I'm afraid of this future

I'm afraid of this future

Other urls found in this thread:

urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Rotational Velocidensity

The only app on the right side that I recognize is Brave and I can kinda guess that Ethlance is related to Ethereum. I'm guessing everything on the right is monetized, right?

Only if you are dumb enough to embrace it.
You aren't, right?

I'm slowly moving in the other direction, actually. I'm too paranoid to move forward. Once everything is centralized, you're fucked.

I don't know any of the apps on the right.
But I know all the apps on the left are absolute cancer, so it can't possibly get worse.


I've seen that crap shilled outside of Sup Forums, too. Basically "Medium, where upvotes are crypto".

>private cloud to ipfs
>Eos for casual use
>up and ethlance as remote jobs
Who came up with this dump chart?

>web 3.0 is just web 2.0 but with crypto shit on top
What's the point?

>Web 3.0
>Everything is blockchain cryptocurrency retardation
Whoever made that is an idiot

The trend with the ones on the right is that they all use blockchain. I'm too brainlet to understand blockchain no matter how many times i've had it explained to me, so I can't really say if that's a positive development or not.

Think of a blockchain as a gigantic p2p ledger of transactions. It holds its integrity for the same reason a torrent does, and the transactions can essentially mean anything. Holding data, money, transfers, etc
But in order to participate you have to have the entire blockchain, which makes all of these things completely fucktarded since any decentralization would mean each program needing 60GB of storage

Web 2.0 is just Web 1.0 with bloat.

On one hand, HTML5 was one of the major reasons of the bloat
On the other hand, Less third party garbage like silverlight, flash and java

I'm honestly willing to accept a decentralized network with decentralized networked applications at any cost. Centralized networking only makes sense for specific applications and limitations.

I'd rather host my own postdata than let 4ch handle it.


Literally scam

It's called "third party" because it doesn't belong in the package. Same thing with the crypto shit this so called Web 3.0 adopting.

I don't think any of these apps/services are going to replace the current ones. The people who make these projects think way too much about the implementation of something and not enough about why the average Joe should switch.

People switched to Chrome because of speed, people switched to Facebook because of usability, people switched from DOS to Windows because of ease of use and gui.

None of these apps add anything substantial like that.

literally retard

Then don't participate.
It's not like all your favorite apps and software will suddenly stop working.

But with the evergrowing storage on every technology, wouldn't that make the enormous space required obsolete, since 60GB in the future could potentially be what, idk, 100MB are today? Talking out of my ass, don't take me too seriously

The devs behind it were retards.

This place is a real shithole.

depends how the data is stored and wether they use a "lossy" format. otherwise data will be lost due to rotational velocidensity

>rotational velocidensity

redpill me on IPFS. their site is sounds good in theory, but it looks to be a bunch of nothing.

>p2p ledger
>on backdoored machines
>no benefit over existing institutions.
>when half the world doesn't even do fiat yet
Block-chain kikes are retards wanting to get in on something new early to get rich.

This shit is such an obvious farce.

>>no benefit over existing institutions.
are you retarded?
>An immutable, incorruptable ledge that can not be hacked or changed is useless
This has literally been a problem since the Romans

That's an improvement, shitty chart though.

>muh block chainz
>muh crypto
Literally no benefit. No serious banking institution is going to adopt peer-2-peer, outside of any integrity-validation scheme they already have.

>This has literally been a problem since the Romans
>he thinks people will use some basement NEET's seedbox instead of Mastercard.
Absolute state of goyim.
Do you own an MSI gaymin laptop by any chance, fuccboi?

>>An immutable, incorruptable ledge that can not be hacked or changed is useless
It can only be as immutable and incorruptible as the software backing it, see Ethereum and the constant need for new forks because of vulnerabilities

Nothing wrong with Upwork but Ethlance? That's scary... but I'm still gonna check it out. Might do a few lil projects on there to get my wallet up.

urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Rotational Velocidensity

Well, hard disk platters spin fast (some around 10,000 rpm). That's a high velocity. With the amount of data we'll be using in the future, the data density will be too high for the proportional speeds required to use it effectively. The resulting high rotational velocidensity could destroy some bits, corrupting large swaths of data.

So finding another way to write data would then be a requirement?


You are still going to get undercut by indians working for a quarter of the price, right?

anything built upon a blockchain is shit because replicating state in a billion different places is insanely wasteful, and also cryptos are set up to throw a ton of bounty in the direction of early speculators instead of actual producers which is bad

the current paradigm is flawed because of the omnipresence of rentseekers, but this will be resolved legally via action against rentseeking rather than through technology.

