"These songs are just a collection of cyberpunk bangers ready to turn the dancefloor into a fucking warzone"

"These songs are just a collection of cyberpunk bangers ready to turn the dancefloor into a fucking warzone"

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A large percentage of Sup Forumstants hang on this mans every word.

I thought that was just a display of 6th level irony

>fantano drones will defend him

I agree

>likes the two objectively worst tracks on BP

I will say this--I never liked Death Grips. So I choose not to comment on the quality of their music, because it's not my thing.

But has anyone else noticed Fantano rapidly slipping? It's not just this review. Almost everything he says I generally disagree with or think is a poor critique.

Are high schoolers really hanging on this man's opinion on what is happening in music? I don't understand why, after all these years, high schoolers are suddenly paying attention to underground and indie music, or that they can even understand most of it.

I did notice when he started reviewing Bieber and Cyrus. I thought that was slipping. But overall I think it's good to review albums like that though because it shows that he is objective when he chooses what to review.

Which are?

i tried listening to denzel curry after he gave it a great review, one of the worst things ive listened to all year senpai. same thing with the drones.

i noticed it after he gave alabama shaker's sound and color an 8/10. jesus christ. one of the worst albums i've ever heard.

What'd you think of zenith? I'm not a fan of the album overall but that track was pretty damn good.

>Almost everything he says I generally disagree with
That means you disagree with him, that's what we call an opinion, and everyone has different ones.

yeah but sometimes opinions are bad, and when i disagree with all of them, and everyone else on here tends to disagree with most of them, something's a little off, no?

>Slightly less accessible hip-hop than normal hip hop


i dont always agree with him but at least he reviews the actual music and doesn't just talk about the artist, how the music influenced society like that other music review site

Hang on user

Follow me on this here for a minute

What if you're the one whose opinions are wrong?

>Not liking the Drones

God damn, dude. I think you just have shit taste.

Funny enough some Sup Forumstans are so desperate to trash him that they'll actually deny this.

Really? I thought Sound and Colour was an amazing blues album that showed off the band's versatility.


i considered that a possibility, that's why I added the condition that everyone else on here generally thinks he's wrong. So either thousands of people are frequently wrong about the same topic at the same time and only anthony is right, or vice versa. I'd bet on anthony being wrong.

Fantano shits on a lot of albums that I love, a lot of albums that I think are genuinely good. Tomboy and the Age of Adz for example. But he dissects the music and backs up his opinions well. Even when I disagree with him, I can't help but see the record from his perspective.

Bub Bub poison and warping

He said BB Poison was a lull though familia.

whens this nigger gonna stop saying "lumbering"

This review ain't proof of that. This is basically on par with his review of TMS or TPTB.

However, I do agree with you. He's been on a downward slope for the past few years at least.

>But he dissects the music and backs up his opinions well
>describing the music with purple prose is dissecting the music
No, you just don't know good critique.



what the fuck do you mean everyone else on here generally thinks he's wrong? for every example you can bring up where he disagrees with the Sup Forums hivemind there's one where he agrees with it.

Yeah, no

>But he dissects the music and backs up his opinions well.
... when he's in the mood. Most of the time he doesn't, he just expresses how he feels with weird buzzwords or outright just talks shit with little justification.

His TLOP review is one of the worst Sup Forumscore things I've ever seen. He literally just talked shit about the artist and his fans then said "oh yeah the music, it's ok i guess". He points out some things most people are criticizing about the album already then he leaves it at that.

He can go "in-depth" when he actually cares about the thing he's reviewing. Otherwise he does some shallow shit, but people hang on to every of his words because half of them are triggering. And that's not accounting for his fucking weird opinions.

He's just doing his own reviews and opinions and that's fine. But people act as if he is some professional, well-versed, honorable reviewer because he has become a mememan.

hmm, does his 19 minute explanation of his opinion or your two word explanation have more weight at this point?

