Handsome POTUS edition
only use clyp.it if you want to share sounds with us
Handsome POTUS edition
only use clyp.it if you want to share sounds with us
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>tfw have cheap lap top
>tfw it fucks up and now I can't make music
It was acting funny, so I decided to restore it to factory state. Something went wrong and now it only boot loops and nothing works. Apparently it might be a problem with the hard drive.
you might have to reset the CMOS
I got a Sugar Bytes bundle pack with some of their VSTs, and i higly reccomend it.
anyone know anymore slight less known VSTs that are pretty good?
anyone else here listen to death grips? their production is consistently outstanding.
it would be really interesting to see how they produce and what their setups are like.
they probably have 7 separate distortion modules lel
You have any song in particular for me to take a look?
im already taking a look with various mastering and audio insight softwares
spikes is from their latest album "bottomless pit" and is my favorite DG song ever
they do some interesting vocal mixing throughout, including stereoizing the lead vocal during the chorus and using an extremely loud vocal that sounds like it has an enormous amount of digital distortion on it
Reset your CMOS. You might have fucked up your boot record, in which case, you might have to just format it and install a fresh OS on it.
Why do you want slightly less-known VSTs? What's wrong with bigger companies? Get Slate's latest bundle, it's pretty good. If you can't afford it, just torrent it.
The bigger companies i own already.
I mean, massive, sylenth, nexus, the waves synths are all very good. but sometimes you need something new to spark some inspiration
Thanks for the tips, i'll look into them.
I got this synth called "wiggle"
you can do some kinda interesting things with it
This wiggle sounds cool, i like it
I've got two invite codes for AudioNews if anyone is interested. First come first serve.
Any articles on how to mix drums well? I'm working in GarageBand, it seems no matter what I do the kick drum and snare "eat" away each other. I either hear one or the other. I'm simply learning and trying software instruments so far.
The snares are supposed to hit be slightly earlier than the drums so it doesn't steal alway the punch.
like put it 1/128 or 1/64 earlier than the kick whatever sounds best.
Also, cut the lows from the snare, it's just noise, you wouldn't want it.
Thanks for the tips.
>like put it 1/128 or 1/64 earlier than the kick whatever sounds best.
Noob question: what's the preferrable way to do that in garageBand? Simply move the snare notes 1/128 back?
What kind of music are you trying to make?
Mileage may vary with this.
I never used garageband but thats how you do in every other daw
I agree that it may vary.
Worth a try tho
sure why not
mix feedback pls
i just threw limiters on everything
You want to be able to EQ and compress (if necessary) each individual drum. Add some low end to the snare fundamentals, maybe boost some highs beyond 5k. Add also some low end to the kick, take a bit of the mids out to make room for the snare. Send both to a mix bus and compress it slightly.
>cut the lows from the snare, it's just noise, you wouldn't want it.
I would agree with this but it has to be determined where the lows are. I would agree to do a HPF at some point but it depends on the type of snare you have. The fundamentals of the snare I would argue you need to keep in.
Sure, you are absolutely right.
I mean cut the subs that comes with the snares so it doesn't clash with the kick.
I was trying to understand basics of rock mixing, make something like Metallica's black album.
Then you want to mix your drums separately. Most modern sample libraries will allow you to process your drums within their plugin software. Kontakt and Abbey Road drums comes to mind, their UI is quite good. Learn how to mix rock drums first before trying hit the ground running with plugins and assuming it's going to sound good.
Trump = cuckservatives
Yeah, I was already mixing them separately since it's obvious that kicks and snares are different entities.
Can you provide a clip of the issue you're having?
Hmm... I checked Google for information about resetting the CMOS and it said stuff about doing it through the BIOS menu. I looked around in the BIOS but now I'm sort of lost on what to do... I don't think I see anything about CMOS.
Anyone here record #realinstruments?
Whats your opinion on tracking a band live vs overdubs?
you have to open up the laptop and remove a little battery or plastic cap or something along those lines
>record scratch track with guitars and voice
>record drums
>record actual guitar tracks
>bass I guess
>keys if they're there
>then finally voice tracks
if you track the band live, you're basically asking for mic bleed issues, and a shitty sound. but it's kvlt I guess
If you're on a laptop a CMOS reset likely won't work. You can try removing the CMOS battery. Unplug your laptop charger, take out your main battery (if it's removable), open up your laptop, take out the tiny CMOS battery and let it sit for 30 seconds to ensure the CMOS is cleared. It isn't a direct setting in the BIOS.
