anything as good as musicbee on linux
share please?
I have been using terminus font for almost 4 years, can't imagine ill ever switch
I wish someone would make a modern looking, feature rich better foobar.
Bach fucking rules
Not very good at high resolutions.
foobar just gets the job done
it just werks. why bother with anything else?