The italian word for "garbage" isn't "garbaggio"

>the italian word for "garbage" isn't "garbaggio"

Where have I heard garbaggio then?

>frogposter is dumb


it's spazzatura

>the italian word for "baggage" isn't "baggagio"

btw "gio" is pronounced as "jo", like in "mojo".
not jeeo. It sounds ugly af, don't say jeeo, say jo, in italian words. Like adagio, it's adajo. I hate anglophones

you've proibably heard carpaccio

it's bagaglio

As if an irishman would know anything about the Italian language


au contraire

>the italian word for savage isn't "savaggio"

>the otaĆ²oam word for "advantage" isn't "avvantaggio"

Gabagoo? Bring it over here!

It's... it's selvaggio


>italian word for "unrefined" is "greggio"

Baubaumiciomicio desu lad

neck yourself



haha holy shit


No fucking way
Italy YES


i suppose thats the politically correct one

like spanish "persona de color"

but really is "negro"

why is there an i between g and o then?

some/most of those may be from dialects
can any italian confirm?

it's all made up

>the American word for burger isn't burger

because it would sound as 'g' in 'get'
ga go gu = g is pronounced as in 'get'
gia gio giu = pronounced as j
ge gi = je ji
ghe ghi = as 'get'

same for 'c'

Italian-americans did the same crap

you sure? I am saying this because for example: "Karo=cart, carriage", "Farma=farm", "Parkaro=I park" in Greek and I am pretty sure they are all Italian/Venetian/Latin loanwords.


Carro means cart, the spanish use that word for car
Farma doesn't mean anything, a farmacia is a phamacy.
Parcheggiare means to park.

I'm pretty sure this wikipedia page is just an Australian having a go