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Music #647
Looking to get into Psychedelic Pop. Any recs?
Kpop general
Has it leaked?
Hell be fine
Pic related was the last great rock album
Rank Pink Floyd
Still have Swans, Nails, Mogwai and Bat For Lashes to go
Is Radiohead over?
What does Sup Forums think of the Eagles?
Kpop general
No Taylor swift thread
Apple Music is better than Spotify and Tidal
I just realized my music taste sucks and I listen to the same two bands so recommend me anything and everything you like
Artists who don't write their own music?
ITT your imaginary GF's fav album
Post yfw listening to loveless
What does Sup Forums think of MJ?
Cuck my life in to pieces
You know, this isn't so bad
Used to go to nightclubs every Friday and Saturday night, living the paycheck to paycheck club lifestyle
Recommend me some good music, Sup Forums. As for what I like, let's just use this album as a reference point...
First 5 songs, or last 5 songs?
Burt Cocaine
Post your 3x3, get rec
Old one caught malariaa
Post em
Rank 'em
Itt post albums to fall asleep to
Sup Forums feels thread
ITT: Musician deaths that will hit you the hardest
Girlfriend of five and a half years broke up with me recently, been listening to these nonstop
If you don't think this is their best then stop listening to them
Oh My God
This nigga is loving the new radiohead Sup Forums
Which one's sadder?
Kpop general
Where were you when zoe camp called out Sup Forums
It was good while it lasted
What's your scene? [or the closest]
Now that the dust has settled, we can all agree that decks dark is the best radiohead song in years
Who are some musicians that are genuinely good yet mu rejects because their insufferable contrarians?
Thoughts on this
Thoughts? Opinions? Whats up with this guy?
ITT: you hear it, you lose
ITT: Albums that are better than Painting With
Is this tropical goth?
Is Oasis dadrock?
Zappa discussion thread
Kendrick's voice sounds like shit...
We doesn't weed
/p4k/ - Nightly Pitchfork Countdown Hypetrain Thread
‘The kid has heart,’ Bob Dylan remarked
My Mom says I'm not allowed to listen to Death Grips anymore. What should I do?
How much songs do you own?
Who is this man?
Who is the Michael Bay of music?
My name's Blurryface and I care what you think
74 years old
Support the troopscore
I just spent all night listening to the velvet underground for the first time...
When was the last time you listened to ANY of the albums pictured here? Be honest
What's the best song on this album?
I've noticed that Sup Forums know longer likes Billy Corgan. Is it because he's an Alex Jonesboo?
Le babbys first electronic music faec
This is not a 4x4 thread
Sup Forums makes an album: do your worst
What does he listen to?
I understand what Waters was trying to do with this album...
Have you ever shown your friends or parents your favorite music and if so what was their initial reaction?
Is Michael Gira a bad person?
Vocaroo Thread
The top 5 shittiest new bands
What is Sup Forums's opinion on Azealia Banks?
10/10 moments thread
Why is prog rock considered to only be listened to by nerds and geeks?
Thoughts about this album and beach party as a whole?
Nerd culture turntablism
If you had to write an essay on an album, which one would you choose?
Who's hyped for the return of the greatest band
RYM / Sonemic General
How do i write lyrics like him
Itt: rate Radiohead's discography and talk about each album and how it serves to solidify them as a...
Where my /HAMILBROS/ at? This is the best album I've heard in months
ITT: Shitty album covers
Let's have a good, fun thread where we post shouts and have lots of good times, 'k?
What went wrong?
I enjoy this music
End of acoustic track
/prod/ - Production General
All hotness aside, is her music any good?
Opinions on this album?
Best Long Prog?
Albums so above their time and you had to check when they came out
Hey Sup Forums i'll be back, i'm going to the store. need me to pick anything up for you while i'm there?
Am I the only person that thinks Jimmy Hendrix is overrated...
5x5, 4x4, 3x3, nxn collage thread
John Cage's 4'33"
Ayy rude boi
I feel like as my depression has gotten worse, I have started to love slower melancholic music like shoegaze, slowcore...
