/ethnoeuropean/: High Art, Identity, self-preservation and self development edition

Here we discuss ongoing issues, shared European roots manifested in Art and High Culture, sportive initiatives, reading, travel and networking.

Ethnic Europeans are welcome to join and progress. Following people are not racially European and we need to separate ourselves from them. They have their path, we have our own path. They are living example of mongrelisation and lost European heritage:
Albanians - turkish blood
Armenians - turkish and kurdish blood
Bosnians - turkish blood
Bulgarians - were turkic tribe mixed with Slavs to begin with and later on they got turkish blood
Croatians - turkish blood
Georgians - turkish, persian and chechen blood
Macedonians - turkish blood
Montenegrins - turkish blood
Portuguese - moorish and negro blood
Romanians - cigán blood
Serbs - turkish blood
Sicilians - moorish and negro blood
Here are partially mongrelised European populations that still can be saved:
1/5 of Greeks has turkish blood
1/5 of Spaniards has moorish blood
1/2 of South Italians has levantine, north african and arabic blood
1/3 of Ukranians has Crimean tatar and turkish blood

Russians - 100% pure white Russian genes

Hi I'm definitely 100% German with some Irish thrown in.

You are God damn right. If you are a pure Greek, why so triggered?

Welp finally time for my English, German, and Swedish blood to shine!

>not turko-fingolic

Trains are a thing of the past now that it's 2016..
I propose to have not simple, nor double, but TRIPLE buses as a way to get on with the times.

>t. euroturkic mongrelised """Ukrainian""" diaspora

>some Irish

bloodline polluted beyond repair

I am of celtic and germanic heritage.

Then learn radiology and anthropology, dipshits. Russians are Balto-Slavic-Nordic-Finnic mix.

59°59′42.7″N 30°07′49.7″E
59°59′03.5″N 30°16′19.1″E

100% Hellen fucking slav shit

You are the 80% of Greece, but triggered like you are 20% of those turked. You need to clean them up asap, they drag you down.

Nome of you believe jn things like pic related, right?

How come you didn't list Hungarians as mongolian/turkish blood?

Western tourkia says truth.

Because you are not hunnic, that's a meme.


meme isn't that they are hunnic you retard
the meme is that they are macars, an uralic tribe that lived with turkics for a long time and got a bit turkified

good try, turkohohol