You guys remember when bait was less obvious?

Like for instance pic related are the worst "musicians" of all time and the fact that they have a following is laughable. Laptop musicians are scum and should be killed. There isn't an ounce of talent between them.

Other urls found in this thread:

if you dont reply to this post your mother will die tonight

they are not laptop musicians if they record to tape and analog shit




yeah i do
still, it was always pretty obvious




What's with the recent influx of Ferraro / Dean Blunt threads?

It's all just one guy, right?

Also, who's the guy in the bottom right corner, he's the only one I don't recognize.

where's the laptop faggot?

dean a best

it's been pushed by the recent influx of Marcel-core taste this board has acquired

Dean blunts the worst out of the 3. It's garbage that's passed off as "deep" by try hard pretentious hipsters.

shorty fell in love with a hustla

if dubs i will eat my own cum

I wonder what idiocracy did brandon post today
does he start all these threads?

and also dicke and balls


Gotta stay safe.

I'm just like eh

im going to try robitussin and md tonight

No, I just really dislike dean blunt.

just listen to this shit

brandon you are obese

fuck you

Whats the name of the top left guy? He looks kind of like me

no you don't

ye fuck those guitar music guys too

i love my mommy

holly herndon where?

no shit?

Wow you're right

don't die mummy