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International #648
You wake up on Easter Island
Kurva anyátok
This is a thread for countries with Disney princesses, I guess
/rus/ hardest migrant crisis in the world's history and upcoming elections edition
Your cunt
Is Argentina a 1st world nation?
Would you breed with an Asian?
go to a uni in Siberia
I will defend the crown with my life. God save the queen
Opinion thread on Europe?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Why every race behave like niggers in USA?
Would you date a colombian girl?
Korean males have jaw reduction surgery
/cum/ Canada-US-Mexico
New zealand can't post without australia's permission
1 (one) chance at life
/luso/ — Fio Lusófono
You must move to an English speaking country. If you already live in one, you must move to a Spanish speaking country...
Would you date a Mexican girl?
Has there ever been a civilization blacks occupied and actually improved as a result?
How do you pronounce his name in your native tongue?
Milk is protein and calcium
What is your favorite South American country?
What happens here?
This is Russia, the most redpilled country in the world and supposed saviours of the white race
Sverigetråden 2d natt mys upplagan
Spain was ruled by black people
Does your country have talk radio? What is it like, do you listen? Here in the US radio is mostly conspiracy/paranormal...
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
Russia banned pornhub
Does any third world qt want to be my gf?
Can I pass as a local in your country?
ITT: Things only your country does
How come Brazil is considered a south american first-world superpower when life there is complete shit?
Do you need any other evidence that Canadians are the worst posters on this website?
/esp/ + /lat/ = /hisp/
What kind of toppings do people put on pizza in your country?
Sup Forumsck/a/
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Memes aside, what do personally think about both clinton and donald trump?
Scramble for Africa
Post your hometown, others r8
no gf
Me and my doggo
Would you racemix with a Bulgarian shitposter from Sup Forums, lads?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono:
ITT post tunnels in your country
Why are Mexicans so hated?
What Latin American country would you move to?
Matched with an Aussie on Tinder. Need a good Australian pick up line
Could i pass as local in you're country?
Feet of Sup Forums
/Gesellschaft m. beschränkter Haftung/ ehemals /deutsch/
Why aren't you Christian?
Is it true that black men have larger dicks?
Scramble For Africa II: Scramble Harder
Most people consider these places virtually white
Be colonists
Do you like this mixed flavor ?
/ita/ - Il Filo
Post things you hear on your natinal news about the country above you
The Scramble For Africa
When 3rd world shitholes like Colombia, Brazil and Eastern Yuros call Americans "burgers"
I just had a sleep paralysis episode and I am fucking terryfied I opened my eyes and I saw the devil infront of my face...
Sverigetråden - Internetupplagan
What does Sup Forums think of this country?
1. are you a white nationalist?
So are people still pretending brexit was a good idea or did people wake up from the meme?
White people in the world
Why are people so afraid of immigrants here? They worked just fine here
What happens in red?
American """""""""""cuisine""""""""""
/mena/ general
1. You are the country
Should Skyrim be for the Nords?
Urban + architecture
Send... help... pls
/fr/ - le fil français
New Ikea commercial
Why can't milk drink french people?
Post someone from a different country and ethnicity to yours that you find attractive
Why do Americans live in mobile homes?
Purple: Superpower
It's happening boyz
White Americans aren't white
British documentary
Why is RT considered conspiranoic?
Does your cunt have good doctors?
ITT: Countries you have no interest in ever visiting
Hilo latino /lat/
/hell/ /gr/
In Norway, the punishment for child murder is four months in a luxury hotel room per child murdered...
What's up lads
Spanish posters r8 my paella
Is it true that all Jews are incredibly friendly?
What is the percentage of secular/westernized muslims like these guys?
Why does this trigger non americans so much?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Fuck this I'm done with trying with these white women I'm going to marry a beautiful indian woman I bet there are...
Japanese woman. Opinions?
Post sensational music from your country
Are the people living here Americans or Europeans
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Will they ever not be friends?