Average "the life of pablo" listener
More albums like this Sup Forums? not exactly this but Im looking for some good guitar riff...
My mom got a record player from her friend, what are some essential vinyls I should buy her?
What is the musical equivilant of this """""art""""""
The best Radiohead album in your opinion
/gg/ - Guitar & Bass General
Favorite Death Grips song?
Tfw no gf to drive around town and listen to this album with
Steve Albini
It's rare to find an album that is stimulating artistically, but is also exceptionally fun to listen to
Opinions on Queens Of The Stone Age?
ITT: We try to get banned
I believe I can fall in love with anyone that shares my appreciation for this album
Sharethread: 80th Anniversary Edition/user edition
The Flaming Lips
3x3 thread
At what age did you start enjoying noise?
Kpop general
Sad music
ITT: Essential Pedophile-core
Can you guys explain what you find funny about this?
Can we all admit he was kind of horrible douchebag?
ITT: Post your dominant hand and other anons try to guess your music taste
Better than OK Computer
RYM / Sonemic thread
Tfw your neighbors file a complaint about your music being too loud
Let me tell you something you already know
ITT: Guess people's personality based on their 3 favorite genres
Music is dead
Kpop General
Tom Waits
Tfw no longer agree with radioheads political message anymore
Post your favourite female artists
ITT: your favourite hip hop albums
Chart threads are so much fun, for when you should be out in the sun!
Post a potential album cover, others guess the genre
What genre do you tag them as? me personally have been using avant garde
Picture of a goat edition
ITT: albums people pretend to like
Azealia banks gets expelled from her UK festival
I see a lot of hip hop here etc.., but anyone on Sup Forums into grime? Is it a UK only thing?
Does anyone else feel sorry for Slowdrive after watching the P4K classics video on it?
Wallpaper thread?
Itt: we guess rapper's IQs
It only has two good tracks. Why do people think this is a masterpiece?
Kpop general
Music You Hate
Literally what is wrong with 21 pilots?
Favorite album, favorite drug/liquor
Soundcloud anonymus feedback thread
ITT:Albums Americans WILL NEVER understand
Desiigner is an objectively better rapper than Future
Anybody else automatically hate a band and their music just by their name alone?
Any more summery dance/electronic like this?
ITT: albums that legitimately have evoked intense feelings on you
Post an image and others rec music based on that image
ITT: your pick for greatest rapper of all time
What is some good music to listen to while feeling depressed and lonely?
ITT: Albums only Americans will get
Just putting this out there
Kpop general
About Death Grips
Well Sup Forums, are they right?
Qt CHART Thread
What's their name now again?
Why did people hate disco so much?
ITT: Misleading Album Covers
Is shoegaze going to win the rock meme?
Collage thread
Is Sup Forums better or worse than it used to be?
I see no /gg/ thread so this will substitute
KPOP GENERAL | K-Pop General thread
Is Hall and Oates Sup Forums approved?
/Phil Collins/
ITT: Musicians who are insane violent people who should be locked up away from the general public
ITT: What an album would look like if it was a girl
No one will ever be as cool as David Bowie ever again
Is this the first day on the job for a new batch of janitors? Why is there so much thread deletion going on...
Is there another hip hop album as atmospheric as this?
Will the loudness war ever end? How can I escape it?
Why is vinyl making a comeback? It's such a clunky and obsolete format
ITT: GOAT albums that it's trendy to hate on
ITT: Albums to drink soda with
Is Wayne Coyne the best guitarist of all time?
What went wrong?
Name our band
Favourite song from each Radiohead album
Is this album a joke now or should I actually listen to it?
When did you grow out of your phase of being an edgy contrarian and hating on the beatles, radiohead and pink floyd?
5x5 thread
Guess personality
Does anyone else feel like drums are overrated and holding back music?
New swans
What is your earworm eight now
Best album of 2016 so far?
God tier eurodance album thread?
Emo/screamo/skramz/angsty teenage-core general
Honestly, Visiting Friends is one of the greatest pieces of ambient music i've ever heard...
