What is more important when it comes to software, pragmatism or idealism?

What is more important when it comes to software, pragmatism or idealism?

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Dude, eat my boogers.

Pragmatism, shit has to just werk

I think there should be a balance between both concepts, but most of time pragmatism is more important

Actually, you need a bit of both. Idealism gives you goals, pragmatism gives you means to them.

About life philosophy, to me it is better to have a basic principle that defines and colors decisions and activities you may undertake. Being a pragmatist devolves into being a jack of trades. Passable in most things, good in some, legend in none.

If you like to make this a Richie vs. Linny thread, the answer is twofold:

In programming prowess, I think the battle would come to a stand. Richie coded the tools himself and was missing a kernel, which I really believe wouldn't have a slightest problem to develop. I think Linny would have also been able to code the necessary tools, if he had the inner drive (remember the 'living for a purpose' some lines above?)

As for human traits, I would readier knock beers with Richie than Linny. The latter has pretty much admitted it himself he doesn't give a fuck about decency and is pretty much predilected to indulge in his offense urges at the drop of a hat. Richie's demeanor tells something like 'dude, I have lived it all, I just wear Hawaiian shirts and don't care'.

Linus would in all certainty tell you to fuck off, even if you admit your Sup Forumsentlemanship

Pragmatism has let to some of the shittiest code I have ever seen.
Someone at the company I work at implemented bubble sort 4 years ago claiming it just werks.

But now that the database has well over a million entries, it just doesn't fucking work.

I guess thats what happens when you hire uneducated stackoverflow faggots straight out of high school.

Where I work we have only Comp Sci Undergrads and I can't convince anyone that grepping (yes, literally a thing) through 2000+ elements onkeyup with jQuery 1.9.1 is a bad idea

wait what
elaborate plz lol

>Linus would in all certainty tell you to fuck off
Even worse, he'd constantly shill all the latest tech and also try to get you to buy a Tunnel Bear subscription.

took the words right out of my mouth (but in a better way than I could have possibly described it)

Imagine telling coworkers, who supposedly have an education why they shouldn't use

Well things have to work, but I prefer that a thing do thing but I it's dedicated to that action, I prefer a bunch of good old reliable than a multi purpose fuck up. Unix style

Damn what happened to sam hyde

>Linus tells the truth and that would hurt me
your post


Checkmate faggots.

Bubblesort is not pragmatic

Implementing in place quicksort would be

But the map is not the territory. Your cherished scientific models that you call Materialism will be replaced someday.



Pragmatic software serves you.
Idealistic software serves a cause.
Ironically, free software zealots are enslaved to their cause.

idealism will lead to alternatives, while pragmatism leads to a single (though admittedly well-designed) lead
