Dad and mom both think that CS is an infinitely better job/degree than physics and will only pay for a CS degree...

Dad and mom both think that CS is an infinitely better job/degree than physics and will only pay for a CS degree. Please tell them why they are wrong, I don't want to be a codemonkey for the rest of my life.

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What's wrong with being a code monkey?
Can't handle an actual job?

You don't dumbass, you work up to become a project manager or an analyst that wrangles the Pajeets.

Pay for college yourself then you lazy faggot.

Just explain that you can still learn programming and be a codemonkey if you get a physics degree however the degree in physics will open more doors than the CS degree would.

Tell them that physics requires programming and is a viable strategy to get into the industry with a competitive advantage.

You can still get a job in physics with a CS degree famalam

This is only true in USA.

Sorry but programming is one of the few jobs you can get as a physics major.

t. Physics major codemonkey


reverse search this, btw

Double major? Or do a major/minor?

OP here do you have a source to back that up? Because my parents will say/think that actual CS majors are hired over physics majors because "well you wouldn't hire a physics major for programming jobs, son!"
Low pay, it's usually menial work and you have shitty bosses with little chance of moving up because of the influx of competition. Ironic that my parents say that about physics majors applying for a physics position.

Major physics/minor in CS because it helps apparently

Oh fug, how depressing

Before you decide for physics be aware that the average iq of physics graduate is over 130 so I hope for your sake you are higher than this

I have a kid

I wish to god that the problem I had with my kid was that he was working hard in school, got into college and wanted to study physics instead of CS

I REALLY wish i had this "problem"... that's all I am going to say about that but:

your parents are idiots and have no idea how good they have it

Sorry OP, but even if you study Physics you will probably end up doing a programming related field like the many other failed scientists who go in the field, much like a young aspiring actress who goes to Hollywood hoping to make it big only to end up doing pornography.

You could always minor in CS like said or you could get bachelors in physics and go on to get a masters in CS, or at least tell them that's your plan. Having a bachelors in Physics and a Masters in CS seems like it would certainly give you a leg up over CS grads although desu simply having the degree in physics and having programming knowledge would likely be enough to get you a job over your average pajeet

Also, you can check out

Both are shit.
STEM is such a joke.
I have no idea why you people act like making 70k a year post grad is some bourgeoisie tier. There are other jobs that pay way more.
If you love science or computers, that is another story, but accounting, finance, medical, veterinary, dental and law are all much easier and much better paying - not to mention you won't be competing against either turbonerds that do open source for fun or H1B slaves.
Heck, even trades will give you a better ROI than a stupid STEM degree!
t. CPA, former programmer

What a idiotic reason to not major in something.

They're completely right but keep in mind you can branch into computational physics and take physics electives (basically double degree, just a couple courses off). Also statistical physics is very relevant to many cs domains, including ML.

Nice blog. Please post to /adv/ or /sqt/

I am laffin. Accounting is going the way of the machines. Med, Vet, Dental, Law all require far more than a 4 year degree making them hardly comparable. You're probably not earning more in your first year of many of these professions than if you were a non-brainlet that started working after your 4 year degree and moved up.

Go in math, you can easily make the transition to CS or Physic when you want a specific job.

>Accounting is going the way of the machines.

When will this meme die, BOOKKEEPING which is a non degree scrub job. People throw basic book keeping with actual accounting and perpetuate this meme. Simple proof against is the fact that demand and %increase of jobs goes up not down

Lmao, the fuck you think you're going to do with a physics degree? Work at CERN? Get a PhD and teaching job, the odds of which are astronomically low? LMAO Fuck off kid. Even /sci/ will tell you to do CS because you actually are employable at the end.

electrical engineering.
physics and cs in one package.

you sounds like a women.
because you need to be smart enough to cope.

Address the rest of the points.

Graduate with PhD in Physics, 31, fell to his death from block of flats after taking job in call centre he was over-qualified for

* Dr Philip Elliott recently competed a degree at Reading University
* In the weeks leading up to his death he had suffered a number of career knock backs
* The 31-year-old fell from the roof of an apartment block in west London

An academic jumped off scaffolding to his death when he was only able to find a job in a call centre after finishing his doctorate, an inquest heard today.

Dr Philip Elliott, 31, who had recently completed a PhD in physics at Reading University, was seen on the sixth floor of an apartment block in west London just after 11am on January 27 this year. Police tried to call him down but he fell from the property in Cromwell Street, Kensington, an hour later, the hearing was told. Westminster Coroner's Court heard Dr Elliott - who was also a qualified engineer and was described as a 'high academic achiever' - had suffered a number of career knock-backs in the weeks leading to his death. His landlord of seven years Harry Duphnath said the most recent he knew of was in December last year. In a statement read to the inquest Mr Duphnath said: 'I was aware Philip had started a job with Southern Electric - I think in a call centre - which wasn't what he aspired to.

'He mentioned being frustrated at work and unhappy about being there and had started looking for other jobs and going for interviews.
'The last one was the week before Christmas in 2012.
'I saw him ironing his shirt getting ready for the interview.
'While I was there he checked his emails and he had one which said the interview had been cancelled.
'He was a bit low about that, but he wasn't angry. He said that he would plod on and keep going.'