Kpop general
Released a year apart, both huge critical hits. Which do you prefer?
Can someone inform Azealia Banks that the vast majority of us don't speak nigger?
/daily/ - Bluesy times edition
Rachel Goswell or Bilinda Butcher? Who is the better shoegaze qt?
Lyrically, what is his best song?
It's 2am and im lonely
These lads are gonna mug your ass unless you tell them which autechre tracks are objectively best
Why is she still deemed relevant? Why are people still giving her and her opinions attention? Why won't she disappear?
Never forget we saved michael gira's career from the sjws/feminist
What the fuck is his problem?
ITT: 0/10
Albums like this?
Hey Sup Forums, I'm looking for pumping up songs, no matter how pleb
The absolute madman, he actually did it. Pic related
Lauren Mayberry (CHVRCHES) found dead on the floor
This is your waifu
Stabbing in a local mall of killed 2 people
ITT: First albums you bought
I need you bitch ass niggas to write me some swag rap lyrics
Pulk/Pull is so underrated. It's amazing and the production is god-tier
Chart thread
Why is Grimes so hatted?
James Blake Thread
Fall in love with a girl
*Orelsan&Gringe, Casseurs Flowteurs*
Albums with pleb filters: i'll start
Why do people pretend to like this shit?
Is this the most album ever?
Kpop general
Does banter queen banks browse Sup Forums?
So Azealia Banks bodied Zayn Malik and grime last night on twitter
Whats the most nihilistic music artist?
What is the song of the year so far?
What the fuck is his problem ?
/shugazi/ - Shoegaze (Dream Pop, Noise Pop, and Blackgaze) General
ITT: top tier album covers
What's her best song, Sup Forums?
ITT albums for your normie friends
ITT: Post your top 10 artists/band
How soon till he pulls a Bowie?
Lower than art angels lol
Kpop general
ITT: We laugh at this faggot because he was wrong and try to embarrass him
Who is your favorite artist from the following countries?
What's the loudest, noisiest, dirtiest, heaviest song Nirvana has?
What purpose does this instrument serve?
5x5 last week
Albums better than Sup Forumscore
Why does Sup Forums hate this album so much?
Long time listener first time caller
Holy shit Disk 2 is so much better than this shit album
They don't sleep anymore on the beach
Music Shuffle Thread
Post your favorite vaporwave albums atm
Yfw listening to music
Thom Yorke and Rachel Owens separate after 23 years
Wayne Coyne vs. MC Ride
Itt post musicians you have a crush on
/gg/ Guitar and Bass General
What is his best song?
What album are you finally going to kill yourself to?
Sounds not that good. Lady gaga can produce better
Between the Buried and Me
I know metal is its own genre, but would it be fair to call this heavy psych?
Honestly, what does Sup Forums think of Nirvana...
Are hi-hats a meme?
What do you think she listens to? Please keep this music related
Let's talk about this album
ITT: Post the album you're listening to now
So we've pretty much agreed that A Hard Days Night is the Beatles' best early-career album?
Initial thoughts?
ITT: We post our top artists from the past year according to, rate, discover, recommend
ITT: Share a rap song, good or bad
Sup Forums suddenly hates weezer
One of these threads (template incoming)
I'm gonna listen to some grindcore and pv tonight mu, give me some recs
/p4k/ - Nightly Pitchfork Countdown Hypetrain Thread
You have 10 seconds to name ONE good screamo band
Tell me your favorite album and zodiac sign
10/10 thread
New bandcamp thread, old one is gone
What does Sup Forums think of Sonic Youth?
Pick one
What is the best song?
Chart thread
Band name has a mispelled word
Wow, Marcel has really gone off the rails with his latest release
Why don't black people listen to this?
Why is opera so cringe Sup Forums? How do people enjoy it?
Reminder that in another 20 years, Radiohead will be considered the greatest band of our current era
Sup Forums is making fun of us again
ITT: post a fake album cover and we guess its genre
Are the archives okay? They're down like 50% of the time I try to goto them lately
ITT: Artists who care about the closing track
What are the best Punk Bands and Albums?