You wake up, Europe now looks like this
European identity
Sup Forums SURVEY
American flags are never allowed to cry about other countries taking in refugees ever again
If we aren't Hispanic and we aren't Anglo, what are we?
Is this the face of the slav-masterrace?
/ita/ - il filo
What language do the metropolitan elite in your country speak?
/fr/ - Fil francophone
/fr/ - le fil francophone et francophile
/MeNa/ = Middle East and North Africa
Melbourne isn't Polish
Why is Japanese porn so superior?
Why indian women are fat?
How corrupt is your country?
Quit playing videogames
What should we do about pepe?
Is your country multilingual ?
Turkey is much more white and safe than america
What did he mean by this?
Virginity thread
Does earthquack happen in your countri?
Is German the only relevant language?
Le weed man is by far the most embarassing political leader of the 21st century...
Friend moved to live in Torronto
What is this?
Post your country's Texas where
Blatant disregard of democracy
Finnish girls >>> White girls
It sucks to be a right winger in a long term, I've realized it now...
The main problem of EU is lack of socialism. You robustly thrived in 60s-80s...
Take map modified by previous poster
/fr/ - Fil de la France
Is this guy has a strong accent in english ?
France apologizes to America
Wake up
Why can't French people drink milk?
Sverigetråden - Eftermiddagsupplagan
Why is Russia so poor? It makes no sense
Will anyone adopt Ukraine?
Tell me about Jewish girls from your place
Fuck off, Sweden
Why don u lik span?? lik spian right no or els
Really makes you think
Arab women please come to Asia!!
Who is your favorite British person and why?
How many languages do you know?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
1. Your country
All your friends have immigrated to first world countries and making good money
Go to China
ITT: we get angry at each other based on our Flag!!!
AUSfags, what do you think of queensland?
I am Greek general
Why are romanians and bulgarians considered European while Turks are not?
Wake up you are a policeman in France
Your cunt
Post the most American video or image you have
I what country can I get a gf like this?
Hello darkness my old friend
Emigrating to Australia
Average east asian
The best/worst Polish you've met
Describe your country with one image
/deutsch/ - Mettigelausgabe
ITT: alternate versions of your countries' flag you much prefer
Someone insults Canada on Sup Forums
The Tungchow Mutiny (通州事件Tsushu jiken ? , Chinese: 通州事件; piny in: Tōngzhōu Shìjiàn)...
There are people who still believe that Trump has any chance of winning when Hillary is set to win with the biggest...
You wake up at 3:00 PM and you are so hungry
We are stronger than the US
/cum/ Canada-US-Mexico
Male Rape Cases Increase in Sweden
Turkey and Cyprus are more European than Finland and Russia
Be slovakian
I have found this on ggl front page capture to access Youtube
Bodies of Sup Forums
Really makes you think
Message to nips considering refugees
Culture Pals - /cp/
/ita/ - il filo
Post famous esports players from your cunt
What do you call this in your country?
Post cartoons from your cunt
1. you're country
British documentary
If this man with this uniform enter your country, what people would react?
You will miss him soon
/MeNa/ = Middle East and North Africa
Sverigetråden - För svenskar samt brödrafolk
If someone gets dubs Brazil gets banned from posting here
European wagies are waking up
What would things be like if the soviet union never collapsed?
Tfw our favelas have electric stairs
Badmouth turkey
Would you replace the biggest minority of your country with colombians?
Mexico is shit, poor and third world
/Canada/ thread
What's the first thing that comes to mind when you see this flag?
505 kills
Kurva anyátok
1. Your country
The safest countries in the world:
Is this right?
He did a computer science degree
How US/Canada SHOULD be laid out
/Slavic/ General Thread
Why does Europe prefer to be invaded by Muslims instead of based latinos?
Why are the Dutch the only Europeans civilized enough to appreciate peanut butter?