If you can get into your BIOS anyway, then you shouldn't need to reset your CMOS as you can change settings there. Restore defaults in your BIOS and see if it works.
Oh shit. My laptop doesn't have the removable battery. I'm at college right now, but I assume I'll have to screw it open and the batter will be in there? I apologize for my lack of knowledge.
I did reset to default settings but it hasn't worked and it still boot loops.
Someone did tell me that it might be a problem with my hard drive. Does that sound correct?
thanks man i can understand where you're coming from. Thing that im attracted to is there energy. I gotta record a punk band and they kinda naturally speed up and slow down in sections and to put that down to a click would be a bitch. the bleed is definitely a major issue tho
It is a problem with your hard drive. Sounds like a format issue. The best thing you can do is format a fresh copy of whatever OS you're using on it.. It would likely solve your problem but you would lose all existing data on the hard drive.
What do you mean format a copy?
The laptop is a little hp laptop running Windows 10. I don't mind losing all of my data, it was pretty much my goal anyway.
Here's what I'm working on now, any suggestions? clyp.it
See the link. I think the problem is solved now.
[email protected] pl0x
needs more distortion
By format I mean completely wipe the hard drive and install Windows 10 from either a DVD or USB. It will solve your problems and run faster.
Either burn that to a DVD or use RUFUS to install it on a USB.
> Windows 10
> Rufus
You can activate it later using KMS Spico or your own key or whatever.
Needs more compression on the snare (probably a lot more) and kick. Also try compressing the drums in a bus with the high hats and everything routed to it.
By format I mean completely wipe the hard drive and install Windows 10 from either a DVD or USB. It will solve your problems and run faster.
Thank you so much for taking the time to help me. It's really appreciated
I'll have to do it through a USB. As of right now, I don't have more questions. But if I run into something, I'll be back! Thanks again!
Didn't mean to add that first paragraph.
No worries.
Ideally you track the drums with a live band, but with the guitarists etc either playing into interface and into the drummers headphones, or with them in separate rooms and mics, all feeding into the drummers headphones.
Once you have the drum tracks recorded, and the ghost tracks from the other instruments recorded at the same time, you can go through each instrument and record their part again, doing it right and adding all the effects, layers, doubling, etc. This also works best with players schedules, as everyone who isn't the drummer can record their parts at their convenience, and wherever they like. You only have to set up the whole band once and usually you want to track an album over a week or two, so its good to have a rehearsal room or other such space you can leave everything set up in.
This chick talks about mixing a bit, quite interesting
could be a cool channel to follow. Certainly /prod/ as fuck
I fugue:
Bamboo beat! I really outdid myself this time.
Also I'm sorry but clyp.it really mangled the high frequencies. We need to find a better upload website guys.
7/11 was an inside job.
Why does Drumf wanna build a wall around 7/11? I know Muslims work there, but that's no excuse.
Because the muslims won't share the secret of their sick nasheeds with us.
I know I'm not suppose to reply, but goddamn is this some low-quality bait.
hey I was actually looking for an invite today
I have unlimited upload so ill seed 24/7
Ayy, lads, trying to get into /prod/.
Where to start?
Well congrats! You just made your first post in prod!
Far from complete, needs work especially the beginning.
I'm taking any feedback, thanks.
made a short one today, how's my sidechaining?
AudioNews is down right now but I'll send you an e-mail with the activation code when it's up.
Thanks mate you are mvp
audionews down for anyone else?
back up
you start with getting utorrent and finding a daw you like
i'd recommend ableton live
put chorus on those bells
a snare would go a long way too
your sidechain is fine; albeit perhaps it could do bit a bit less. i feel like your track would improve a whole lot if you made a melody variation on second half (0:38)
trump op's used to piss me off but now i just laugh at how hard Sup Forums fangirls over him and how abdly they want to start another EPIC LE SONDCLEUD KIDD ARGUMENT XDDD
get a snare with some low end
also some bass would smooth things out
quality stuff tho
whats your soundcloud?
thanks for the feedback.
did you sample any of those instrumental elements and if so who from, mr. based trips?
good lord
nice trips yourself man.
yeah, the sample is Bolivia by Gato Barbieri with Lonnie Smith
God damnit is there a single legit download source for ToonTrack.Superior.Drummer.Custom.And.Vintage.SDX.Expansion
>tfw moved into a new place with shitty blinds and no curtains and now sunlight is hitting my setup
yes but you have to download the three or so parts
and then it's a bit autistic to install
google it
clean your shit you disgusting animal
I googled each of the 3 part couldn't find a single tracker. And I'd have to destroy my ratio on Audionews. ;-;
i dusted yesterday lol there's already a layer of dust forming that's super apparent now because everything in my set up is black and in direct sunlight
what's something that would be worth it to get in hardware form as opposed to just downloading a software version?
