Painting With by Animal Collective

This is the best album I've ever listened to. How do they keep doing it?

don't have kids, OP

Yeah, it's pretty good. Not even close to their best, but good

It sounds like their voices are stepping on top of each other

in a good way

watching a ton of Rugrats I guess
also being really creative
what I'm hearing of the live albums is even better though desu, summing the wretch really comes alive in a live setting
it's called hocketing :^)

it's literally my least favorite album of all the stuff they've done and I have listened to everything they've ever released.. I love pretty much everything else but I can't seem to get into this..dunno maybe it grows on me

They're just that good senpai.

Their least accessible album and best, plebs can't into hocketing

So stoked to see them perform on November 4th. Cant wait to hear Loch Raven and Alvin Row live. What other non PW sonfs have they been playing?

I know this is intentionally retarded but still
daily routine, gnip gnop/hounds of bairro, and some cover

also bees, I forgot that one

it will be seen as a classic in a few years. trust me.


Really good hocketing on this album.

simply eric duderino *fist bump*

Blurryface is better.

Oh shit it's one of the 3 people spreading this meme.

the album is very solid if you ignore all the panda tracks after lying in the grass

I actually love Painting With, bums me out Sup Forums praised it so much at first then turned on it. Only two tracks I don't care much for. The hocketing is its strongest feature.

>the hocketing is its strongest feature

why do you like it so much? I wish i could like it

>he doesn't like the hocketing
4 letter word that starts with "p"

i didn't mind it on hocus pocus or LitG

but LITERALLY EVERY FUCKING SONG panda's on uses it, except recylcing

at that point I'm tired of his voice. It doesn't help that the panda songs' melodies are lacking

essential Rugrats-core


You like this less than Grim Reaper?

like that's a bad thing

this is in my bottom 3 for them. it might even be my least favorite. what do you see in it? not trying to be aggro, just curious.

to expand on this, i also really don't care for PBVGR, CHz, or slasher flicks, or even really tomboy

The way they employ the call-and-response tricks are actually nicely varied. Sometimes they switch off every other word, sometimes they switch off with phrases, etc. it sounds to me like they expand upon the idea enough to keep it from getting old.

Also, a couple of the songs don't even feature hocketing. Only seven do, and then one of those (Natural Selection) employs it as a sound effect rather than for lyrical delivery.

I also read in numerous publications about their intention behind the hocketing. Noah mentioned they were hoping to invoke cubist imagery, and I think they succeeded at that in the chopping up and "rebuilding" of lyrical phrases. They attacked the words from numerous angles and I get strong geometric impressions from the vocals now. Fascinating in my opinion.

There's also some cool, albeit shallow and passing, observations on the political climate in there. They're not substantial but I find the sudden heavy drops of realism to be psychedelic in an odd but pleasant way.

I don't like Spilling Guts or Summing the Wretch; I definitely like this brand of poppy Animal Collective but those songs are unfortunately ugly renditions of it. Still a great album, not their best, but great.

>except recylcing
Are you retarded? Not only can you not spell, but that whole song is hocketing, what the fuck?

I had really enjoyed it a lot and then I saw them live a few days ago, and now I'm enamored with it. I would put it in their top 4

maybe, I've heard that song maybe 4 times so I don't remember it well

I always stop at golden gal, and I only have my album going past bagels in keiv to get to golden gal

imo it's the worst animal collective record, but its still at least a 7.5/10. their discography is consistently great

Personally I don't mind the hocketing at all, in fact its one of my favorite parts about the album. I appreciate the writeup, the part about cubist imagery is really interesting.

The thing that irks me about it are the synths on Hocus Pocus, Vertical, Lying in the Grass, and Summing The Wretch. They use the same belching sound that I can't stand..

I'm right there with all the albums you mentioned, this one just has better songwriting and production. It's not consistent, I'll give you that, but it's more focused and evenly produced than CHz or Slasher Flicks, and it has better songwriting and performances than GR and Tomboy (I do like Tomboy better than GR though). Hocus Pocus, Burglars, Golden Gal, and Recycling are all very good, and Floridada, as poppy as it is, is still pretty solid. The rest are spotty, but they all have moments I like, like the verse in Vertical, or the middle section of Bagels. Really, the thing I like most about this album is that it's a step in the right direction. Ever since MPP, Avey's been trying to prove to everybody he can still scream and be unpredictable, and Panda's been mind numbingly repetitive. This one is not their best but it doesn't have either of those problems, and I think it's a sign that at least Avey is going to be doing some good work from here on out, now that the pressure from MPP and the bad feels from his divorce are over with.

Not to mention, Deakin's album was great. I kind of hope we get to see an Avey/Geo/Deakin Anco release sans Pbear. That would be interesting as fuck.

Why would you stop on the penultimate song? Recycling is one of the best tracks on the album.

Hmm I understand that, the synthesizers on this album are often ugly and show up more than I would like too. They turned me off a little at first, but with more listens I think the melodies themselves prop up the timbral shortcomings. And I've come to see the synths as a continuation of the "paint" theme as well. Plus I enjoy electronic/neo-AnCo more than most. But I do think they could have been executed much better.

Yeah that's a fair interpretation. I also like electronic anco a lot, mpp was the album that got me into anco and was one of my favorite albums ever for a long time. Still like it a lot but as I got into their earlier stuff i grew to like some of that more.

I do find that I enjoy listening to panting with in the gym, the melodies and and bouncy rhythms come through more than the textural failings and I enjoy it when running and lifting.

I wonder if they're planning on doing anything to follow this up, I mean it took 4 years after CHz to get PW so it seems like we're well past the years of AnCo being prolific.

i do agree that the deakin album was great

dunno what that is desu, is it like pw at all?
>ignoring summing the wretch, on delay, and recycling
wew lad

>dunno what that is desu, is it like pw at all?

its a meme

They're switching up their setlist in July.

Face that your meme failed

this, almost milhouse-tier at this point desu

strongly disagree

my favorites are golden gal, burglars, and floridada

>Golden Gal
>Flori da-da
>Everything else who gives a fuck

for those who have seen them live on this tour,
when they do Golden Gal does anybody get a strong boy band impression? they way they sing this song about strong women seemed to please the female members of the audience. really reminded me of early Beatles/Beach Boys. I know that's a trite analogy when applied to their music but it surprised me how much it applied to their live performance too.

Pretty gud....but not as gud as Deakin's solo shit.