Album game
It's like Amnesiac but even worse. What were they thinking?
Will there ever be anyone greater than elvis?
Itt: musicians who were murdered
Please tell me these faggots don't play any shows and relapsed on heroin and started cutting
Just remember everybody: We've been told time and time again about how not-good Radiohead is...
So what's the story with this band? Are they worth listening to?
Even though I don't even own a turntable I'd like to show you my record collection
This album saved my life
He listens to whole albums, even though he doesn't like all the tracks
>>64759757 thread
/prog/ general
5x5 thread, rate, rec, hate, shitpost, do whatever
This is in your top 10, right?
Song features a children's choir
He's the worst
ITT: your 2o16 AOTY
Tonedeafness test
Is he right? Is the new Radiohead just Coldplay for edgy 13 year olds?
ITT: Your top 5 albums in your favorite genre
YOU listened to tonnes of albums in the hopes that your knowledge will impress girls...
Official Average IQ Rankings Of Sup Forums
He doesn't have a favorite grime MC
Psyche thread. What are your favorite psychedelic albums/bands/songs, Sup Forums?
Still thinking Radiohead is musically better than Muse
Why there aren't more artists like Grimes?
Rank the taste of the following tripcode users
Is this the best alternative to an iPod classic ?
Jazz > Classical
20 listens in
Is there any video game music that's actually good on its own and not in the context of the game?
Is there ANY artist who had higher highs and lower lows than the Beach Boys?
Worst Album Covers in History?
Hey user! What's your favorite Nirvana song?
Describe a discography album by album while other's guess
Pewdiepie listens Deafheaven
Rap is (r)etards (a)ttempting (p)oetry
I think we can all agree that mainstream modern music is nearing a terminal decline at this point...
What does Sup Forums think of new Vektor album?
How can one country be so devoid of talent?
I just don't understand how people enjoy rap/hip hop music. I've tried to listen to it...
Explain how he is "experimental". outside of using tin cans, conch shell, ratchet, bass drum, buzzers, water gong...
ITT: Awkward Sup Forums-related IRL stories
Metal Recomendations
Explain how they are "experimental"...
"If I had written Wonderwall instead of Hey Jude we would be know as the best pop band in history" - Liam Gallagher
AMSP General
Wealth and Glamour music
/dark/ general
EUROVISION 2016 semi 1 - thread 3
3x3, post your taste and get judged
Radiohead is literally the greatest band of all time
ITT: Artists with annoying political agendas
Sup Forumsmor thread
Uhhh... Sorry, why is this crap considered good again?
Listens to pic related
Post suggestions for changes and I will ignore them most likely
Bottomless pit > exmilitary >= jenny death > no love > the money store > GP > NOTM > fashion week
How do I listen to this?
Fantanos career is built off giving Death Grips a 10
10/10 moments in music
Gene Simmons strikes again, mocks Prince's drug addiction
Let's Have a Bjork Thread
He's so tall and handsome as hell
Who has the best sunglasses in music?
New Soundcloud thread
EUROVISION 2016 semi 1 - thread 2
ITT: Bands and artists only white people listen to
Kpop general
Are there any other songs that are or over 1 hour long?
One of these threads
Get friendzoned 2 times in 3 months
/azealia banks/
Why are women, on average, more prone to conformity than their male counterparts?
So Sup Forums, what are you?
Radiohead ditch guitars
New 20 song album coming in June or July, or maybe even sooner if she leaks it. Might be kewl
Raw Rap Shit Share Thread
You guys remember when bait was less obvious?
If you don't think this is the most important album of the year, you are delusional
Why was Strawberry Jam removed from Spotify?
What are your top 10 Radiohead songs?
Recent Purchases
Favorite 80's bands?
Most underrated Radiohead song
Whats the best Paul McCartney album?
Chart thread
Daily reminder this is still the AOTY
What are your opinions on this? Im loving it so far...
So I never gave Radiohead a real listen because it was hard to take them seriously after hearing Creep...
Why the fuck is every analyst so excited about streaming? Every tech site article about music mentions streaming now
I found out that this girl i've been pursing only listens to trap
Is there such a thing like psychedelic/experimental black metal?
