Why is Russia so poor? It makes no sense

Why is Russia so poor? It makes no sense.

>rich on oil, gas, gold etc.
>endless timber and natural resources in Siberia
>largest country on Earth
>educated European population

Makes no damn sense.

>educated European population

Top kek

What does a picture of the pre-WW2 Soviet Union have to do with this

>50% of russian GDP goes to corruption

>>educated European population
top lel

Read Vodka Politics and stop asking silly questions.

Because slavs are subhumans

makes a lot of sense considering it's run by oligarchy

Russia is rich, but people are poor

70 years of Socialism + 25 years of a lack of diversity in their economy.


On a good fiscal year

The wages in Russian Empire were way more higher! It was basically the european level. Thx Lenin for drawing our country into shit and killing Tsar's family. He was truly German agent.

No one would bully Russians if the Empire was still around today.

Finno-ugry are subhumans

Lenin was a Jew. I don't want to pass for an antisemitic, but Jews are often involved in these kind of actions.

its really funny to see that russia's gdp size is smaller than sk's kek us's bullying is horrible russian ruble is toilet paper now

At least your pic is some bums, while your people look like picrelated in general.

t gopnik

the USSR was our Empire but we lost the war


>Why is Russia so poor?

God made it that way so you won't die a virgin.

He's not that bad

>Because slavs are subhumans
Slavic peoples are the lowest of scum in the earth. True subhumans. Hitler was right about you. Slavs can't develop a thriving society. They live in filth and shit because of this.

Thanks, made me laugh. I hope your lastname belongs to 20% of Empire elites, but I'm very doubt about it.

They went to space unlike you snowNIGGER.

>Believing soviet propaganda
top kek. No human has been in space

I'am very sorry you all had to see this we all are not like this.

Severe neglect from an incompetent monarchy and then an asshole gommie regime. The only good leaders its had in a hundred years are gorbachev and khrushchev

Hows belarus? Seems such low-profile country that i never gear snythinh from it


Last "dictatorship" in Europe
Kinda courting the west but still firmly in the Russian sphere of influence.
90% of the population speaks russian

Highest military-to-civil ratio in the Western world
Cheap things
100% white and 100% poor
Big contraband in dollar market

t. has a close Belarussian friend

Expanded far too much, autocracy, instability, the eternal German wouldn't like to share a border with a properly industrialised behemoth, communism

its pretty safe to say that jews ruined russia, thats a fact not antisemitism or whatever bs

I think that without resetting our achievements and with empire aristocrats (that were not that evil actually, a lot of them emigrated to USA and improved their industry) we would be a decent country. It was necessary to establish a constitutional monarchy.

Blame Nicky then.

Hi was quite guilty, yes. But most evil things were forced by Lenin.

systematic corruption
soviet mentality
maybe in 30-40 years it will be a prosperous place

Shitty infrastructure and highly corrupt government.

> maybe in 30-40 years it will be a prosperous place
Thanks, future friend, but there probably won't be such country as Russia

it's 99,99 %

>it's 99,99 %

I bet you proud of it, eh?

Russians are useless

I thought it was 90%soak it as a first language

*Speak it

i don't care, i like the language tho but is useless
they don't


Aren't news and official decrees in Bielorussian ?

Soviet mentality.
As long as sovoks are alive there wouldn't be "rich russia".

>european population
When will this meme end?

I meant that 90% spoke Russian and 10% spoke Belarusian

some channels are, they are the minority
I'm not dumb, in reality nobody uses belarusian except this 0.01% of people

Watching this from some distance, Russian history is basicaly this:


See the pattern here? And the next stage, according to some Russian general (I don't remember, Lebed?), will be fascism.

Interesting. How many russians were sent to live in Belarus after ww2

Lebed was Trump-level populist, you shouldn't bring him as an expert in Russian affairs.

You mean


True, early bolshevists were pretty much all jews. Jews and a handful of Latvians renowned for their cruelty.

Okay, I just attributed this opinion to him. I heard it by pure chance, listening to an interview with some journalist who wrote a book about Putin's childhood, and forgot his name.

Because they've been suffering under shitty communism for the last century? Quality of life has been improving like crazy since then despite western sanctions, however its just not been long enough for them to catch up. Give Russia another 20 years or so without WW3 and with countries opening up trade and they will begin looking pretty good. If Trump wins the election he will most likely soften relations with Putin which will be a big boon for Russia in general.

>If Trump wins
So sad it's just fantasies. Would never happen.

>largest country on earth
Most of which is either ice or swamp for most of the year

Found your problem

Hillary Clinton literally passed out on camera a couple days ago and hasn't made an appearance since. It's over for her.

Why is Mordor so poor? It makes no sense.

>rich on oil, gas, gold etc.
>endless timber and natural resources
>largest country in Middle-Earth
>educated Orc population

Makes no damn sense.

I wish
Russia needs to balkanize
the concept of "russia" since the days of Ivan IV is built around oppressive imperialism under different names (tzardom, soviets, federation)
To be fair it would have happened by now, maybe even with help of foreign powers, if it wasnt for the nukes

>Implying based Joe "Loli sniffer" Biden won't secure the presidency and finally destroy Russia once and for all

Is her medical condition such a big deal? I'm sorry I don't follow the news, why is it, epilepsy?

