Do you like dating girls from other countries/races?

Do you like dating girls from other countries/races?

Yes i dated a lot of girls and i have a lot of friends with a very nice paying job thats why im in this board

Long distance relationships are fucking shit.


I want my wife to be from a different country. I don't care about race tho

what is this the 90s

Yes, I fucked a tourist before.

i cant get italian girls to like me so its the only way i have to get laid

im sorry but i only have eyes to my waifu


Also this

As long as the girl is attractive I don't care about race or nationality.

From where?

My parents don't give a fuck to be honest they only care if I'm happy.


fucking americans lmao

Who's your waifu?

Very slanted eyes

Yes I live in London and I dated a polish/british/filipino not to mention tinder slags.

Indian here, dated a blonde american 8/10 for about a year or so. Sex was amazing, but essentially there was nothing else in common. Looking back, I am surprised how it even lasted a year!


Yes, also that's always a plus if you like her.


yes, that's my fetish, on the other hand, I have no chances of dating Sup Forumsernational people irl

Nice, fucking an Aussie girl is on my bucket list

I'm dating an adorable white girl from america, the problem is she's a fucking idiot.

"I don't see the problem with interracial relationships"
That said, she still has amazing tighs and is great to fuck, but holy shit. Are you fucking dense?