How do i become patrician?
Kpop general
She's fucking beautiful, a goddess really. What album do I start with? I want to experience the art made by this angel
ITT: albums that get you pumped/hyped
'Based on Kettu’s understanding of what the band was after...
AV Club gives AMSP a B
Daily reminder that rock and roll is about male sexuality, so women will never be able to appreciate like straight men
Pick your God Sup Forums
I'm happily going to kill my self tonight
Is this Sup Forumscore now?
Apple Music or Spotify Premium?
Hello Sup Forums
All (electronic) dance music; hip hop, techno etc only exist thanks to electro and Jamaican music...
Melonhead AMSP review out
Rym thread (sonemic)
3x3 4x4 5x5 whatever
Why do people say The Queen is Dead is the best Smiths album?
There are people in here that never masturbated to a sexy music video
Where did this come from
Women in our culture have become the most decadent sluts since the fall of Rome
ITT: Musicians you didn't know were dead
ITT: albums that were hyped up as the next big thing and that everyone forgot one week later
Itt: Serious AOTY contenders
The Present Tense is a top 5 Radiohead song
Why do nu-males hate "dadrock" so much?
Teen and twenties Emimen was pretty cool for me, but I don't prefer the introspective Eminem of now
/daily/ - It's Time to Stop Edition
ITT: You hear it, you lose
/gg/ - Bass and Guitar General
Kpop General
My music gear
Hi mu what's your favorite album? Mine is "my bloody valentine" by The Loveless
Top 5 favorite AnCo songs
Reminder that the two best songs on this (Ful Stop...
Correct me if i'm wrong Sup Forums
Be me
What is your favorite hip hop album?
/prod/ - Music Production General
5x5 7 days
ITT: post your favorite album and your favorite book
My favourite Radiohead song is still their breakout single, “Creep...
Why don't i cringe while listening to Tool? i know i should be
What do Sup Forums?
What genre is this, Sup Forums?
Is he god of Sup Forums?
Newfags still asking for music download links in every thread
Does Sup Forums like jazz?
Hi Sup Forums
>itt we predict the rating pitchfork will give to amsp
ITT: Mum/momcore
TKoL is criminally underrated and I don't fucking understand the hate for it. Easily in the Top 4 Radiohead albums
Music is subjective
He's dying Sup Forums
Happy Birthday Stefan! I wonder what he does on his birthday
Album of the year
Mfw when he says "Radiohead wouldn't exist without U2"
What does Sup Forums think of U2?
Anyone feel a bit ashamed that they listen to recent stuffs much more than the old stuffs...
Chart thread
Tfw your band can't agree on a band name
Who was in the wrong here?
Dude you listen to vaporwave?
1. Bottomless Pit
Grimes dirty side
WTF 8.2 is best new music now? and this got an 8.2?
Post the best dead artists
Why are you on the worst board on Sup Forums?
Scary music?
Flavor Flav is a lame mother fucker
This album is fucking great and anyone who says otherwise is fucking lying or hasn't heard it...
Will this go down as a chamber pop essential?
Are there any other professional critics who deserve to be on this hall of fame?
What adjectives will he use to describe AMSP?
Everything OPN touches turns to gold
Soundcloud General #99991991 thread
Yeezy vs weezy
What's the single best artist Sup Forums has ever recommended to you?
Rock band releases pop album
How many more years till people finally come to their senses and realize this is Radiohead's magnum opus?
Anthony Fantano's 5 favourite bands
In music class
ITT: Name your favourite song by The Beatles, others try to guess your favourite band
Anyone else unhappy with this? Feels like radiohead totally sold out. Srsly...
Reminiscing about childhood
Anyone here like lounge, exotica or space age pop?
Has a girl ever compared you to a musician before?
ITT: Rank all of an artist's opening tracks
/p4k/ - Nightly Pitchfork Countdown Hypetrain Thread
Self titled album is not debut
KPOP General
Where do they rank amongst the greatest bands of all time, Sup Forums?
