ITT: albums people pretend to like

ITT: albums people pretend to like

well no one pretends to dislike you that's for sure

You're joking right?

More like trips people pretend to like

"Why yes I love buyers market. I play it at my daycare center"

So all albums you like you play at day care centers? Is that your standard for judging the quality of an album?

Actually that would explain a lot.

You have got to be the single dumbest human being to ever post on this website.

What do you like about it?


I like the idea of being exposed to something that is as disturbing as buyers market.

Wait, do people actually still believe in this?

When I first listened to this (because I saw it on here) I sat for like 30 minutes thinking "when does the music start?"

I felt trolled

I don't understand this list. There's a lot of very good albums on here. The Faust, Nico (maybe), Coleman, Residents, and Beefheart albums are all considered classics, so what makes them poseurcore?

It's the fans.
Poseurs like to tell everyone they have elevated and complex taste.
In fact, they just like Avant music.
It's fine if you do, just don't act like your a special snowflake.

I still don't know what poseur means and I don't think I want to.

What do you think of Xus's taste?

Is there a constant CO leak in your place of residence?

buyers market fucking bangs

shits full of pure slappers to put on in the car lmao wtf u talking about?

o hell no moondog is amazing

Why is this even discussed here? It's not music.
Yes it's an art project, and a very interesting one at that, but you can't make any argument that it is a music album. It is a sound collage.

I should note that I'm not saying it's bad. That's obviously subjective as with any art piece, but to say that this is music is just outright incorrect.

you have four minutes and thirty three seconds to explain to me what sounds aren't music

Talking. Incidental noises.

but what do you actually like about the CONTENT of the album. not the idea of the album

what an arbitrary definition. Both spoken word, field recording en sound collage are legitimate genres.

>four minutes and thirty three seconds
well memed

>Says the tripfag
It's too easy, probably not even worth it to post this. Even reasonable sentiments are corrupted by tripping.

targeted at
Good thing I'm anonymous here otherwise I'd be embarrassed.

I like that it forces the listener to confront all of these terrible disturbing things.

>fucking poseurs man, they don't like things in the way I like them

Are you 12? Who gives a shit?

perhaps it's not "enjoyable" in the conventional sense, but it's something someone might listen to to gain condensed information on child rape and all that shit, like an audio rape, since it still conveys audio in a coherent and "artistically" placed way.

it's death grips for intellectuals, you plebs

That's like 1% of the people who like those albums.

I personally love a lot of "poseur-core" but I also like a lot of "plebeian" stuff like Radiohead and Swans.

And in all honesty I get like 10 times more shit for liking "posuer-core" stuff then I do for liking "plebeian" stuff.