>His TLOP review is one of the worst Sup Forumscore things I've ever seen. He literally just talked shit about the artist and his fans then said "oh yeah the music, it's ok i guess". He points out some things most people are criticizing about the album already then he leaves it at that.
this. he just pointed out a few bad lines and said nothing about the production. he said "it was a spectacle. and thats okay...to look at". but he didn't talk about the music itself

im sorry but what reviewers go into any detail? p4k and rolling stone reviews are full of stupid references and half-baked comparisons, most of which don't really work well, and supposedly fagtano is the one who's bad at reviewing? not that p4k and rolling stone are the top of the reviewing game, but they are mainstays. At least fanny is careful in his comparisons

I never said other reviewers were better, most "professional" reviewers tend to be utter shit who are either more ignorant than your average Youtube reviewer, paid by the artist, or doing easy work by masturbating the artist's fanbase for easy clicks.
I'm just saying Fantano is not a god or even a great reviewer. Well, sometimes he is, but often he isn't.

>implying BP is accessible in any capacity
Go outside jesus

bp is at best a strong 8, on a good day. i was very underwhelmed but i still listen to it and like it.

BP is accessible as fuck besides the first two and the last track though
Not that it's not different from the norm but it's easy to get into even if you just listen to pop radio crap everyday

Anthony reviews music.
P4k, TMT, etc don't review music. They write thinkpieces about career narratives with a meaningless number attached, used only as an outlet for writers to use the big words they bought in college so they don't feel like they wasted their money.

this sounds accurate to TMT sometimes, but at least they're placing music in a bigger cultural context than "wow this sounds aggressive, but it's danceable! 9/10"

oh, well that i agree with

sometimes "cultural context is good" but the vast majority of music that is reviewed as some sort of testament to modern times is actually just drivel grabbing for cultural references or inattentive music that the author of a review is simply trying to tie to other things for their own sakes, not that im defending theneedledick or anything

Once he gives the album a 9/10 everyone loves it




His peak was late 2013 - 2014. He's still better than when he started tho. 2010 reviews are pretty bad

I like warping

i agree, warping is hype

I, too, like Warping.

Cool guys!! I like warping too! It's just not the best song on the album. Do you understand. Unless you think there is a worse song, which I donut.

Nah. I don't think people are as swayed by him or pitchfork these days.

BP was good, but nothing touches GP or TPTB.

>cultural context
When critics become overly concerned with cultural context, they often document the environment the music was produced inside of rather than the music itself. Their articles become social commentaries and lifestyle advice, and music begins to have only a tangential relationship with their writing (see: Pitchfork's The Pitch). What's more important than music is the public image of the artist and how you as a listener can best harness or reject it as a representation of yourself. Essentially, they're telling the audience nothing about the music but a lot about whether they can consider it cool to like.

Not only is this uninteresting, superficial, and lazy, but it allows for pseuds with no analytic ability to enter music journalism and share their own thoughts on "music" i.e. society, culture, politics, fashion. The already weak reviews become little more than summaries of an artist's Wikipedia article and his most recent tweets, and the music becomes judged on how smoothly it gels with the critic's preferred ideal of the culture it was produced in.

This is more evident in Pitchfork and NPR's music journalism, but I particularly loathe TMT because they don't even feign to be writing analyses of music. TMT produces unstructured and empty creative writing pieces designed to share with the audience what emotions the author experienced while he was listening to the album in question. Like Pitchfork, these reviews tell you nothing about the recording, but this time instead of lifestyle advice, you are given emotional information about the author (who is considered more interesting than the music he listened to).

Bottomless pit is actually my favorite album. It took all the catchy cool shit from money store and has ruggedness of exmilitary and power that B

well i think the emotions associated with any piece of art, auditory or otherwise, are intended by the artist. therefore it must be critiqued what art makes you feel or what the artist was trying to capture with emotion. i think that's a big part of art.

i will agree that it is unwise to make a review more about the critic than the critique. but in general, people that consume a shit ton of art know what to look for.

when most people are unaccustomed to critique, they'll accept what the deem to be good and won't need to look much more. I believe that some critics take it for granted that listeners know what makes things good and therefore they don't need to make drab analyses on form and structure and theory.

Just look at old jazz and rock reviews. those writers not only can't describe why what they're listening to is good, they can't even describe what it made them feel. so i think there's some progress there.