You should try dtube (part of steemit) as a youtube replacement.

more like derp amirite

Anyone who seriously uses Brave needs to shoot their dick off. No way should such stupid genes spread.


Akasha is the same idea but from the Ethereum team. I wonder how that will turn out. I'm pretty indifferent to the concept either way. Like what are people going to make, a couple bucks off a paper occasionally. We'll see.

It's not very complicated
>what if we took all these proven concepts and make them work together through a common specification like IP does now
Content addressed data where components can be swapped out but interop between layers is maintained.


Maybe a good way to describe it
CVS is to Git what HTTP is to IPFS

Do not be. That's just a wishlist of an autistic person with little knowledge of technology.

thanks for making me discovering Brave

decentralized computing, like parallel computing, is both a real, useful technology and a meme embraced by "technologist" morons. it is a fine system design where relevant, but it is not going to save you from corporations or the government

You shouldn't be. Literally everything on the right side of that image is a freetard meme that will never see wide adoption.

it would be essential otherwise over time the data will degrade

I'm scared of new technology so I'll predict that blockchain, much like the automobile and the aeroplane, are memes that'll never take off.

Wrong, bitcoin blockchain isn't all blockchains faggot

Fucking this.

>this is what freecucks actually believe

that's not how shit works user

>implying it isn't

Can we returning to Web 1.0?

Why is the operating system listed as an "app"?

Welcome to the present son.
What do you think most of us thought about 'web2.0'

yeah, it's utter retardat-

wait, could we finally get paid to shitpost (non-shill)?

>Web 2.0
>Everything is AJAX retardation
Whoever made that is an idiot

>web2.0 is just web1.0 with AJAX on top
What's the point?

>>An immutable, incorruptable ledge that can not be hacked or changed is useless

it is when it costs a significant amount of electricity and time to even append to it
proof of work is a meme and I doubt proof of stake will ever happen.

It's now happening to you, just like we told you.

>creator's crypto portfolio mixed in with some non-crypto decentralized tech: the post

At least Brave is better than Chrome.


I am afraid of GPU prices.

But AJAX/async content loading actually solved a fuckton of issues and made a massive, direct impact on UX.

What's the UX advantage of a blockchain browser? Cloud storage? Skype or messaging alternatives (direct payments are already possible through other apps)?

It's like when every concept imaginable tried to adapt Tinder's concept years ago. Blockchain is amazing, but it's not a solution to everything. Hell, the concept of a private blockchain is fucking retarded considering current technical limitations, yet it's all the buzz.

Are you implying an OS isn't an application?

A negative impact.
Nothing was better due to AJAX, just slower and used 1000% more resources.

Looking forward to when we hit a dead end and go back to Web 1.0 so I can browse the internet from NeXTSTEP as it should be


Why are you afraid? We're moving from google and their data collection ways to companies that make money through flat out payments with no data being collected. I hope etherum's dapps pays off

Storj seems pretty good with that Share your drive shit and get "paid" in memecoins

Also website brutalism meme

I don't see the point of blockchain applications. Imagine someone having 60gb of data in a HDD. Making all those downloads and uploads for every single new information share will make your hard drive shit in less than 2 weeks due to rotational velocidensity.
I'm afraid it's not very useful. I'll just stick to telnet.

Don't move or run, man, just flow with the tide. I know what you mean, though. I'm fairly stagnant myself because I don't care to move to other things unless its absolutely necessary. I mean, ffs 90% of my web browsing activity is exclusively Sup Forums.

I can't wait to see what nightmare dystopia the future holds in store for us, equally the response to said dystopian systems.


Only some of the things there rely on blockchain technology.
>store the entire blockchain
You don't even have to, you only need what's relevant unless you wish to traverse back in history. In addition you can always piggyback off someone else storing the entire thing in case you do.
>isn't that just as bad as centralized
It's still decentralized so you can use whatever you want or set something up yourself if you really don't trust anyone.
Validation and lack of trust are inherent to these kinds of systems as well so you could always just have a federated (distributed or not, but still decentralized) system instead of a single node.

Even in the least different surface level example of say going to someones HTTP server to view a gateway/interface to some DAPP, at least on the underside it's better for people as a whole since it's still distributed underneath and carries the advantages of the technology for everyone else who chooses to use their own method of access, it just so happens that someone made a bridge between them, this is good for adoption/support anyway, it gives people the ability to experiment without the need for every vendor to commit at once.

IPFS is just a P2P exchange system. It can retrieve data from blockchains through IPLD, but IPFS itself doesn't rely on blockchains, even IPLD doesn't rely on them, it can just reach into and traverse them.

Bittorrent on steroids