There is no point any more. No reason to avoid the botnet...

There is no point any more. No reason to avoid the botnet. They already have all your info and there's no way to stop it. Everything is botnet. Even the fucking satellites can spy on you. Everywhere you go you are tracked. There is no place to run. Every little thing you search is collected by your ISP. There are no non-botnet search engines. Even the ones that claim to be free take your info. Your hardware spies on you too. Your processors have processors.
I don't care anymore. There is no point. Embrace the wire. Let Lain have your data.
Embrace the botnet.

Nice try NSA. KYS you tripple letter faggots

I'm not CIA. I've just lost all hope in salvation. There is no point any more when even the ISPs you have to use spy on you. Not even a p2p mesh network could be safe from someone spying on all routed traffic. It's all just so tiresome.
Also: filtered, fucking namefag.

>also: filtered, fucking namefag
Nice try applefag

Does the fact that I'm replying to you without a problem indicate that I'm not on an apple device?

if you know everything about me, describe in detail the last shit I took

Brown and lumpy

>I have only one device, trust me!


Well I never said I know. Chances are they can estimate judging by your buying patterns.

She knew everything, didn't she? She must have, yet didn't tell a thing. "Come to the wired", felt so lucrative back then, sounds horrible today. What happened.


You right user, might as well enjoy the botnet before the collapse

Nothing in life matters. Might as well live it up.

Fucking brain dead lain posters

Thanks, captain Noshit.

>showing everyone your reddit gold account

Seriously though. What's the point of trying to fend off the botnet when everything already watches us and there is nothing we can do to stop it? Even our ISPs are obligated to give our details off to the government and at that point, why not collect and sell it to businesses as well? Even our own site takes our info.

>what's the point
it keeps you busy.

Report, filter and move on.

>They already have all your info and there's no way to stop it
if (((they))) already had all my info (((they))) would'nt be trying to get it

how about the Brave tactic of basically
fooling the botnet
or trying to encapsulate the entire internet in your search history, purchase history etc... so that while they do have information on you. Trying to predict anything or label/diagnose etc anything would be impossible.
Kinda like filling out one of those psych tests to make them invalid.

The whole point was avoiding 1984. Yet we have basically arrived at that point. Largely thanks to the left who seem to only want to embrace stricter and stricter laws like the EU data protection directive.

Soon every company will have to employ a data officer to be in "compliance" with EU "regulations". Soon all communications will have to be in "compliance" with EU law. Soon every word you utter brother will need to be in "compliance" with EU law or you'll need to be re-educated. America will have their day too probably. Sweden is basically already like that, it's actually scary how indoctrinated kids are these days. Everything and anything they do seems to revolve around politics now. If you want a good job and a normal life, you have to toe the line in the EU these days. One bad word against the union or against the leftist narrative of controlling everything by pushing stricter laws and you'll be cast out in the cold. If you seem so much as patriotic these days you're given the cold shoulder.

Politicians need something back in their lives, fear of the people. The day will come when Merkel and her ilk will step outside, get in their car, and an IED will go off. I will have absolutely no sympathy for them that day. They are trying to eliminate cultural identity and quietly replace all law with EU law. That will illicit a violent response eventually.


>replace all law with EU law

EU law is law you absolute pleb, there's nothing to replace. There's no difference between national laws of EU countries and EU law, it's all just law.

God, you sicken me.

t. lawfag

NSA shills OUT

for eg, this site is not https secure. So my ISP will have already read this and determined the language is not EU compliant. I will then have "compliance officers" dispatched to my house to evaluate the data with me. If I refuse the police are called and I'm arrested. If it's determined that I don't want to communicate in a manner that is "compliant" I will be arrested. The trial will evaluate if I've broken EU law and since I have I will be sent to a special EU educational camp for electroshock therapy. Who would actually stop them? I'm just a stupid trump supporter after all that was probably harassing women online.

When they actually start jailing people for shit online the left will lap that shit up, they're so blind at this point they won't even see the parallels

Wow it's further along then I thought. Does EU law cover everything though or are there still elements of national law that take precedence?

>largely thanks to the left

Christ, Sup Forums really has bled over to every fucking board now.

