no gf

> no gf

>aquire currency
>get well-read

>tfw gf

Good for you. You maybe dodged a bullet.

> every guy with a gf is a part-time olympic lifter, makes $300k, and reads obscure 17th century literature

>This is what kissless virgins really believe


Yeah haven't you heard the statistic I saw on /r9k/ about 99% of women only having sex with the top 1.5% of men?

Everyone else is a virgin

No, of course not. But self-improvement makes it easier.

>Be me. ugly cunt.
>Never had a gf
>father itroduced me to an odd looking bird with a wealthy father, with the intention we might get together.
>We went to captain america together, and things were kind of awkward.
>she seemed to like me which was weird because I hate the way I look.
>I couldn't get past her looks( she didn't look THAT bad, kinda looked like one of those troll dolls)
>Told her I would call her to go for a meal or a pint some night, and never did.
> still wonder what could of been and imagine sitting outside a big house with a bunch of odd looking children running around.
feels bad man.

that's objectively wrong though

You literally have to declare yourself if you want to be a common-law partner. There's no such thing as automatic marriage.


Are you suggesting this image with no source is false and that the creator who is a NEET made this up due to sour grapes?

Just be yourself.

Call her now you faggot.

Yeah, kinda thinking that way myself..

>tfw no bf

you're all making fun of this shit but it works 100%

Want to recommend some of that sweet obscure 17th century literature?

When you have seck, thrust your ass in and out. Make sure your dick is hard. Some advice for you user. Good luck.

I'll be your bf Mikko :)

>tfw broke up with gf
>immediately another grill wants to see me and fugggg

I don't know what I did but I've been killing it with ladies recently

Wow very important advice