British cuisine
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Why are American woman so needy and wasteful?
Why isn't your country's cuisine as innovative as America's?
ITT: Countries near you that you completely forgot even existed
1. your cunt
Why are there so many cultural differences between the US and Canada?
1. Your country
Most people think there nation will have the same boarders in 100 years
Which and why?
Go to America for three months
Why are asian people so weird and alien?
I missed out on fucking prime 16 year old pussy
Go to Catalog
I'm bored, ask a Chicano anything
/ethnoeuropean/: High Art, Identity, self-preservation and self development edition
Is this really how the rest of the world thinks the United States eats?
Join canakek forces
Post handsome Sup Forums men
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
He can't speak french
Hey Sup Forums does your country's women like Asian men?
Parents going to kick me out if I don't stop being a neet soon
How do we protect ourselves from China?
Plata o Plomo, Sup Forums?
How would the world fare without the United States being the world police?
Clarification on Whiteness and European Race
/fr/ - Edition de la béatitude
What killed South american nations...
Why do the tallest populations all have high rates of milk consumption...
/deutsch/ @ /nachtschicht/
When will Germany reclaim their lost clay?
You'r country
ITT: The last country you visited just took over your country
What movie should foreigners watch to understand your country?
What happens here?
I've only ever had sex with East Asian girls
Reunion when?
Why is Sup Forums always so critical of America?
What country is the equivalent of Hurt by Johnny Cash?
1. Your country
Nan just posted this on facebook lads I'm mentally scarred
Find a flaw
Describe your country with one image
Why are there so few American backpackers?
Since Italy barely had colonies, what countries are closely related to Italy
You wake up as a slav
Visiting a friend who's family emigrated from America
Can Sup Forums drive stick?
Degradation and invasion of the West General Edition
Hilo /lat/ino mira de lo que nos salvamos edicion
Japan is _______
Why is Chile so fucking long? Why is it a seperate country from Argentina? How?
Which country has the most interesting history?
Sup Forums user rankings
Culture Pals - /cp/
/deutsch/ ~ /nachtschicht/
Would I pass as a local in your country?
Post your city's flag
Your cunt
How come on this board, Polish people are rude and think they are superior...
Multiple citizenship
/urban/ - "What happened to /urban/?" edition
/hell/ /gr/
people actually like doritos
Post losers from your town
Your cunt
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Rate the national anthem of the country above you
Do Americans remember that we helped them in Iraq?
Why Brazil cant into space?
Wake up
Alright I got a question regarding gratitude...
What's your country's Texas, where everyone is a nationalist, mostly white and drives your national economy?
Could you ever be conscripted in your country's military
Post local weather girls from your country
Tfw your country has no cool Orthodox churches because no one here is Orthodox.. :(
1. Your're cunt
Every relevant country has a "Chicago" -- That is, a shitty obnoxious city with shitty obnoxious weather...
ITT int screencaps
I'm moving to Lisboa, Portugal in January 2017. Can Portuguese anons give me some advice? Please elaborate on:
Green=Real Europe
The British are a hardworking, clean, and industrious people
You give them the ones up and they give you THIS face
Could I pass as a local in your country?
Really makes you think
Really makes you think
Why do Northern Euros like to imitate Southern Euros so much ?
What happens here?
Wake up
Why is Anglosphere so vastly superior to rest of the world? Is it because of our genes?
Why is Madrid not Europe's best city? I like it so much more than London or Paris. I am English by the way
Swedish police
His country hasn't produced at least one astronaut
Norwegian Universities
Has anyone seen this faggot around?
Do you respect other cultures?
His """""country""""" has American troops in it
Is it true that americans wear shoes at home? or it's just a meme from sitcoms?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Average swedish woman
The italian word for "garbage" isn't "garbaggio"
Sverigetråden - Kvällsupplagan
Have you ever hugged a Russian person?
