Virginity thread

virginity thread

your age
your experience being virgin

very bad

1. Twenty too much yo.
2. I think my right hand is pregnant and my left one is jealous

>virginity map
Is that a male or female map?

must be because you're 1.64m and have a 13 cm dick

I'm 21, almost 22.

I have been on two dates in my life, with a Chinese girl I was friends with in college, then we went to different Universities so it went nowhere. I recently graduated, and at university I managed to remain a virgin despite partying a lot and knowing lots of girls.

The most I have done with a girl as a consequence is hold their hand.

13cm is only just under the average of 14.5, barely noticeable Tbh

1. 20
2. With a bit of luck, I'm losing it tonight.

and no friends and overprotective mom and a dad who wants to kick him out

pic related

she wants him to go to a psychiatrist though, I think that's good of her


Western society is bad.
If you grab a girl's ass you'll go to jail.
why live?

ask permission :^)

>"haha no you silly boy, that is only for Chad"

Pyccкoязычныe aнoны, пoяcнитe, чтo кoнкpeтнo oн имeeт ввидy?


>greentext with quotation marks
what did he mean by this

I'm gonna die alone, oh God.

Lost it in my 17 which is kinda normal in my opinion. I've been with 5 girls, three were virgins. I don't really like how the scandinavian girls pop their cherries in 14-15.


Tвoй вoзpacт
Кaк тeбe живeтcя\лocь дeвcтeвнникoм

1. 24
2. How would I know? Generally speaking though my life isn't particularly good or exciting.

Probably to make clear he wasn't quoting you in some strange way

Under 15? Fucking Christ, at that age sex wasn't even on my radar, I knew maybe one couple who'd done anything.

I'm not a virgin


Being a virgin in the US is pretty much impossible, when I went to uni as an exchange student I had to kick bitches out of my room they were so horny.

Maybe there is something in food?

Probably, but I drank tap water plenty of times and didn't feel extra horny so who really knows.

I guess it work for females only. Unless there was some guys who tries to fuck with you too.

>had to kick them out instead of fucking them all silly
low test desu

1. 20
2. Asexual so all good


Depends on schools, at my college all the chicks dress subjectively, yet there isn't that much sex

If only

Not by choice, I bet.

in blood!

That would be celibacy if it was by choice

Functionally the result is the same. Asexual is just an excuse for not getting any.


For periods I haven't cared much but overall horrible.
Now it's worse than ever.

1.Twenty yo
2. Never been in a relationship, or a date. I'm not religious, but I don't think I'd ever want to have sex before marriage unless it's with the Woman I'll definitely marry. So I'm ok with being a virgin.
