What is your favorite desktop-oriented GNU/Linux distribution?

What is your favorite desktop-oriented GNU/Linux distribution?
For me, it's Ubuntu because of its ease of use and excellent third-party software support

for me it's arch linux because of its ease of use and excelelelelent third-party software support

For me it is MX Linux, because it is Debian done right.



I don't get it

Works well enough

arch for dummies

You mean arch for non-autists

Arch. Pacman and AUR are great.

Ubuntu works a lot better than windows in most cases other than vidya. Don't think I'm going to use windows again if I have a say to things.

you're using arch with a pretty theme, which makes you a low-functioning autist
pic related, it's you

any distro that has the programs that i need is good. they all look same to me because i use openbox with my own settings.

I reckon using arch with i3/awesome/openbox is more autistic

What's autistic about using arch with i3? It's easy peasy, unless you're a brainlet.

"Muh tiling wm"

For me it's KDE Neon. Ubuntu repos, but with a lean install and the freshest updates for the best desktop environment.

Are you a nigger? Your unintelligible slurs make you look like one. Different people find using different things more comfortable. I find using any DE as a maximum clusterfuck experience. Everything is clunky and not so smooth as on Windows or Mac. Window managers such as i3/dwm/bspwm on the other hand, are smooth, easy and fast. So I'd suggest you to kill yourself unless you write anything you don't know shit about.

Okay now this is autism

Ubuntu (even though systemd sucks) and GhostBSD
Mint is botnet but quite decent if you use it offline

But does openbox have a fix for tile preview when you're uploading an image?

>Are you a nigger? Your unintelligible slurs make you look like one. Different people find using different things more comfortable. I find using any DE as a maximum clusterfuck experience. Everything is clunky and not so smooth as on Windows or Mac. Window managers such as i3/dwm/bspwm on the other hand, are smooth, easy and fast. So I'd suggest you to kill yourself unless you write anything you don't know shit about.
My new fav copy pasta

mate, people use what's fit their workflow. I find tiling wm comfy, because I don't need to use mouse (or use mouse in very rare ocassions), no need to move my hands from keyboard.
Try it, you might like it. Unless you do something what requires mouse a lot, then don't, because you might find yourself moving hands back and forth from keyboard to mouse more often than using DE.

Thanks m8, alt tab works fine for me with hotkeys for switching workspaces in XFWM - it's nice and snappy. Each to their own though, I'm glad your reply is less autistic

memory leak

That's antergos

this was a different user, an autist no doubt. I don't understand people like him who insist on
>it works for me, therefore it should be a standard

right, manjaro is actual retards


I did not say that if that works for me therefore it's standard. It's DE fags who constantly mock everyone with "muh autism le tiling meme haha haxxor". There are fags on both sides, but I replied to specifically that one.

I got more of these

another manjaro genius

this is a meme website, what do you expect?

Anything Ubuntu based for Just Werks™ machines and Slackware for soothing the Lunix autism whilst having a rock solid OS.

LFS, because it just werks

I like mouse interfaces, is there any advantage stuff like openbox can offer me over a conventional desktop?

it's great for low-end machines

This is my daily driver

Ubuntu mate.

Redmond Windows 95 theme is comfy for my eyes compared to minamilst flat shit that is hard to comperhend what is what.

Docky with intellhide is comfy, I can swap applications very fast and save a lot of spaces.

Out of box font rendering that looks very good on IDE, GUIs, Desktop Environments and text editors.

no, youre just an idiot and you peddle this trend shit as objectively good when it isnt


I was using Unity until recently, when an update decided to break everything. Oh well, Unity is a dead DE anyways.

Fuck off Mark Shuttlefuck.

Linux Mint.

It's made by literal retards.
Old software
They don't give two shits about security.
Cinnamon looks dated.

But it works.

Just downloaded openSUSE for the first time. What should I expect?

>reading sns-botted blic

Holy shit, i thought you had some common sense in you, пpијaтeљy.

Manjaro is frankenArch. Beginner friendly and bleeding edge just doesn't go well together. It looks pretty cool though.

The only problem Ubuntu gives me is that it freezes whenever I try burning a cd/dvd but I have no issues with extracting them. If I can find a solution I would quit using windows all together.

is this the new-age ads system ?

>fall for the ganoo +/ linux meme
>all i do is shitposting and playing chink porn games via wine

wew, nothing changed. at least it's faster i guess

french cuisine is overrated

ZorinOS. Because it fixes majority of bad defaults of Xfce.

To distro-hop very soon.

Sounds exactly like me.

Void + dwm

Void Linux because no systemd and comfy

ubuntu really is the best as far as i can tell. for my purposes anyway.

>basically every linux app is made for it
>loads of support

the only better linux os is rhel but its not free, sadly. i also like cent a lot too

its not as light as other distros but its light enough for any pc in the past decade

Not having systemd is a con.

What is this distro? What's better about it than Debian? What are their goals?

Debian. The Universal Operating System

>archmale ass bombardment

Is this theme in repositories? Can you provide a link or a package name?

I don't read politics at all.
The only reason I read blic is because they have a lot of Belgrade news and happenings.

ubuntu i guess
i kind of hate systemd though

I've been using Xubuntu for a while and it's pretty good, XFCE is a great desktop environment. Mint is also pretty good imho

I run Fedora Workstation at home and Ubuntu LTE for research stuff.

I actually use Void and Arch but I just don't like Manjaro

nothing wrong with manjaro except its false claim to be noob friendly


Arch is already linux for dummies. How hard is it to copy/paste from a wiki until your system is complete?

Please tell me that's not real

>there are still cloveros users out there
How do you do it?

Manjaro-i3. It's reasonably stable (have still had a few updates break my system but it's always been fixable). Just make sure you have a second, stable kernel installed (I use 4.9 & 4.4) to be safe.

>tfw quietly sitting here with GalliumOS

pls don't bully

Might as well use ubuntu.