Imagine how many levels of partisan retard you have to be on to think mass surveillance and militarized police are only coming form half of parliaments worldwide.

national law does in no case take precedence the only relevance it has is in cases that are unregulated in the eu

>something I don't agree with, must be Sup Forums

The UK is by far the most heavily monitored country on the face of the planet.
>muh NSA
No need for the NSA when your ISPs willingly hand over your data to police for just about any inquiry

stay off the fucking internet you nerds
now real life is free of normies now that they're glued to their smartphones 24/7. buy a dog and take him/her for a walk

You sure about that?

Which I assume are 1% of all cases since I imagine at this point EU law is pretty much all encompassing.

So it's completely fair to say at this point that if I'm ever on trial -- my own country has no control over what happens to me.

>meme complaining about idpol
>"leftist narrative of controlling everything"
>"indoctrinated kids" because kids are politically active
>narrative of persecution for patriotism
>"trying to eliminate cultural identity"
>"I will have no sympathy when a terrorist attack happens against those whose political opinions I disagree with"

Walks like a duck... quacks like a duck...

Who cares about what your ISP has?

Dear lord, the police are going to know I use a VPN. What will I do now?

>buy a dog and take him/her for a walk
Are you braindead or something?

this is not true. the botnet knows almost nothing about me. i once tested the highlights or whatever it was.. i dont remember because that was like a year ago on facebook and it was blank and ads are completely unrelated to my interests (i use an adblocker but i test that sometimes) and usually even meant for women and im not a tranny.

I said politicians, not people I disagree with.
>standard lefty conflation, "so what you're saying is you basically want to kill everyone who doesn't agree with you"
I'm here telling you a small global elite of politicians have complete control over laws in our countries and are passing laws that allow them to inspect all of our data for "compliance" even if a 3rd party is holding it

not only that you're proving my point that the biggest concern of the left will just be pointing the finger at the right and saying "hurr durr bad guy"

i actually bet you just sit on these boards all day waiting for people to say something vaguely anti-establishment or anti-left, then jump on them and call it Sup Forums

>Largely thanks to the left
This is stupid, but also funny because you complain about people being brainwashed. The house voted 357-66 (62 of the nays were from democrats) and the senate voted 98-1 in favor of the PATRIOT act. If you think either side cares less about government surveillance then you are ignorant.

I largely agree with you. The left has been causing this 1984 scenario for a while now. What many people don't seem to understand though is that even in the right there are certain harmful elements. The ones that are socially right and authoritarian, for example fascists and extreme conservatives, are also at fault. It's not a straight up dichotomy of left-right. That's why the Tories are considered leftists here.
As to why leftism is so susceptible to becoming more authoritarian, it's due to so many issues and stances being unnatural to humans and their nature. For example: forced equality in workplaces, wage gap etc.
Not to say the right is perfect, no. The whole overt racism isn't good either.
I hate politics. I'm really into it purely out of necessity but I detest it. I just want to be left alone but everything is spying on me. I can't see any end to this as people have become so jaded to everything going on. Too jaded to fight back. I might as well stop too.

Good attempt, NSA, but you won't convince me by chinks cartoon.


run bitch, runnnnnnnn

i fear so, and you will never get the ability back to implement own laws in the eu system

Do you glow in the dark?

Only a little.

encrypt your shit if you are so paranoid.

>trump won
>his party now controls executive and legislative branches of government
>supporters still think they're being persecuted by society when people object to or disagree with them

Post your name, ID, address, accounts/password, taxid, social security, bank account, etc

I figured it out.

That's not what I meant. Being in the botnet and giving your info out willingly are two different things.
Encryption isn't effective when even the cameras have facial recognition software on them and spy satellites can do the job even better (albeit much more slowly)

If you already believe you're compromised, then giving away information doesn't change anything.

Maybe you're having a change of heart?

Such a retarded comparison, why does the government having my "name, ID, address, accounts/password, taxid, social security, bank account, etc" mean I have to give it to some random faggot on the internet

So you haven't embraced the botnet yet. Why are are you shying away from it? Pussy?

But I use Google services that's what Sup Forums considers "the botnet" no?

Why would you care about avoiding the botnet in the first place? The government literally tracks every important thing you do from the minute you were born in the real world anyways.