RIP my nigga
it's not like the drumkit makes so much difference
the processing is more important with contemporary music
unless you're going for that specific lounge jazz drum sound
Aw hell yeh should have guessed. South Am jazz goes.
The stuff on your soundcloud is mental. You ever try getting some lyricism on those instrumentals? If I wasn't busy as fuck atm I'd ask to collab.
You're right. Any recommended VSTs to vintage my sound up senpai?
it's strange bro, a few people aked me for beats rap/sing over (one dude even payed 50$ for one) but i never heard back from anyone.
distortion and transient shaping vsts i guess
different guy here
i get the distortion but why the transient shaper?
Yeh the beat selling scene got pretty wack around the time that any and every male over the age of 13 started thinking they're a rapper. It's just really over-saturated now.
However for work like yours that's not as run of the mill you might still be marketable, but I wouldn't even trip bout it. If it happens it happens. That's kind of how I'm looking at my shit. If I can pull profit, so be it, if not, I'm still having a good time.
well those are pretty essential for any drums processing imo
a really great one just came out by flux, bittersweet pro. give that a shot.
exactly the way i think, not really sweating it.
i just love smoking just a very teeny tiny bit of weed and making pretty shit
progress on that Bolivia beat.
This is the place i usually get stuck, i get a loop sounding the way i like, but then i struggle adding variety and arranging it.
shitloads of things, but nobody really feels like spoonfeeding you
Not him but.. I'm confused, isn't the point of these threads to help each others and to give advice?
Your welcome.
If you don't fall in love with those, then tube dist no doubt can do the job. Splurge on some really nice filters also it'll make a huge difference.
I'm guessing transient shaper is just to get that bite that you might lose while mudding up/distorting your shit. Light compression can achieve the same thing anyway.
Mess with those drum patterns. Import a lot of atonal audio into the project and just start chopping it up and placing it anywhere. That's what I do but with natural foley.
This site lets you DL random bird sounds from all around the world. It's a gem.
speak for yourself you self-important waste of life lol
maybe a sampler if you dont like software samplers or just want something different, maybe some kind of effects thing like a kaoss pad or a pedal that interests you... maybe a synth? depends on what you're looking for really
that's exactly the point, that guy is just being a dick who thinks his time and effort answering a simple question is worth way more than it actually is
thanks for the advice bro. trying it out
most of the time people who ask that question like that are just doing it to antagonize people for buying hardware
>self-important waste of life
the ironicality
>most of the time people who ask that question like that are just doing it to antagonize people for buying hardware
except no because i dont think that's literally ever happened in /prod/
>the ironicality
are you sure you know the meaning of that word?
>are you sure you know the meaning of that word?
Do you also know what the word semantics means?
As per the other thing, you're willfully ignorant if you don't think there's the occasional anti-hardware shitpost.
It's a throwback to the last thread. It's clear the kid has been angered
>Do you also know what the word semantics means?
yes, can't really see how it applies here though.
>you're willfully ignorant if you don't think there's the occasional anti-hardware shitpost
lol you're willfully ignorant or just have shitty reading comprehension if you thought that's what i was saying. i was saying i've never seen anyone make anti-hardware shitposts by first posing as a guy looking for hardware recommendations
>can't really see how it applies here though.
Then let me spell it out for you. It's ironic that you call somebody a self-important waste of life, when saying that makes you seem like a giant douche. How you choose to define ironic doesn't matter to me, you skip the point I made to argue your definition of the word.
>when saying that makes you seem like a giant douche
only if you take everything super seriously like you are right now (a noted hobby of, IRONICALLY, giant douches)
>skip the point i made
lol which one? i address all the stupid, stupid things you say
you however ACTUALLY skipped over how i just proved you wrong about hardware shitposts
going to continue calling me out for things that you are actually doing? lol