Russians are Asiatic, and are too Mongol to improve

She has "pneumonia" but she's been acting weird for the entirety of the campaign so no one knows

If you say anything about it you'll be accused of falling victim to a right wing conspiracy though

Also guys, just give us some time.
I mean, you all thinks that our country is old as shit and so on but in fact we're just 25 years old. While you guys were steadily developing cunts we were under gommunism with shitty food, shitty government and no rights.
>b-but poland were under gommies as well
Yep, but they were lucky enough to get european money.
Actually a huge amount of lands is mostly disadvantage.
Lol and what effect does it deal to average american voting pleb?
They all be like "oh my gosh stay strong hillary such a brave women i'll vote for her!!!"

>actually a huge amount of land is a disadvantage
That's what I said

are you retarded? canada is huge as well, and australia and they are doing great
as long as some of the territory brings in resources like oil and gas, having that much land is a huge benefit
not to mention surrounding territorial waters and potential safe space


Tsk, tsk, don't use the word. Russia is the only country on Earth which colonized some people, but didn't released all its colonies into sovereignty, like other powers did. It must do it now.

The seemingly never-ending problem with Russia is their inexhaustible desire for relevance. They would rather have a strong military than expand and solidify their industrial base. They would rather have a protectionist and aggressive foreign policy directly discouraging other nations from doing business with them. They'd rather have "strong leaders" that end up fucking their country over while pocketing billions for themselves and their friends. All in order to be ever so slightly more relevant.

Russia will continue to grow, but with its current oligarchical elite it will never truly be able to compete with western European democracies.

We had to feed the entirety of eastern Europe for several hundred years straight, give us a break.

There have been examples in the last few months of her coughing for minutes at a time, needing help climbing stairs, getting in her car, and standing for long periods. There are a couple vids out there of her appearing to have seizures for 5-10 seconds. The media has been denouncing it all as tinfoil conspiracy stuff but the vid a few days ago of her passing out and being dragged into her van have been too much to ignore. They are trying to play it off as a recently acquired case of pneumonia.

so, decolonization?

Compete in what? Europe is completely irrelevant.

Sounds good. Anything but another collapsing Yugoslavia with nukes.

The average american pleb doesn't want to elect a frail old woman as president. Her 'episode' happened during the 9/11 memorial as well. How could the pleb expect her to lead during a terror attack if she can't even stand through the ceremony?

>Europe is completely irrelevant
hehe mm

>this is what russians actually believe
in 50 years, Europe may be full of arabs but Russia? Russia will die out, no one wants to come there
have fun with your leader putting sanctions on his own people and with hyperinflation

Oh you're right.
>never-ending problem with Russia is their inexhaustible desire for relevance.
>They'd rather have "strong leaders"
>They would rather have a strong military
This is what official propaganda tell us.
People who grew up under soviet regime easily believe in all bullshit official TV tells them, just because it were the only source of information they have had back in their past.
So the real power has those who have a control of mass media.
But it's just """""""pneumonia"""""" and she will be ok soon so VOTE HILLARY OR LIVE IN FASCIST COUNTRY WITH NAZI PEPE YOU RACIST FUCK

But this doesn't change a thing, white people on this continent is going to extinct. In many ways.

The situation is stable.

They think we're an US expositure and nothing more. A bunch of pawns with really no right to have own voice and politics, relevant only in appearnce for dumb plebs, who must vote up another US puppet to power.

Pepe is not argument. The only thing that Europe has is living standards. And even then it is outclassed by north america, Japan and Arab oil states. Europe has nothing else going for it. If Europe disappeared, world won't even notice.

They're not. Just western propaganda.

Canada is a post industrial economy that can exploit it's natural resources cheaply. Russia isn't and can't

There is a lot of smart people in Europe, so world will notice. The only bad thing about Europe - sandniggers.

slave soviet mentality, history, alcoholism, apathy, degeneration of Russians, IMHO.

I found their problem.

and what does russia bring to the world? You're a corrupt shithole and unlike EU and future EU countries you don't plan on fixing it

Yes they are.

And it's because there only few people with testicles and brains in that country.

This way they are able to enjoy most of spoils without sharing them with country.

Few oligarchs get super-rich, give cuts to those in power when rest of russians eat poop and drink snow water.

If more people would step in, they would have to compete and in turn give more to country and it's people.

But we both know, any russian with brain but without connections leaves on the same day he gets passport.

I tell you what. Most people here are absolutely ok about how things are going. They don't want anything to change. Russia always will be a shithole because it's inhabitants love to live in shithole.

Explain to, how is owning huge amount of mostly useless land a liability?

High centralization paralyzes the country, Putin doesn't let pigeons shit without his permission.

>The only thing that Europe has is living standards
That's the single most retarded thing I've read this week.
Where the fuck do you think that living standard comes from? It comes from being the largest economic power in the world. It comes from having a nominal GDP 15 times that of Russia. That's not just an "only". You fucking retard.

>And even then it is outclassed by north america, Japan and Arab oil states
11 out of the top 20 highest HDI countries are European. Including the number 1: Norway.

I guess we are OK

Ah, yes. Sweden - the largest economic power in the world. USA, China and Japan - step aside, Sweden is here. With its population of 30000 people and economy running on fishing and woodcutting.

It's a liability in a war because they have no defenses there and their core population centers are on flatlands, but during peacetime it's just useless because it's costly to exploit it