What's the band/album where there's a funny trans-looking sort of person on the album art and it initially makes you...
The Residents appreciation thread
Metallica's best album
Chance the Rapper in hospital
Albums that only retarded people listen to
ITT: guess the IQs of musicians
Best music for crying
Essential stand-up comedy albums
How involved do you intend to be with your children in regard to the music that they listen to...
Where in the World is Ozzy?
ITT: Bands only you listen to
Why do japanese make such good music compared to china and korea?
Kpop general
Can we all just agree that avant-teens are worse than poptimists?
Whats a good budget synth? preferably under $600
The last one is currently dead
Excluding pic related and Car Seat Headrest, what other musicians are confirmed to have visited Sup Forums at one point?
If we got Phil Collins to do an audiobook of the Bible, Christianity would be dead within the hour
Uh oh
ITT: We find the best rap song ever created
ITT: Album covers that intrigued you to listen to the album
Great review
Does Sup Forums not have /classical/ threads anymore?
What are some albums that feel like an adventure?
Best Kanye Album
This man walks into your restaurant
OK Computer
Sup Forums humor thread
Was he the poster child for every nu male in society now?
You hear it you lose
Imogen Heap > Grimes
Will P4K-core be replaced by Marcel-core soon? Pic related...
How the fuck can anyone actually like glass eyes? Thoms vocals are down right unlistenable on that track
Foobar is out on Android now, it's free
So, can we all agree this is rap aoty?
ITT: Rate an artist's discography by cover art
Best drug-high worthy albums pls
Bandcamp thread, be nice with each other and have a nice day
Okay which one of you wrote this
You know what to do Sup Forums
Any elliott smith fans out there?
"These songs are just a collection of cyberpunk bangers ready to turn the dancefloor into a fucking warzone"
Does Twenty One Pilots remind anyone else of Animal Collective?
/ae/ general
Why do you believe AMSP > TKOL? Or, are you a man of taste?
ITT: your make believe girlfriend's favorite album
ITT: recreate an album cover with ASCII art and anons guess what it is
So Sup Forums, who have you seen live recently?
This c*nt finally did it... she left Ozzy
So now that the dust has settled, AOTY
New Yacht sex tape thread, get it here boys!
Do you have any favorite music or rhythm games?
Are they actually good?
When did you realize that TKOL was Radiohead's best album?
Top kek
So can we all agree
Kpop general
What in your opinion is the single hardest Death Grips BANGER
Thoughts on this QT 3.14 and her wonderful music?
Flowchart thread
Anyone else going to see her this Friday the 13th?
Why doesn't mu worship Holly Herndon, like Grimes or Annie? She is such a qt
ITT: useless band members
Can anyone give me specifics about what they find enjoyable about this albim
Who is the best? Who tries the hardest? Who will be remembered? Who has a better discography?
Anthony Fantano's death grips album ranking
Feedback pls
Gave it a 9
So, I just saw this neat idea on reddit, lets give it a try
ITT post you favorite female artists (solo or members of a band)
Anthony memtano
When did you start browsing Sup Forums?
My llama died today
/gg/ - Guitar and Bass general
ITT: Great songwriters, horrible people
What does /mu think of The Bends? I think Planet Telex in particular is GOAT desu
ITT: just post an album you enjoy
Im literally shaking right now. How can idiots like this exist...
Painting With by Animal Collective
Kpop general
How do we stop the avant-teens Sup Forums? it was 4.11 yesterday
Forced syd to take lsd despite it fucking with his schizophrenia, just so he could take control of the band
There are people on Sup Forums who haven't seen this
About to listen to pic related for the first time
Does he do anything other than sing "EEEEEEEEEEEEED" in the back of Weird Fishes?
God tier Black Metal albums
He's missing
New Sum 41 Album
You think Flatlander is into neofolk?
Has this been the greatest year in the history of British music so far?