This, OP's high and mighty attitude comes at the expense of showing him there is much to the world he does not understand. He should just ride the CS gravy train for as long as it lasts.

>Mom, look these people on the internet agree with me!

Unless you're going to MIT, I wouldn't major in physics.

A reasonable choice would be to major in CS and minor in physics. Alternatively, you could go for an EE/CE degree which has some roots in Physics but you'll probably end up with a programming job same as you got a CS degree.

My parents wouldn't even know what both of them are.

Funny how you conveniently left out finance.

Fucking this. I'm an IT contractor and let me tell you that once you get your first project, you're good.
Super easy technically, just oversee communication with the CFO or directors, suggest ways for them to spend less and management is happy.
Meanwhile you get to ride wage slaves with the boring stuff.

Physics is the best choice granted you have a genuine interest in it, and the uni you go to has a strong focus on Programming and numerical stuff.
After having successfully completed a physics degree you'll be REALLY well trained at solving problems and figuring out abstract ideas (Employers know this). More so that CS brainlets.

I finished my bachelor last year and am currently working on my masters in physics. At undergrad, i did just about as much programming as i did maths. Needless to say i'm a pretty decent programmer now.

Protip: get into medicine.
It pays off better than anything computer/economics-business related.
>t. someone who already got fucked in the ass

>helping with solving abstract problems
The opposite, my friend. Failed scientists go into CS to have something concrete they can play god over rather than the abstract ideas in physics.

The Pharmacy Job Market is over-saturated. Look it up.

And even still, you can't escape that the kind of abstract reasoning they so fail at applies even in computer science. It is what separates the good programmers from the bad. If you can't win at physics you aren't going to win in CS either.

i didn't mean pharmacy though

All jobs are slavery where your boss exploits your labor, you won't truly be happy at any job
Happy to help

pharmacuck here
It's absolutely fucked lads
Don't bother with medicine/pharm. MAYBE dental, but their problem isn't logistics, its the actual fucking shitty job.

Sup Forums needs a /med/ board

And even still, you can't escape that the kind of abstract reasoning they so fail at applies even in computer science. It is what separates the good programmers from the bad. If you can't win at physics you aren't going to win in CS either.

Check /sci/ and how many of them are rejected for being "over-qualified", stillm if you make it good for you
physics is a lot harder than CS and harder to find jobs but the payment is good if you get in some gov job

OP be conscious of the job market where you live. If you aren’t willing or can’t move, then that severely limits your job prospects.

So ask yourself, are they hiring physics or CS or whatever related jobs in your local area.

physics work literally everywhere you retarded codenigger

This is pretty true actually. Had a friend get in a high level research team at Intel.
They don't even hire or recruit EE or CS majors. It's apparently easier to hire math majors and teach them to program or do circuit design

Larp harder. Nobody does research without a phd and intel doesn't really hire any mathtards.

CE will be comfy as fuck with RISC-V in the curriculum. Hope your parents don't notice the diffference

It was a team of PhDs and yes they only took him because of his math experience

This. I had a comp sci prof say it's not terribly uncommon for place to higher people with math / physics degrees to do programming jobs.. I mean if they understand math you can train them to code.

I just realized my spelling is absolutely abysmal here I apologize.

There are more job openings in cs than all of those fields combined, retard.

Keep in mind that those are generally people who did research in a computer-related/applied field at a target school.

Pure math people from Average State University still have to choose between slogging it out in academia in the hopes of earning a tenured position (~3% of all PhDs), or become a math teacher.

I mean you're probably right but for the most part where my college is it's kind of rural. I wouldn't be surprised if around here it was relatively common to hire math / physics majors because of the lack of comp sci majors in the area.

Most retarded post in this thread, congrats.

Not an argument.

'physics' is just mathematical masturbation. Get a degree you can actually earn a living with user.

My ass. That user knows what's up.

>let me hire someone and train them what these other candidates spent 4 years learning

> implying a large amount of those 4 years wasn't math

In companies that hire STEM educated people they tend not to promote people without STEM degrees. Medical can be a good alternative to STEM fields but then you have mad competition to get in bc everyone wants to doctor and it's a 4-6 years of studies for the basics and then you spend about as much time on getting your specialisation. Then after 10+ years of studies and training your salary will be heavily dependent on which specialisation you chose. Also expect to work your ass off for those 10+ years and expect that it's probably going to be a while before you hit 70k/year.

You're going to a codemonkey user and you're going to like it :)

Tell them that Dennis Ritchie was a Physics major.

Claiming that IQ doesn't matter in academic achievements isn't even "not an argument" it's just denial.

Your parents are right. I learned CS and my brother learned physics. I am the more successful one by a long shot. My brother has a hard time finding work related to his degree.

I'm not saying it doesn't matter. Maybe you should reread what I said. :^)

Oh you're only pretending to be retarde. Well ok then.

