Why do Northern Euros like to imitate Southern Euros so much ?

Why do Northern Euros like to imitate Southern Euros so much ?

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Because the Roman Empire was pretty cool.

I thought mainly because you guys didn't have culture desu.

You even write in the latin script.

We used to have our own alphabet, but the Norman conquest displaced it as they brought a lot of French influence.

>French influence

The worst type.

>french influence

Why are Med people so butthurt about Scandinavia? I guess succes breads jealousy

At least it was not Spanish, we can be lucky in that.

because snownigger barbarians have no culture of their own besides rape and destuction

>Northern Euros

I'm talking about successful ones like Britain, The Netherlands or Germany.

Not fucking Scandinavia lmao.

t. Jose "crip killa" vasquez

1/128 spanish+italian and proud

we are forever the most glorious nation in History, stay mad siestos

t. snownigger barbarian who doesn't even bang, esse

>not successful
what does that make Portugal kek

Salty. Is it because we're superior to you in EVERY. FUCKING. WAY?



I just love germanic dicks, I want to see tall blue eyed blonde germanic fuck italian women, especially the central italian ones. hnnnng, just the thought of big barbarian cocks up the pussy of roman women makes me hard, I am a cuck and a germanic lover.

Makes sense.

Who cares? Southern Europe doesn't matter today anymore.


t. Nero

why does the rest of the world imitate England so much?

Own alphabet? The one based in old italic? Nigga, even in Iberia we have an alphabet long time before romans came.

There was a rune one.


And the rune one was the old italic. You never developed a writing system by yourselves.

stop responding to my posts you filthy pseudo-moor

Was ours Celtic or what?

>I guess succes breads jealousy
Meds controlled the world from the Roman Republic to the fall of Napoleon.

You had some vikings raiding villages and churches and that's it.

>The futhorc was a development from the 24-character elder futhark. Since the futhorc runes are thought to have first been used in Frisia before the Anglo-Saxon settlement of Britain, they have also been called Anglo-Frisian runes. They were likely used from the 5th century onward, recording Old English and Old Frisian.
They don't come from the Romans.


>Emperors like Nero trusted the Germani especially because they were not of Roman origin

But the French say they are 100% Germanic though.

>from the Roman Republic
Since Alexander, actually.

and England is Germanic

>yfw butthurt meds and their majority amerindian rapebaby bangers brought more destruction to the world than snowniggers ever did


Napoleon was italian anyway



With some meds in the South, nobody is perfect

Are they even trying though ?

Yes it did, as you can ser in the pic I posted we share some common rune letters but we had them almos 1,000 years before the nordics.

Your kings are French.

I guess you're worse than losers

Let's just call you...Spaniards.

How the hell are mid-European Germany and UK "northern" Europe?
They are north from you but that's all.

be quiet colony

>We wuz romans n shieett
And what are you now? unemployed?

a pioneering nation that explored the world and advanced humanity?

what did scandinavians ever do except occasionally rape their neighbours and/or leech off other actual pioneering nation's successes? not much. unimportant people.

Oh shit man you're gonna summon the Northern Iberians and Northern Italians.


They don't have a single drop of french blood, just like your modern population, Mamadou ibn Abdullah.

There is no evidence to suggest importation from the Mediterranean though. If people were going to import from the Romans they would have just taken the Latin alphabet, not something from 1000 years before.

>Frenchs going full WE WUZ again
Pretty sad.

so lucky, just imagine, you bring the most hung and biggest germanic warriors from the limits of the civilized world, and you make them gangbang and pierce every hole of your roman lover. She will be fed only germanic semen, and she will carry in her womb barbarian seed.
Why wasn't I born an emperor?

UK, Benelux...Western Europe, not N.Europe.

Why do French and Spanish people hate each other?

Shut or I'll call your master, the US.

>Iberianiggers being obsessed with France again

Pretty sad.

We don't care about them.

you sicken me

my gf fancies some scottish highland cock, come here big boy

sorry I am welsh

>This was an historic occasion; news of it spread like wildfire throughout Spain and then all Europe. It was the first time since 1801 that a sizable French force had laid down its arms, and the legend of French invincibility underwent a severe shaking. Everywhere anti-French elements drew fresh inspiration from the tidings. The Pope published an open denunciation of Napoleon; Prussian patriots were heartened; and, most of all, the Austrian war party began to secure the support of the Emperor Francis for a renewed challenge to the French Empire.

>This army, so superior to ours, has not only been beaten and routed, but has been constrained to lay down its arms, and give up its artillery, and has suffered the lowest military degradation, which the French have been hitherto accustomed to impose upon all the other nations of Europe; and the Imperial Eagles, the proud insignia of their triumph, have become the trophies of the Spanish Army of Andalusia on the fields of Baylen.

Being reked by Iberians is your national past time.

According to this, we think being southern is to not be at ill ease with ourselves...

Our, in Lussitania did not use that alphabet.

we hate all the world basically.

to be honest we hate you more than surrender frogs.

yeah well you're not white

>a literal celtic limp dicked "man" uncapable of fighting

no better than gallic betas

no better than

>superior to you

yes. you have 6 millions of sandnigers more than us
not in other way thought


In 2016?

I reckon Spain is more white than Britain.

we dont care a shit about whiteness.

at least we are not stupid uneducated drunked and barbaric scum like you

And proud of it!

But the typical Spaniard is a sandnigger

Wales is 97% white my friend

>advanced humanity
kek is this Israeli humor?

Germany is not in Northern Europe!

With the other 3% being black sheeple.

Hello my iberian brother.

You're from Wales ?Lmao my grandmother was from there.

>we dont care a shit about whiteness.
then why are you so obsessed with us?

sure mamadou, sure

The only thing we are obsessed with is the French.

north of alps is all northern europe desu

>with us

literally who?
99% spaniards could not even situate your country in a map

Ofc not what did you expect from a person who's mentally retarded?


lmao who ?

People know better the Ukraine here than you.

this, the only thing good that comes out scandinavia is bacalhau

sweet bacalhau


Denmark and Sweden have been at the cutting edge of science for the past millenium.
I guarantee that whatever your field of study is, some Scandinavian person has had a pretty big impact on it at some point. Medicine, physics, chemistry, IT, whatever.

Yea, keep posting pics/videos of the blackest shithole of France, my totally-not-fond-of-cherrypicking friend

Neo-Roman Empire when?

We can help Romania deal with the gypsies.

No it was based on Phoenician script

Yes, just like everything south of the Alps is just Africa.

Have in mind that Scandinavia was never very populated.

But that's in East Iberia.

Yeah in yours they didnt write


No, that's really it. After the collapse of the Western empire in the 5th century, Germanic polities repeatedly tried to adopt the customs and systems of the Roman Empire and it has lasted since then as they settled out into France, the British Isles, Germany proper, etc

The evidence is that they look exactly the same and ancient turks and iberians used a similar script, probably from greeks/phoenicians, after Rome switched to the latin alphabet. The fact that we had a script 1,000 years before white people doesn't mean we stopped using it later.

kek, not even turdetanii?

we do?

Spanish people don't consider themselves white?

We French people aren't white.

not too hard since you had triple our population during all middle/modern ages
stay great by havving cannon fodder armies faggot