Why do you like GP? I honestly want to know. Not trying to argue. I just really don't see the appeal.


>cyberpunk bangers

does this faggot browse /r/vaporwave with his autistic 15 year old fanbase now?

>being underwhelmed by a strong 8.


where should i start with fantano? Only just getting into him?

Is chronological best like some suggest?

Looking for a flow chart desu.

kill yo damn self bitch

>Strong 9
he's a fucking hack
this is a shitty money store rehash

got a mega link for his best reviews?

Checked the archive already, no luck.


lol what a contrarian cuck

I think it was the Views review where he used the term "flaccid banger".

That's what I decided I've had enough.

It feels the most psychedelic, at least to me. It starts off aggressive and raw, but as the album progresses it slowly becomes more repetitive, loop-oriented. The vocals, which are usually the main element in a DG song, start to fall back. Ride pops in and out in a repetitive, sparse way, almost like he's being sampled and being used like any other sound on the record.

It feels like it goes somewhere I guess. Listening to it from start to finish feels like I'm slowly dissociating, or transitioning into another headspace. Or like DG are slowly deconstructing their sound and rearranging it in a new, strange pattern. It gets me randy bb.


His Money Store review is pretty classic, but it's part of his more recent stuff. Someone else can probably guide you through his older material.

the third track features this really milky bass, with aggressive rattled hi hats featuring strained focused vocals

there you've heard every fagtano review

wait wtf ring a bell is one of the goat DG songs

but it's objevtively better and more complex than the Money Store

I dunno man, I grew out of Death Grips after NLDW. They seem awfully immature to me.


>least favorite: ring a bell


Reminder that Fantano actively browses Sup Forums and even reviewed an album BY Sup Forums once.

what rating did he give it?

>9/10 BP
>So... new Radiohead 10/10 of the year

Screencap this

what was the album?


It's the first installment in a trilogy.
Here's the Wiki about it.

not true at all

more like a decent amount of Sup Forumstants think he's a good guy appreciate what he does and respect his taste and opinions

you just want to be a unique snowflake

what's the problem here?

why is it so hard to understand that no two people's opinions are going to be exactly alike

he's not "slipping", he's always just stated his opinions on shit. every review, there's a thing in the description that says exactly: "you know this is just my opinion, right?", yet every Sup Forums autist thinks he's trying to pander to some crowd on every review. at this point you guys are just blatantly projecting onto him cause he's an easy target. i mean jesus, why the fuck is Sup Forums always so god damn braindead retarded? think for your fucking selves people

Trash and Houdini

BP is their best work since GP. I think it's their magnum opus and they shouldn't release anything else now because it will only tarnish the legacy they've built
up for themselves if the next album happens to be shit

people will remember the great albums, not the shit ones

and if you're the type of person to remember the shit ones over the great ones, well then you're the problem, not the band

yeah dude listening to AnCo is what grown ups do

Is Ring a Bell aimed at Mexican Girl?

Just started the album. Holy shit, dude.

I can agree
>likes hothead over ring a bell
eh, thought hothead was the weakest track.
but heavily agree that Spikes and Three Bedrooms in a Good Neighborhood are GOAT

are you implying he's wrong?
he hit the nail on the fucking head with that description

Weird how he only mentioned BB Poison as a low point on the album. He didn't say much negative about Ring a Bell, just kind of described the lyrics.

He is slipping. He let loose and became a bit of a living meme

With 20 minutes for a 13 track album he sure fucking did meander a lot, not talking about the music much

Right. He began talking about how he thought the album was like a sequel to TMS and how it could only work if the band IMPROVED upon the sound of the previous album. He then went on to rave about how great the album was but then ranked it lower than TMS.

improved upon the sounds etc but TMS got a 10 because of how new it sounded etc.. BP may have executed things better but doesn't mean it was as surprising and deserving of a 10.

having said that i do think the way he hyped up every track he should have given a 10

everyone knows this already how new can you fucking be

>doesn't like ring a bell

*still mostly just bangs to Exmilitary

This new album is bretty gud tho. Fuck GP.