Most of the complaints I've seen about it are literally "it feels like it's from the 70s unlike muh js" and no generics

Most of the complaints I've seen about it are literally "it feels like it's from the 70s unlike muh js" and no generics.

1) Sup Forums loves C and hates JS so this isn't a problem.
2) Will be added if Rob sees a very good reason why they need to be included

Other urls found in this thread:

Who's Rob?


>Nu-Sup Forums
Rob Pike

It doesn't have generics except it does for the hash type, because that one's special.

Make sure you have the right keyboard for it.

literally who

Pob Rike is a fucking retard.

Know your fucking place. Dude is a top tier engineer and is responsible for so many things we take for granted these days as software engineers

what are generics? is that like a promise?


I thought the point of this place was anonymity

>Sup Forums hates JS

Some of us don't, and you will be left in the dust from our tires.

Unix, X, Unicode...

tits on seagulls

Ritchie is dead, user... ;_;

Show me your high perf computation software written in JS.

Show me your high perf computation software written in Go.

retarded fight!!

This. Base C all the way... Don't understand why programmers who went to college fall for propaganda to use anything else.

I was unaware that Go could be used to program GPUs. Do you have any resources on that topic?

I too enjoy spending hours doing simple shit like parsing json and downloading files.

JSON is considered bloat and harmful. The only data format you should ever need is CSV.

>JSON is considered bloat and harmful.

and CSV isn't bloat and harmful? it still has common delimiter parsing problems just like json. at least with json though it's less "weird" and people are less likely to do retarded shit like calling a split on a comma like a retard.

example of CSV being shit:

generics are already being added for go2.

fuck off, JSON is one rare and happy example of something being both good and widespread

>going back to other languages without chans


Stick to your soyboy languages.

>he doesn't properly parse his csv

>Rop bike

i don't bother because jsonl is a less cancerous format in general and i can transform it into whatever free text horse shit that's needed


go faggots literally will defend this.

Sounds like a Python brainlet.

There is no fucking standardized CSV. If you believe this then I have some bad news about Santa, the Easter Bunny, and of course the Lucky Charms dude on your cereal box.

Don't believe me? Go outside of your favorite echo chamber and look around. Get "CSV" exports (whatever the fuck that means) from all kinds of platforms, packages, hell even Excel. Discover the wonderful delight of "is it using single or double quotations" along with "what is the proper way to escape quotations in a string", how about "just how do we represent a line with an embedded carriage return", or who could forget the logic of "it exported out with quoted delimiters but my imports only support delimiters on strings", and my favorite "should it include a field header line or not".

Standards my fucking old ass.

The real truth is that CSV is a fucking state of mind. It really just means "I have a bunch of faggoty strings that I can't properly delimit".

We were better off with fucking tab delimiters for fuck's sake. At least there was an entire non-printing control character devoted to the entire concept. And if you had to embed a tab? Wait, WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU EMBEDDING A TAB IN THE FUCKING TEXT?


dumb niggers thinking they're clever isn't go's fault

I only rant because I had to actually live through that pain once.

>stupid project at work, need to import sales data
>should be easy
>"Excel does it"
>fuck me, it doesn't like the export
>dig deeper into shitty script I had to whip up because I don't have a lot of time allocated to this project from dumbass manager
>fuck me again, turns out CSV really is a state of mind
>fuck around with parameters and settings
>finally get a format that works
>format can be read in by end-program (which I ship data off to) but not exactly by Excel
>learn hard lesson, and start realizing just how much of this is pendantic shit
>how much we take for granted what we consider standards
>pine for the days when ASCII was a real fucking standard, realize just how much computing depends on decades of little-known and often forgotten giants
>it's 2010
>realize Steve Jobs is just a shyster, selling the latest shiny to a bunch of faggot morons
>realize how good I had it at the turn of the century
>realize just how fucked computing is today

The dust kicked up as you drive in circles through your wasteland of abandoned frameworks and lost productivity? Will you guys even leave anything behind you when you're done? People still get paid to maintain COBOL, but JS only stays in production long enough to pump out the next new hotness.

>I was paid for over a decade to write shitty FoxPro code. (code was actually fairly bulletproof but the language and environment are pure shit, maybe 2 notches above Bancstar)
>I watched as people drifted in and out of the industry, unable to keep a job down for more than a few years.
>Watched as entire "programmer blogs" turned into dust, their creators giving up on the trade
>Microshaft took a huge shit on FoxPro and killed it in 2007
>I kept the fucking code going past 2014
>People are still writing FoxPoop code
Just because it's new and hot, doesn't mean it's going to stick around. Javascript is "just ok"; get JS to start doing serious business outside of a browser and we'll talk. Until then, it's Yet Another Trendy Language That Gets People Into Conferences For A Circle Jerk.

Trust me kid, when you work with PHP, you will love going with JS. The lesser of two evils