40% of Americans still actually believe God created the world
Sverigetråden för memetisk krigföring
The qt girl who moved in next door to my apartment about a month ago just brought me food because she made too much and...
Are you happy, Sup Forums?
User where are you from?
If your country could be a Naruto character who would it be?
Why has Europe stayed in it's warring states period for so long?
Hi there. I'm Japanese. Do you have any questions?
All memes aside, how difficult is it to live in your country?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
RIP America. BTFO by clock boy
This is terrifying
Sverigetråden för Sverigelålin
Norrland NO
Why do people consider us an Anglo country? We're not part of the Commonwealth
Lightly banter a European
I finally figured out why Irish hate fat asses
What is this country's endgame?
This is chile's true lenght
What's the most popular fast food in your country?
Spanish, so easy you can teach an illiterate Indio the language
Questions for Russians
Why are countries like Poland or Hungary part of EU...
Do Americans think we like them?
/fr/ - Le Francofil francophone
I think that the great big difference between Sup Forums and Sup Forums is that Sup Forums really loves jews while Sup...
There are 27 countries of Europe that have given up their national sovereignty to a foreign body...
Which country has the best looking currency and why is it The United States of America?
Do you know the reason why Japanese people ask "Where are you from?"
Are there any arguments regarding Israel's right to exist aside from
I'm sorry.....but I just DON'T see how the fuck white "people" can even HOPE to compete against THIS
Richest one per cent in UK own 20 times more total wealth than the poorest fifth
Russia can't keep getting away with this
Save the world thread
I'm moving to Maine in a few weeks!
How is Ramadan celebrated in your country?
Tfw the Romans had body-slaves
1.have you ever been to poland?
What the fuck is their endgame /int?
What are the top 5 best cities in the world?
Why is the rest of the world so inferior to Australia in every way?
His country is a republic
I asked my sister to fill the map with the most common masculin names according to her
Would you rather live in Nigeria or India?
The girl in pic related has had her asylum request denied and is being deported back to Afghanistan where she will be...
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why is the USA planning on building such large rockets ?
She mentions about her bf
Is it any wonder that Russians commit suicide so much when they wake up and see this every day?
/esp - hilo español/ - Edición /espita/
Sverigetråden - Riksdagens öppnandeupplagan
So Sup Forums, what the do you fucking hate about your country the most?
Talk to someone from the middle east or Africa on this board
13 september
Are Slavs subhumans?
Who has the best general?
Whitest country in Europe
Americans are subhumans
People who need massacre
New £5 note officially goes into circulation today
Symbolize your country with a spongebob image
1. Country
Why are so many non-white countries posting this white-supremacy symbol?
The white race
/rus/ + /ukr/ + /bel/ general
Spain or Italy
Tfw terrible acne beneath jawline again
Tfw Australia will never give us another one
Top 3 EU posters in your opinion based on quality of posts
What is your imaginable masterrace combination?
If you were given the chance to be born again
Shinzo Abe
This is what Greeks looked like before we got raped by Turks, the Nords were right, we were Atlantinians and shit
/deutsch/ - Völkische Politiker Ausgabe
Post your reaction when a woman from your country says she doesn't like foreigners
Finland shoppingmall 2016
The girl in pic related has had her asylum request denied and is being deported back to Afghanistan where she will be...
Donald Trump, Pepe the frog, and white supremacists: an explainer
Do you have friends from other countries ?
Is crying considered womanly in your cunt?
What does your country think of Jews?
Don't think I'll survive the day desu, lads
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Waiting at a bus stop
Doing language exchange with a Japanese woman
You wake up in the year 1700. What do you do?
You will never be Finnish
Why is racemixing bad?
What is the most autistic country?
Is Pepe a white nationalist icon in your country too?
/asean/ Sup Forumssean /ass/ean
No memeing: are Polynesians really fat? I live in LA where they more or less don't exist
How are girls like this treated in your country?
Whats happening to my country right now?