/prod/ - music production general
Radiohead themed 3x3
About to drink coffee black for the first time. Music for this feel
Glass eyes sounds like minecraft music
This isn't music
ITT: try to offend someone by sharing your opinion
Post anti-numale artists
The Unbearable Whiteness of Indie
ITT: albums that would be much better without vocals
ITT: Albums that shouldn't exist/were just made for trolling purposes
Alright guys
Kpop General
What musician/band has the best discography?
Harsh noise wall
How old were you when the best Radiohead album was released?
Correct opinion inbound
You know, Radiohead isnt even that good
How does a band like twenty one pilots even come to be...
So, where can we find this sextape?
ITT: The album they should've stopped at
Planning on getting into Death grips, is this a good place to start?
Why Youtube comments disabled?
It's happening
Music theory
Post Yfw Blackstar is still the only AOTYSF
What is your music archive's size?
How can normie metalheads compete?
How would you feel if you learned james was crying right now
Has any band ever fallen so far?
Ed has been cucked by the rest of the band. He wants to play more guitar music...
KPOP GENERAL | K-Pop General
If women are good musicians, then how come there's no famous female composers?
What does he actually do in the band now?
What happened
/shugazi/ - Shoegaze (Dream Pop, Noise Pop, and Blackgaze) General
Top 3 moments?
We are the new Americana
Best lyric? or generally your favorite line in the first (few) listen
How will he rate A Moon Shaped Pool?
When did Sup Forums stop liking Radiohead?
Brian Eno
What are the most depressing albums ever? Like I mean really depressing
First trip
Test how patrician you are with this guide to weeding out Radiohead plebs...
Soundcloud thread
Your precious memeband literally BTFO
Daily reminder that the best hip hop album of all time is white and instrumental
This is the death grips demographic
Pitchfork Predictions
Update: 25 Signatures So Far!
Is Sup Forums ready for the meme-rap album of the year
Which one Sup Forums?
This is a chart thread
/wpop/ - Western Pop General, or; Waifupop General
3x3 thread. Last 7 days
Whats the point of Jazz
Listening to a song I really like
New Kayo Dot album called "Plastic House on Base of Sky" is going to be released this year
ITT: Albums That Would Help Someone Who Is Thinking About Committing Suicide
Sup Forums, I'm looking for a way to carry around my entire music library. Currently ~60 gb...
Does Sup Forums like Weezer?
ITT : pleb red flags
Is Grimes the future of music?
Who Juggalo here?
Reminder that Joanna Newsom has definitely seen this movie
Using lastfm
Brace yourself
This is great
Someone redpill me on radiohead. Is their music pretentious garbage or works of genius...
No trap thread? Trips gets the boy pucci. Taking requests
5 months into 2016, post your current pick for AOTY
ITT Biggest letdowns of 2016 so far
Why does Sup Forums not like Octavarium?
Just finished marathoning this album...did I like it?
Kpop general
Artists you hope die soon
How does Bjork release one of her most experimental albums yet so late in her career but Radiohead releases some...
Wow this is fucking boring
What does he listen to?
Sticky for AMSP
What the fuck kind of name is "a moon shaped pool"
What age did you grow out of hip hop? When did you drop all the plagiarism, masculine posturing, consumerism, gossip...
ITT: shit that proves you're an archetypical pastey, suburban, college-age white male
I forgot to listen to music this year. What have I missed? No P4k or NeedleDrop pleb shit pls
Currently listening to this after listening to AMSP
Transended the human condition today AMA
Tinker Tailor Soldier Sailor Rich Man Poor Man Beggar Man Thief is the best track on this album
I listened to Burn the Witch and Daydreaming (have to buy full album, though)
/classical music/ - why impressionism is better than anything you like
Kpop General
Vaporwave worth listening to?
Is this a fucking joke
What's Sup Forums's opinion of Aesop Rock?
5x5 late night edition
Just relistened. What do you guys think?
This was recorded at the same studio as Pet Sounds. How does that make you feel?
Genre Shoes
Is grunge ever gonna come back?
What does he listen to?
Why do we hate music that is aurally pleasing???
This nigga Coppercab is actually pretty talented
Hey guys remember my album?
Is there any better artist?
One of these threads
Who else makes music like Kate Bush
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...