What's the best bang for buck mouse I can get for my new rig? Using a shitty old HP optical that came with an old PC

What's the best bang for buck mouse I can get for my new rig? Using a shitty old HP optical that came with an old PC

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ur mum

>t. roccat shill

logitech g203

>tfw its impossible to get a g303 in yurop

>logishills at it again


Rival 310

Pic related is the best.

Try to find a Intellimouse Explorer 3.0 or Windows Optical Mouse 1.1 at the local thrift shop.

This Elecom Huge is going back. God bless it, but it's too sticky and the wheel is fucked.

I have a g502 and like it

t. I kill lots of people in TF2 and CS:Source

i have the g302 in your pic, it's breddy gud
if you like to have little simple light mouse it's the best

>tfw got a g403 for $35 and love it
>if I press the side button too slow it registers as 2 presses
Feels bad

They're such trash, I bough a razer mouse 3 times and they never lasted more than 6 months.

Logitech g502 is a must. Unless you play fps games, then get a g302

Roccats are breddy good but the scroll wheel tends to be so tough as to be unusable for general work. A games only mouse.

fuck off Logitech employee

i have the same logitech keyboard and webcam for 16 years, without any technical or compatibility issue
i'm not into brand loyality but logitech usualy does good stuff

What's a good portable wireless mouse for laptops?


Ayyy that's my mouse. This shit's so good I bought one for my wife too.

Is there a mouse in existence that has a physical switch to hold down one or both of the buttons? I find myself rubber banding a battery or rifle cartridge to my mouse to hold down the button while I take a drink of coffee or piss or whatever while killing bullet sponge bosses, or harvesting resource nodes. Pic is current mouse, and I'd prefer a hardware solution to a software one.

a few dollars away from best bang for buck but if you have huge hands like me get a deathadder

I like my G502 with fps games, but I don't play a lot of them


Literally $10 for a god tier mouse

Best bang for your buck is any cheapo 10 dollar mouse from a reputable brand. It gets more complicated if you start requiring certain features.

just install macro software

I have a G402. It's good and it was on sale. The only thing I don't like is the useless DPI button.


Fuck you and your macro software. Apparently windows also has this function (clicklock) so I don't imagine any manufacturers will have done this. A physical switch suits my needs better, so I'll just have to modify my new mouse, whichever one I choose to get.


okay bud, post the build thread when you get around to it (you won't)

literally every programmable mouse lets you put a left click mousedown on a side button without extra software. then left click to release, easy peasy.

I got one today its pretty rad

Literally this.