Greece explain yourselves
From the french ministery
Kurva anyátok
1. you're cunt
Would you support this?
I heard that many white people tend to love Asian women who have tiny eyes like the girl in the right on the picture
How did we go from this
Don't talk to me or my son ever again
Do you prefer girls from your own country/culture or from another country/culture?
Pepe the Alt Right Meme
What nations would you consider to be "great" nations...
Anyone know what language this is from?
Who had the best Empire?
Are you high test?
New anzu video
Int, do you like usa 80s?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Anyone else hate their own general on Sup Forums?
Given one chance in life
I want to adopt a best-korean refugee
You have 6 seconds to explain why you aren't a Lusophile
His culture hasn't surpassed the racial barrier and brought people of every race together into one single race and...
Why are they so gay for each other?
How old is your head of Government?
Would you have sex with a fat girl?
Who are the best of The Three Races of Europe?
What if all Central American countries unified to create one big country? What would it be called...
Why don't Sikhs look like other Indians? They're also much taller
I'm tired of being bullied because I'm small and skinny. That's just rude and unacceptable...
"user, i know we've been dating for 1 week but i want you to meet my family tomorrow...
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
How did French remain a White language while Spanish became majority non-white?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
ENTJ people are the real masterrace, prove me wrong
We need immigrants
What's the first thing that comes to mind when you see this flag?
Martsharters behind the Ukraine
Thoughts ?
Why are Europeans such bullies? ;_;
/nachtschicht/ ehemals und morgen wieder /deutsch/
Be sick
China, 5000 years of history and culture
Do you like dating girls from other countries/races?
Chacal (gay)
Why murricans are so patriotic?
Are the poles a magnificent people?
/rac/ - Racism Simulator
Steroids are harmful for your health, I am le natty
Are you pro-Israel or pro-Palestine, Sup Forums?
Is it normal to have an intense hatred of Irish-Americans in spite of technically being one?
/hell/ /gr/
Your country
/Ý/ - il filo ý
Tell me about thick blonde euro girls
/nachtschicht/ - SAELLNER IM GAS Ausgabe
Redesign Brazil's flag
White Americans aren't white
What is public housing like in your country? I'm going to start off with an American one for reference
White Latin American thread: Monday edition
Jobs of Sup Forums
Brazilian """""culture"""""
/luso/ - fio lusófono
What was losing your virginity like?
Post your city's biggest mall
Want anything from the grocery store?
Native americans (including Mayas and shit) deserved to go extinct...
What do you think about the Portuguese language?
What happens here?
/cum/ Canada-US-Mexico
Provokes some deep thoughts
Heritage thread, here is the template. inb4 french flag joke
/flag/tism - Flag Thread
/fr/ - Le Francofil francophone
What nations women are generally considered to be a top tier catch in your country? In England Spanish women are...
So we give and offered to based Brazil and USA a beautiful statue
Your citizenship(s)
All the femboys here are making me slowly bisexual, what to do???
Italy is a pagan country
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
Your city
B-but english is rich!! mush shaekspeare!!
When will this summer end? I'm tired of this weather, I can't even sleep properly
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
What the fuck
Best plug+socket coming through
An American replies to you, putting you in your place
Has there ever been a civilization that blacks occupied and Improved as a result?
You're walking down the street with your Polish friend
You will NEVER live in a village on the Mediterranean coast
Why were the Brits the only country capable of nation building
What does Sup Forums think of this country?
I hate extroverts
ITT we fuse two cunts together and post the result
So my retarded friends want go to Brazil this austral summer
ITT: Foreign foods that make you want to kill yourself
Is there any worse punishment by god than being a Brasilian?
/rus/ + /ukr/ + /by/
Why is the rest of Europe so poor? Is Germany the only first world country in Europe?
Be one of the poorest shitholes with notoriously unintelligent population
What's life like in Canada?
Brave World
Daily reminder that Finnish girls the most beautiful
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...