Physics need differential equations,real analysis,complex analysis,probability theory,statistics,functional analysis,Algebra,linear algebra,differential geometry to learn mechanics,quantum physics,particle theory,relativity theory,programming high performance,numerics methods,work in large groups,using a lot instruments to work on instruments and analysis data.

Physics are non Autist mathematics, a lot physics end up work on data analysis or machine learning because high math background over muh discrete math CS,work on robotics,computer vision,computer graphics,actuary, some physics work on engineer built next get materials or systems.

Physics is really good career if you avoid pure research.

What field make more? Medical makes the most.

No they dont
Why the fuck do people never factor in opportunity cost?
>b-but ill catch up in only 5 years after I spend 8+ years in school, 3 years of residency and 5-10 years paying off my 300k loan!
I'm the pharmafag, gonna be like 140k in debt, the rest of my peers are looking at least 200k in a dogshit economy and a saturated field, but no one gives a shit. It's like the concept of money just doesn't fucking exist with these people.

And OP, don't have your parents cuck you like they cucked me. I majored in econ and had a nice comfy 60k office job lined up with no undergrad debt (I didn't even pay tuition).
Of course my shitty immigrant parents wanted muh doctor son and gave me grief although college.
I bargained it down to pharmacuck school (4 years) and that was just BARELY fucking enough to satisfy them.
And I'm gonna spend the rest of my life counting pills and giving half my paycheck to schlomo the banker.
Unfortunately if I had done otherwise my shitty conscious would have made me feel bad for the rest of my life that I let my parents down.

>300k in debt
Not everyone lives in the Goy States of Amerikkka.
Med is on average the most profitable degree in the world and you have it easier if you wanna work abroad.
Who cares fag, we're talking about doctors, not some shitty prescription pill counting scam degree.

You don't have to be a code monkey. Computer Science is a branch of mathematics and there's lots of things to do.

medicine is cuckoldry in the states, but I guess it's easy to practice voodoo rituals or whatever the fuck you treat people with in your shithole.

Typical pill counting clerk triggered cause he'll always be a slave.
Enjoy the debt fatty.

man, that's sad

You don't get a cs degree to "learn to code". If you did you're a fucking buffoon.
Any fucking moron can learn to code good enough in a few months
They spent 4 years leaning stuff that usually doesn't have much to do with programming and a lot more about algorithms, computational intractability, and architecture
So yes, if you want a guy to do tricky math stuff and program it's better to take the math guy not the cs guy

If you're really smart and get into a top tier Uni then do physics, otherwise stick to being a codemonkey.
Keep in mind that you're going to have to learn programming anyways if you want to get a job with a physics degree.


> dumbass parents refused to pay for a CS degree because they didnt want me to sit at a desk all day and not talk to anyone
> got a cuck science degree instead

we could just trade lives if that helps

You have a guaranteed job for the rest of your life and can move anywhere easily.

>Low pay, it's usually menial work and you have shitty bosses with little chance of moving up because of the influx of competition. Ironic that my parents say that about physics majors applying for a physics position.
Maybe if you work at shit companies and set your bar way fucking low.

You can get a CS job with literally any degree. Meanwhile in CS, you learn fucking nothing.

>retards seriously think this

All the cucks replying to this focusing on how hard medicine is when dental also pays ridiculously well and its super easy to get into and to do as a profession. (read: not actually that easy but does not even compare to the competitiveness of medicine)

Anybody who thinks machines are taking over an entire field any time in our lifetime is falling hard for normie propoganda memes. Clearly accounting and finance are going to be around for a long time before people are comfortable enough letting extremely hackable software handle the worlds economy on its own.

In terms of return on investment:
CS > Business = Engineering > Science

Science programs can be insanely difficult and time consuming but most science jobs pay dogshit unless there's an engineering component, in which case companies are more likely to hire an engineer who took a degree in a related field. ie. Biomedical engineer gets hired long before a biomedical scientist.

But idk what your beef is with CS. Its easy as hell to learn if you have half a brain in your skull, the degree is effortless to complete, and companies are willing to throw tons of money at you because the demand is off the charts. Furthermore the industry is clearly not going anywhere. The only problem is that your value drops as you age. But if you do well as a youngster you can cruise for the rest of your life at ~$150K

as usualy thread ends bc i bt everyone the fo

Cs is boring and miserable . The theoretical side is way more enjoyable but way less employable . I would have dropped out if I continued down cs/software engineering

>i bt everyone the fo
>i blown the everyone the fuck out

>menial work and you have shitty bosses with little chance of moving up because of the influx of competition
Name one field where this isn't the case

meanwhile idiots with pink hair get jobs because they have a vagina. fuck this gay earth

Depressing view on life

Hate to break it to you OP, but they are right.

We don't need anymore people in the natural sciences, especially physics. And 50% of people in CS are struggling to get jobs because of H1B Visa abuse/some graduates can't code.

i think you should look into electrical engineering. the automation in advanced manufacturing will need more of them.

just a bs in physics will be tough to find anything.

a bs in cs without a lot a strong portfolio/experience will make it hard to find something.

a bs in ee with maybe an internship is basically set as far as finding a job goes right out of college.

>Asian Joe Rogan meets Asian Alex Jones

Learn CS on your own.