His culture hasn't surpassed the racial barrier and brought people of every race together into one single race and...

>his culture hasn't surpassed the racial barrier and brought people of every race together into one single race and culture through racemixing
TOP KEK Really Patethic

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all of brazillian posters do expose about >muh south

if it was all one race they wouldn't jerk off to all the germanics in their country


Really makes you think...


>the niggers of South America
>yelling at a Brazillian

Wait, no. Niggers can steal other people's stuff. Argentina couldn't even take some shitty island.

Only a few autistas do this and guess where they are from?

the north

>Infamous Otaku


I lost the folder months ago and I've been looking fucking everywhere. Please help me Brazilads

>was yelling at the american
>being told i was yelling at the brazilian
are you sure you're so superior. its the brazilians that are black, CABA is pretty fucking white as far as i'm concerned, only the very north is infested by disgusting bolivians and brazilians


Must be weird not having a people or a homeland.

This is why you're a third world country




NOICE but no

Its a girl, probably not actually native but looking like OP and barely clothed, posing in the jungle. There's at least 2 shots of her on a big tree branch showing her ass

This is our homeland, what are you talking about?

What the fuck we aren't a single race and culture.

I hate these falseflag threads.

She's adorable.

>Implying anyone lives there
I won't fall for your lies, mr spider.



not a single race but a single culture yes

Well for the Brazilian claiming that they have over come race what he is really saying is that races came from abroad and supplanted the natives of Brazil and he is celebrating that.

Man I could kiss you

Thank you


Have you any ancient culture? Ireland invented both Halloween and muh heritage Americans.

I want to make mocha colored children with them

And what achievements has that brought you?
Favella and large scale drug wars


Natives also came here from Asia, what's the difference? I wouldn't look at any white or any black as a foreigner

As much as I like to make fun of Americans on Sup Forums for their slowly vanishing whiteness I look forward to it. I think it will be very interesting. I also think the US and Europe will slowly drift apart.

We have invented samba, bossa nova, capoeira, just to quote a few examples over the top of my mind

Who the fuck cares you autist

Just live a fulfilling and enjoyable life doing whatever you want.

we didn't supplanted them we integrated them by fucking them, we even got some cultural traits from them like showering everyday twice or even our culinary aspects in the north m8


Just doing my part to lighten up gene pool. Most Americans won't look like that National Geographic picture in the future though.

Well I live in a country where we are much the same and feel the same about things. If large amounts of people came from abroad to the point that we became a minority, we would lose our political power.

That is not because of racemixing


You mean Celts, not ireland. Celts that were all over the British isles and France at that time.

I'd assimilate her, if you know what I mean

And we became the inheritors of Celtic tradition when it was lost elsewhere.

>Well I live in a country where we are much the same and feel the same about things
>implying we don't while having tons of racial differences
kek you Sup Forumstards are funny cause you guys can only see thing onesided

she's got arms like wolverine

No really. You are celebrating that you took land from another people and saying "isnt it wonderful! Too few of them are left to complain that means they are happy about it!"

>I live in a country where we are much the same and feel the same about things.
We too, there is not black or mestizo colombians, only colombians, i wouldn't feel the same about any other one that looked like me from another country than with any of the people here

That doesn't mean your nation takes responsibility for it unless you can prove it started in what is geographically now Ireland.

Continue it sure but claiming it as your own is ridiculous

we didn't take the land from them but integrated them, also if that was true we would still be a 1:1 copy of Portugal

>Speaks Portuguese
>Paler people are generally richer
>Africans were slaves
>Natives died to war and disease and lost all political power and their land

You are not a rainbow nation. You are a nation of political illiterates.

Reminder that we BLEACHED the country until last decade (the process needs to be finished)

The majority of brazilians have native blood. Not a lot, but they still have it.

omg so you just proved to me we are 1:1 copy of portugal! And yes as you can see the rich strata is only comprised of Portuguese people and not really people from other ethnicity I mean it's not like our former president was bulgarian and the new one is lebanese hahaha. Also just like Australia and the USA, people here got no native traits at all you can't see native features at all when wandering through the north omg the Portuguese were certainly as bad as the English!

What the hell are you raving about?

>Africans were slaves
>Natives died to war and disease and lost all political power and their land
then I wonder how half of our pop is literally mixed if we segregated them that much and took the land from them as you were saying

Your vision of history is incredibly short sighted. Thousands of tribes were dispossessed of land and any chance of self governance and sovereignty. The blacks arrived as slaves and your slums are filled with dark skinned people.

A lot of the mixing came from the slaves, not from the natives.

>then I wonder how half of our pop is literally mixed

Through totally consensual sexual relations, obviously.

Who really cares about that? Are you relating it with anglo-saxons and celts and that's why you're so sensitive about it?

>Thousands of tribes were dispossessed of land and any chance of self governance and sovereignty.
not really m8, If you knew our history you would know that until the early 1700s the most spoken language in Brazil was literally Tupi, just like Guarani is still spoken in Paraguai. That is why lots of cities/objects/food here still got Indigenous names

Sensitive? We drove them out.

I am pointing out that your current situation is the result of a lot of violence and the prevention of the native peoples ever being allowed to form their own nations.

