Melonhead AMSP review out



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Do any of you people actually hold this man and what he says in any kind of esteem, or is there a joke I'm missing out on? Same goes for marcel. Honest question.

literally no one cares anthony.

I honestly dont, I dont think anyone whos been here for a sizeble amount of time or has a decently thourough understanding of music does to be quite honest. He's just a Sup Forumstant with a camera

Newbies from r/indieheads and tumblr are the only ones that don't know that nobody takes him seriously

>Actually caring about a eceleb


I figured he would've given it a few days and reviewed JB first

how long does he take from export to upload?

If he gives it less than a 8 Im driving to where he lives to whoop that ass

Not even Anthony Fantano takes himself seriously. Plus in recent times he's come off as far too arrogant for my liking. His saving grace has always been the 'I'm just a guy with an opinion' but recently he's been far too assertive with his opinions and it makes him come off a cock

Didn't he shit on them tumblrinas before?

the review actually isnt up yet

read it again

I don't get why people care about this guy. Does he have a background in music?

He uses tumblr actively.

He is a pretentious passive aggressive hack that never got anywhere in life so uses music to feel special

Look at how passively he responds to shit on Twitter

lol why you guys on Sup Forums so adversarial? I've never had tumblr or r/indeh or whatever and I really this guy's reviews even if I don't always agree with them.

Hi anthony


A few hours, depending on how long it is. The bottomless pit review wasn't up for 5 or 6 iirc after he tweeted about it.

>He is a pretentious passive aggressive hack that never got anywhere in life so uses music to feel special
At least he is famous on Sup Forums, so he got somewhere in life

that was 20 minute video, I expect this to get at least somewhere near the same
maybe there isn't that much to get into though

Not just there, people from other boards just aren't used to the irony that comes with Fantano/p4k threads

its not about agreeing with them or not, the reviews themselves are actually really shitty if you've been watching them for a while. He completely misses the mark in almost every one of his hip hop reviews, he has a clear subjective bias against artists based on qualities completely unrelated to their musical output. His "review" of the music just consists of empty unsubstantial buzzwords to describe the music ("sonically" "rattling hi hats" "creeping base" or whatever the fuck he says) He adds almost nothing of value to the conversation surrounding a work of music and he still uses a numerical rating system.

The most embarrassing damage control I've ever seen. Shameful.


>I'm only under 3 layers of irony


what Im trying to say is, to me anthony just seems like the type of guy who listens to certain kinds of music to further a self image he's cultivated. Look at other reviewers from other art forms. Ebert never had to constantly reference his vast knowledge of film and esoteric works in order to validate himself like anthony does.

Absolute madman

>I take the artform seriously and don't treat it as a special case, not because I give every rap record I hear a pass.
RYM and the insufferable gb2/pol/ shits here could learn a lesson from this.

>to me anthony just seems like the type of guy who listens to certain kinds of music to further a self image he's cultivated.

No shit, the guy's a Sup Forumstant

how long does it usually take between him posting the exporting pic and the upload going public?

I find it had to believe that anyone who made it out of puberty gives a shit about someone else's review

like cmon grow up

Daily reminder that Antonee Fagtango is a rym user with a camera.

Then there's this

dude's still better than P4K

fucking savage

Says the guy that cares about what other people think

The thing that bothers me about him is his open bias towards some bands, like Death Grips, which makes his reviews of such bands completely biased. I mean we already know you like them, why do you keep reviewing them?

I guess I do to some degree yeah. What's wrong with that?

why do you think is biased?

Dude the day the new Death Grips came out he posted an instagram video of him screaming excitedly while blasting BP. Isn't that a bias? They're definitely his favorite band

That was really confusing until I realized that they don't know what apologist means.

He'll pan it because of the mix. He won't like how a lot of the drums are mixed. I saw this coming from a mile away.

What's the difference between liking something and being biased?

>all these people getting memed because they can't go on youtube for 30 seconds and verify it

jesus christ

he is too emotionally investeded to give them an unbiased score

None dude if you love something you won't be even bothered to dislike it.
I have done it and I'm sure you have too

wait, being emotionally invested in music makes you a bad music critic?

>if you love something you won't be even bothered to dislike it

Shit, now I have to adjust my RYM rating. It's not that good of an album after all.


anyone who actually cares about this tryhard, or that much about an opinion of one person should commit suicide anyway

not in music, hes emotionally invested in the idea of death grips, into the image, into his preconception therefore it interferes with his ability to hear the music as it is. (same with kendrick i would say).

reminder that he gave GP a 6

lol but ur an edgelord

>later retracting the sentiment and saying he loved it
whats ur point?

when did he do that

why does he edit his video in retarded ways?

I'd start to respect Fantano if he gave AMSP a 6/10.

Radiohead fanboys are overhyping this dull album to shit.


Please tell me more about your favorite band, Coldplay.

Its U2 actually.

MBV, actually.

Reevaluate your entire life.

>Fantano likes Sup Forumscore shite
>Fantano hates Sup Forumscore shite
"I mean no one cares about him anyways"

If you're going to post the score, post the screenshot or fuck off. We all know he posts the title card on twitter hours before he uploads.

It's not even out yet

It's getting a 7/8

If it were higher than that then it would take him longer to make/upload

what did he mean by this bros?

I bet he contributes to every anti-nigger thread on Sup Forums.

He's the best friend of Sam "Third Reich" Hyde after all.

Fucking pleb

I've never taken any music reviewer seriously, I think Sup Forums cares because most people here can't formulate opinions on their own and it also makes for good bait.

>He is a pretentious passive aggressive hack that never got anywhere in life so uses music to feel special

I'm guessing he's makes a living off YouTube doing what he loves

I would call that somewhere


oh it's just a butthurt hip-hop fan, carry on folks.

>that time someone from Sup Forums called the cops on him for being suicidal when Death Grips broke up

I mean yes, he has an RYM account and also owns a camera.
although he hasn't rated anything since December for some reason. Maybe he's retiring the account like he did with his lastfm

why are any of you caring about another man's opinion on the internet

are you autistic? do you need someone else opinion to justify your own? i'm very confused.
i haven't browsed Sup Forums regularly in like two years and i come back and this place is literally Sup Forums now

that didn't actually happen did it

>not full of Sup Forumstants

are you new?

that only happened like a year or two ago

did he tweet something suicidal or something

No, someone just called the cops on him and said he was suicidal.

did he adress it

>he actually WATCHED a guy talk about his opinion of an album

I don't take his opinion seriously but I think he has gained popularity for somewhat good reason. I don't really know. I don't hate him as much as others do, and I've found I generally agree with his reviews.

6 seems really harsh and contrarian imo.

When talking about Blue, what album does he mean?

Why does that bother you so much? Enjoy the hype with us, it's better than Christmas.

The review isn't even out yet. Who the fuck said it got a 6?

only the really pleb ones though

anyone expecting over a 6 is delusional

fantano hates radiohead fans

your mom loves them though.

bullshit what the fuck do you know about my mom?

FYI (not that I have to tell you or anything) my mom only fucks blur fans

I don't care that much, but in my case I like reading other people's opinions because I want to see compositions from different angles, and it helps me to realize stuff that maybe I couldn't have realized by my own.
But yeah, people who think critic's words are holy are stupid.

top kek

Any Dl link please?

>you share a board with faggots that take the opinion of a dude that gave Meme Shits a perfect 10 seriously


It'll be an 8 or a 9. Well all agree with this, right?

It didn't happen, user. He's fucking with you.

7. maybe 8