Metal General
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Official nu-male bands:
Any others?
I still think this a nice album
Techdeath sucks with the sole exception of None So Vile
Liturgy, obviously
>tfw I actually haven't listened to the new Vektor album yet
Not sure what meme hype is going to do for my experience. Does anybody have any non-meme opinions about it?
It was above average
Deathspell Omega
Are there any /metal/ approved hardcore bands.
The last tracks on this new Vektor album are excellent but overall it's their weakest album yet.
No catchy riffs or melodies, just well-written and executed music, which is most decent metal.
What is that_
Hey guys remember when we used to like albums instead of shitting on the band because a new album is coming out?
maybe it was my imagination but some of the best use of blast beats I've ever heard
not that its saying much but still
If you have to ask...
nu-male metal is more like deafhaven, ghost, etc
at least get your shit right faggot
t. redditor
Terror is /metal/ certified
I like tech death. The better stuff is very interesting sounding.
It's pretty mediocre honestly. If you like thrash you'll probably find it to be decent, but nothing mind blowing.
Pretty much everything that was done right on King was done better on Agony and Mafia
don't ever reply to me unless you're contributing to the thread.
You'll never know...
We've established that Gojira at least is nu-male shit
this is inarguable
this was my introduction to them so I'll check those out next
vektors erik "weird al" nelson has an rym where he five stars his own albums
which is odd since mikko aspa is the least numale human being that has ever existed
don't ever reply to me unless you're contributing to the thread.
explain how or stfu with you reddit-tier "we the internet" speech
What a coincidence, Vektor is my wife's son's favorite band!
>Album art thread?
Good, bad, whatever
Mafia, Agony, Oracles, Labyrinth
/metal/ likes to shit on FA, I think they're pretty good. The drummer is really impressive imo.
Were you not around last thread? Or are you just a butt blasted nu-male?
you are absolutely right but these threads are shit posting general with or without my help, I might as well talk about the things I want in the hopes that one decent user would have a nice conversation with me and entertain myself in the process
1.It's slightly hipstery
2.I don't like it are hipstery and I don't like them
Therefor nu-male shit.
This is the logic I think.
>5 stars on nearly every Dream Theater album
What do you guys think of kylesa
well that checks out
Always do the opposite of what Sup Forums says.
And given us a lot of entertainment to come. I now cannot wait for Gojirmeme to release their album. There is going to be so much shitposting and nu-male tears
You gonna be here, liar?
how is black/death/doom metal not hipstery? are they also nu-male metal?
what is nu-male anyway never heard that term
>BTBAM fan
>0.5 stars on Nokturnal Mortum's Гoлoc cтaлi
this is whose music you faggots are hyping up
really? then you'd fucking love the liner notes in case you havent seen them.
of course a hipster band would use an instagram photo for their album cover
How many of you guys are bitterly shitposting or doing it out of complete spite? I don't get it.
>are you not on Sup Forums all day every day
No I'm not, you should try it
nokturnal mortum is total shit
probably just to see what you fags are memeing about, but let's not fool ourselves you'll forget this in a month like it never happened
Last thread, like a half hour ago at most?
Really? I thought King was their best album yet.
Although mafia and agony have a slightly different sound. More aggressive maybe? I don't know. Perhaps it's personal taste.
No I won't. metal is hipstery
2.But I like it
3.Therefor it is not nu-male metal
See how it works now?
>are you not on Sup Forums all day every day
>perhaps it's personal taste
Such a pleb thing to say
>0.5 stars on Nokturnal Mortum's Гoлoc cтaлi
How many of you faggots in this thread actually play an instrument?
So what?
>me tough guy, me no care about anything!
So insecure kek
Finished ripping off new radiohead album.
Thought I would torture myself.
Wish me luck /meal/
if I had to guess, 5
I play your mum's pussy every night if that counts?
If I just stay away from the black keys then I can usually fool people who don't know any better into thinking I can play the piano.
I play the skin flute
Radiohead is good though you autist
>5 stars on every Dream Theater album
>5 stars on TsoP
I think it's safe to say his opinions aren't worth much.
Ok. I'm blacklisting this shit general, See you in three months /memes/.
top kek
this is the most reddit thing posted all day
na na na na
na na na na
hey hey hey
Pretty much what I expected
see ya reddit! I hope you get lots of epic upvotes back home!
then upboat faggot
Instruments are gay desu. Just like men who go on diets or eat out pussy
guys can we stop shit posting for a second and talk about Gojira and vektor?
what's your favorite vektor album?
He's leaving to get away from reddit scum like you though ;(
voivod's dimension hatross
the one that's about space
A lot of the songs sounded generic to me. I can't tell the difference between many of them.
The Fool, And the Vulture Beholds, Syphilis, and Healing Through War are definitely memorable, but the rest sounds so stereotypical to me.
I play drums
pls don't say mean things, I'm very sensitive
>stop shitposting
>talk about Gojirmeme and Kektor
kekaku user good one
if only the album was a bit better
I will never understand how people can be so simple minded when its comes to music. This "music" has no depth, no diversity, and no real meaning. It's a trendy cash pump for people to jump on and that's it.
black future
and from mars to sirius
Drums here.
I'm pretty shit though
>tfw my wife's bull has a more patrician taste than I do
metal for this feel?
you said you were blacklisting the thread, go away 4 real
Gojirmeme's the way of all flesh will really sooth that feel
Unbelievable. I'm lost for words as to how awful this post is. Not only does it have terrible structure, it also has no direction, meaning or depth. Complete abomination.
That's not me. I like Vektor
From Mars to Sirius is actually really good though