Its not something to celebrate. It would be like if the colonization of Africa never stopped and now all of Africa was mulatto or near white.

If you asked modern Africans would they welcome that, they would of course say no.

So Brazilian land is mostly owned by indigenous peoples and they are the majority then?

They were driven out after mixing with them. This story has been told multiple times throughout the world.

If you count them as Brazilians, yes. Since we didn't disown them of their lands but even cohexist with them to the point of speaking their language and slowly integrating their culture into ours, after the 1700s gold was discovered in Minas Gerais and solely because of it Portugal started to directly control Brazil and the Portuguese started to mass immigrate here, that is why we speak Portuguese nowadays not because we genocided the natives like the Brits did

I think the Portuguese might have been the first to ever conquer a continent with their dicks. Everyone else used warfare.

>the prevention of the native peoples ever being allowed to form their own nations.
You should look at Bolivia m8

And why do you care about natives? They where developing faster than africans but they where pretty uncivilicized anyways, spaniards brought us civizilation

Not anymore.

My Anglo seed yearns for BROWN NATIVE PUSSY

Its in my blood lads. Direct me please

This one?

Brazilians don't like to admit that their country is probably the most racist of all the countries in the Americas. Pretty much all their darker skinned people are trapped in favelas, get harassed by cops for leaving and have no real assistance from the government in the form of education for their children. Brazil is obviously based on a white hierarchy that steals any part of the culture from the darker skinned people and pretends that since a bunch of white girls are shaking their flat bundas, they're some sort of racial harmony nation

if brazil is the future of humanity I'm becoming a stormfag

In other words, no. The indigenous are not the majority in Brazil and do not control politics for their own benefit.

holy crap that is hot pussy me liek

Yes and see

You're talking like a sjw feminist trumblr.

Stop with the genocide denial, man. You're embarassing us.

Considering the state Sweden is in now, how are you not already a Sturmfag?

That is what im getting at.

Brown bums are best.

Didn't realize Brazilians could be stormfags.

>let me tell you about your country
t. Tropa de Elite expert

Where exactly do you expect the Brazilian government to pull the money for social policies and improved funding? Obviously they could do better, but realistically not by very much.

You're looking at this country through the lens of first world development and wealth, which is simply idiotic.

natives were integrated into our culture m8, they were as much BRs as us to the point they converted into our religion and even fought along the portuguese against the spanish m8

I find it funny you can't see beyond the US x THEM façade

Apparently only 0.4% of people in Brazil identify as natives. They really did well when the white man came.

This is why I say you are politically illiterate. In politics there is always an US and THEM.

For example Ireland and our sovereignty is the US and the EU trying to limit our sovereignty is the them.

Your SJW attitude would have it so that the EU could make decisions for US to suit THEM.

>racial census
m8, it's all over the place in every aspect, also you should remember that literally millions of portuguese + africans flooded the country in the 1730s and the native population were literally smaller than the immigrants

sweet jesus
brazilians are such attentionwhores on this board
they make threads about themselves literally all day long

What's wrong with that? As long as people keep posting in them they should keep making them

>he's literally making an analogy between Ireland-EU relations and the colonization of Brazil

>In politics there is always an US and THEM.
It is if you are Sup Forums faggot who can't handle differences and can't learn the get the best from it and manage to integrate those differences into a common ground, which the southern european countries were always able to handle, because of moor invansions and Roman Empire and the northern ones werent. Hence why literally all Latin America got expressive mixed demographics and Anglo colonies don't. That's why even being historically the country with the biggest african slavery of the world we have a smaller black population nowadays than the USA

>how dare he post about cultures on Sup Forums!
Go bartpost some more in your terrible general.

What is the black % in Brazil?

Yes. Indigenous people being a small group are at the mercy of decisions made by the white and white mixed majority.

This is not good politically for the indigenous. How is this too advanced for you? I thought Ireland EU would make it simple.

Probably could've used the billions from the olympics. Instead they evicted thousands of people, walled off their less desirable areas "non-white" areas and pretended like they didn't exist.

>You're looking at this country through the lens of first world development and wealth, which is simply idiotic
Lol no.


Brazil has always been racist, and despite having the largest black community in the Americas, they were the last to abolish slavery because the ruling whites, who still rule, had such a strong hold on the country

You are talking about the conquest of Spain and Portugal at the hands of the Moors. You realize they fought against the glorious Islamic Hispania you are advocating for?

They were in a position to fight the colonizers, so they did. They didnt have to die/bend over and take the penis.

>back in the 1700s there was such a centralized government that literally forced natives, fucking NATIVES, into our civilization
m8, don't you see how stupid your afirmation is?

>You realize they fought against the glorious Islamic Hispania you are advocating for?
You realize they didn't kill anyone that were muslim after the reconquest nor did the arabs did the same to the catholics to the point they cohexisted and literally racemixed into the Mediterranean race we know nowadays?

>Wars of conquest
>No one died
>No one lost land or property

>how dare he post about cultures on Sup Forums!

>How is this too advanced for you?

No. It's just wrong. Like, completely wrong. There couldn't be a wronger analogy. There's literally nothing analogous between these two cases.